Report: iPhone world share limited by revenue deals



  • Reply 61 of 84
    Why would the iPhone factor so heavily in terms of long term outlook for AAPL?

    Did they not look at the market growth of Apple's core business or the onslaught of Xservers invading fortune enterprises? It's as if even major firms are purposely overlooking the entire backbone of Apple's success and future growth on purpose. I think they are trying to keep stock level into earnings by focusing on only one VERY narrow minded angle regarding the iPhone.

    Do they really think, in their arrogance, that Apple has not already thought about having their devices in the palms of every human on this planet? iPhone, as currently designed/priced/ the only very very tiny tip of the iceberg... the future will hold tens of devices at ALL price/market levels designed for EVERY consumer level and/or any carrier, as required.

    All the profits this guy complains about go to R&D and/or market acquisition. Have some foresight for crying out loud. It's not like we're talking about Chiquita and whether the banana will make it in Russian markets. This is an evolving onslaught of new technology destined to redefine the very experience of what it means to utter the words 'personal electronics' and 'mobile intercommunications'.

    To say NOTHING of media distribution, lol!

    Get a grip!
  • Reply 62 of 84
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Apple has contracts with the content suppliers. There is no way that Apple would get those contracts for this kind of business of supplying content without being required to do everything in its power to prevent disallowed usage. That's what the DRM is there for. It's nice that Apple is trying to get rid of it (though they don't seem to be trying that hard), but they still are required to prevent that unauthorized use. If they don't, the content company's can pull their content.

    This is pretty standard. It's out of Apple's hands.

    I was merely replying to what solipsism was saying about the RIAA and the law. Apple's contractual obligations are quite another thing from it being outright illegal to use your own music as a ringtone. That's a useful distinction to make.


    You should be talking about how great it is that Apple has gotten the price down so low, and has not put a timer on the ringtones the way everyone else does. That was quite a concession Apple got from their content providers, though they couldn't yet convince them to allow every song as a ringtone.

    Apple is like a movie theater that sells for $3 the same box of Jujubes that you can buy at a convenience store for $1. It is perhaps slightly laudable if the majority of other theaters get away with selling Jujubes for $5, but you'll have to pardon me if my appreciation for such a distinction is tepid at best.


    Think in steps. Don't expect everything all at once.

    Please point to the place where I stated any demands or expectations for anything at all in any kind of time frame.
  • Reply 63 of 84
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    Apple is like a movie theater that sells for $3 the same box of Jujubes that you can buy at a convenience store for $1. It is perhaps slightly laudable if the majority of other theaters get away with selling Jujubes for $5, but you'll have to pardon me if my appreciation for such a distinction is tepid at best.

    Apple is not the one in control of that. I agree the whole ringtone racket is a rip off which I one reason I don't buy them. The other reason is that having to hear "everybody wang chung tonight" as a phone ring is highly annoying and not the way music was intended to be used.
  • Reply 64 of 84
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Once again, I disagree with an analyst.

    I don't think he's considering that apple has barely entered the mobile phone market and that apple's long-term strategy is probably much different.

    Just how quickly can Apple ramp up their mobile-phone business without getting in over their heads? Think about staffing their manufacturing and support facilities. Employees must be brought on board at a reasonable pace such that people can be trained, procedures perfected, and management gets a grasp on how well everything is working.

    The same is true for interfacing the iPhone with a bunch of carriers. If apple had attempted to support all of them at the initial launch, there would have been a much higher chance of technical catastrophes and mayhem on the support lines.

    I'd characterize the iPhone roll-out as possibly the most impressive entrance a company has ever made into the mobile phone market. Yet you wouldn't know it from reading analyst opinions.
  • Reply 65 of 84
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Apple is not the one in control of that. I agree the whole ringtone racket is a rip off which I one reason I don't buy them.

    The analogy isn't utterly perfect, abut Apple is making extra money through the iTunes store on the ringtone scheme too, and it's anybody's guess whether Apple favors this scheme themselves or is merely conceding to pressure from record labels and/or AT&T.

    Please substitute for "Apple" "the end result of the deal between Apple, AT&T, and possibly an array of record labels" if you want a terribly long-winded but perhaps more accurate analogy.


    The other reason is that having to hear "everybody wang chung tonight" as a phone ring is highly annoying and not the way music was intended to be used.

    If I weren't talking about abstract consumer advocacy, but more like "If I were king of the world!", I'd enforce a complete ban on all musical ringtones, with public flogging for violations.

    The only (very nerdy!) use I've ever made of customizable ringtones was to put some Star Trek TOS sound effects on my phone. The main ringtone was that "oooo-EEEEEEE-ooo" paging sound used for the shipboard comm system, and text messages sounded like tribbles.

    These were very quick, short sounds, and although you can always find someone who'll be annoyed at anything, I think they were fairly unobtrusive compared to the average ringtone fair. I'd put those same ringtones back on my iPhone now... but I can't. Even if I could stomach the stupidity of paying $0.99 for a ringtone made from music I already validly own -- and I can't stomach that -- I rather doubt my preferred choices are available through iTunes anyway.

    That's hardly reason enough not to buy an iPhone, however, to give up all that's good about an iPhone, but that doesn't mean the choice of "Great Safari browser, but no ringtones that I want" vs. "My choice of ringtones, but only with a suck-ass web browser" is a great set of choices.

    And no... for all of those who are so, so, SO VERY EAGER to pounce on any comments like this with something snarky like "Boo hoo! Grow up! You can't get everything you want!", please realize that there's a big difference between a spoiled-brat sense of entitlement to everything one wants, and merely not liking the choices one has and the market conditions that cause such limitations of choices. There's a big difference between expecting Burger King to sell you