Any ideas for future Mac Mini?



  • Reply 61 of 122
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    You bough it a the right wrong time, cause the damn thing needs a DVD slot, and soon.

    This isn't the Apple TV thread Ireland
  • Reply 62 of 122
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Sorry guys, I saw the photo of the Apple TV and just started typing.
  • Reply 63 of 122
    Originally Posted by KingOfSomewhereHot View Post

    Any ideas for future Mac Mini?

    ... I'd buy one today if it had "n" networking and an HDMI output. In fact, I'd bet they could outsell the AppleTV with a Mini configured that way

    Thats about where I am to be honest an updated intel graphics (3100?? whatever it is) "n" and a bigger HD. HDMI I could give or take, you can always get an adaptor.

    I'd really rather not buy an iMac unless it had a quad core chip in it, but that means waiting till - what?? july august next year at the very least??
  • Reply 64 of 122
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Sorry guys, I saw the photo of the Apple TV and just started typing.

    its called obsession there is help you can get

    did the iMac arrive yet?
  • Reply 65 of 122
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    its called obsession there is help you can get

    did the iMac arrive yet?

    You're obsessed with that iMac. You may need help
  • Reply 66 of 122
    mcarlingmcarling Posts: 1,106member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I'd really rather not buy an iMac unless it had a quad core chip in it, but that means waiting till - what?? july august next year at the very least??

    That seems optimistic. I expect Apple won't put a quad-core mobile Penryn in an iMac until about this time next year at the earliest. The desktop version won't go in an iMac because of heat dissipation issues.
  • Reply 67 of 122
    I just bought a new C2D Mini a few weeks ago, and am glad I did.

    Someone on this thread talked about the absence of "My Mini died!" threads, and they're right. I see reports of problems with the iMac—but not the Mini. This speaks volumes.

    I want a headless Mac. Years ago I had a couple of the CRT iMacs, which were fine machines, but I was always worrying about how long the display would last. (The first iMac had a lot of life left in it, but the screen was getting dim. I would have kept it longer had it not been for that screen.)

    I cannot afford the Mac Pro. I will get an iMac if I absolutely have to have the graphics card, but frankly, I think I'd rather save up more money and get a Mac Pro if it comes to that. I like the Mini's small size and headless-ness. (Is that a word? Never mind.)

    AND, I am most glad that I got the Mini when I did. None of this waiting for Leopard nonsense for me. Well, okay, I waited so I would qualify for a Leopard upgrade, but I wanted my Mini to run Tiger as well. Good thing, too, since several of my favorite apps are not doing too well with Leopard.

    I hope the Mini sticks around for a while, because in my opinion it's a lovely machine. Stable, quiet, small . . . it suits my needs admirably!
  • Reply 68 of 122
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by iDave View Post

    When On future minis, I'd like to see HDMI (since so many people use it as a HTPC)

    Nah. You can buy a DVI to HDMI cable for really cheap and DVI is mechanically stronger.

    HDMI kinda sucks mechanically and its all too easy to get pulled out. Especially since the cable can be heavier than most interconnects.
  • Reply 69 of 122
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by mcarling View Post

    Hmmm. Add $100 to the price for a feature that would interest fewer than 1% of buyers. Apple are not so stupid. End of story.

    I'd pay $100 for that. Actually...I bet all too many people would pay $100 for that since its then a better deal than the iMac.

    Oh, you can upgrade the Mini to 802.11N but its pricey. Its the same card used in on other macs but I forget which chip. Just google 802.11N and Mac Mini.

    A Santa Rosa Mini with 802.11N would be as good as we can expect from Apple. A 3.5" drive and a larger form factor would be nice but not likely in the cards.
  • Reply 70 of 122
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Has anyone used the Enabler with the new Mac Mini? Prior to the Mini having a core 2 duo, this was not an option.

    There may be other restrictions to using it with the Mini, but I am unaware of any.

    From the Apple store:

    AirPort Extreme 802.11n* Enabler for Mac

    If you have a Mac with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor (except the 17-inch, 1.83GHz iMac) or a Mac Pro with AirPort Extreme, you can enable it to access an 802.11n wireless network using the AirPort Extreme 802.11n Enabler software.

    Price: $1.99
  • Reply 71 of 122
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    Has anyone used the Enabler with the new Mac Mini? Prior to the Mini having a core 2 duo, this was not an option.

    It doesn't work with the mini.
  • Reply 72 of 122
    Originally Posted by mrtotes View Post

    Mmmm Mac Nano. Not sure it'd be vertical though, it wouldn't fit under an LCD TV very well especially with disc coming out the top Cube-stylee.

    A real graphics card,(256MB) a 7200 (at least HDD), but a 10,000 RPM WD Raptor would rock, all in aluminum and glass
  • Reply 73 of 122
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Originally Posted by Cheffy Dave View Post

    A real graphics card,(256MB) a 7200 (at least HDD), but a 10,000 RPM WD Raptor would rock, all in aluminum and glass

    You must have thought this was the Mac Pro thread.
  • Reply 74 of 122
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by iDave View Post

    It doesn't work with the mini.

    I did some more checking, and couldn't find anything that said it did work with the Mini.

    If it requires an "N' card to begin with, why have an enabler. That doesn't compute in my mind. What's your thought? Why have it if it only works with a card that "doesn't need" it?
  • Reply 75 of 122
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    If it requires an "N' card to begin with, why have an enabler. That doesn't compute in my mind. What's your thought? Why have it if it only works with a card that "doesn't need" it?

    As you may know, there were some MacBooks shipped with N hardware that was disabled by default through software. My only guess is because it was early in the days of N networking, Apple wasn't sure the hardware was going to be compatible with the networks. So, they enabled it only after the standard was set. The lawyers made them charge $1.99 for the enabler (something having to do with advertised specs at the time of sale, and avoiding class-action lawsuits).
  • Reply 76 of 122
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by iDave View Post

    As you may know, there were some MacBooks shipped with N hardware that was disabled by default through software. My only guess is because it was early in the days of N networking, Apple wasn't sure the hardware was going to be compatible with the networks. So, they enabled it only after the standard was set. The lawyers made them charge $1.99 for the enabler (something having to do with advertised specs at the time of sale, and avoiding class-action lawsuits).

    Yeah. Sounds plausible.
  • Reply 77 of 122
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    You're obsessed with that iMac. You may need help

    FFS!!! I'm "sitting on my hands and biting my nails!!" WAITING on macworld and hopefully a speed bump {I can hope, right?} before I order one!!!!!!!111!!!!!!1!!

    not to mention Leopard getting a .1 upgrade or two in the mean time!1 woot.

    so I'm hopeful of a review from you, {must look up that screen brightness thread}

    erm... on topic???? I love the mini
  • Reply 78 of 122
    Originally Posted by mcarling View Post

    That seems optimistic. I expect Apple won't put a quad-core mobile Penryn in an iMac until about this time next year at the earliest. The desktop version won't go in an iMac because of heat dissipation issues.

    {Throws stones at the sky and curses the name of Steve jobs} or better yet IBM, like hurry the fook up duuuudes.

    I'm resigned to the fact that the iMac will be dual core at the time I buy it, but I can always upgrade (again) if the reports are of a BIG speed boost if and when it goes quad core, or a 30" screen (which I really don't see happening BTW)
  • Reply 79 of 122
    mcarlingmcarling Posts: 1,106member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I'm resigned to the fact that the iMac will be dual core at the time I buy it, but I can always upgrade (again) if the reports are of a BIG speed boost if and when it goes quad core....

    Some applications will get a big speed boost going from dual core to quad core, but most will not. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Buy a computer when you need one.
  • Reply 80 of 122
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    {Throws stones at the sky and curses the name of Steve jobs} or better yet IBM, like hurry the fook up duuuudes.

    I'm resigned to the fact that the iMac will be dual core at the time I buy it, but I can always upgrade (again) if the reports are of a BIG speed boost if and when it goes quad core, or a 30" screen (which I really don't see happening BTW) mean Intel right? No need to curse IBM any longer...

    As for quad vs dual you can compare the Mac Pro against the iMac for the applications you expect to run to determine if its worth waiting past the next speed bump. Mobile penryn is a bit aways...

    You know...the cost delta between a 24" iMac and a 24" Mac Pro is only $669. And the Mac Pro will get bumped to Penryn first so you'd be getting a lot more for that $700 than you would today.

    So you could get an octo Mac Pro with 30" monitor in January for $1500 up front (to Dell...the 30" HC is nice) and $59 a month (on your Juniper Visa Card with iTunes Rewards!)...

    Won't that be cheaper than upgrading your iMac later? <insert evil laugh>
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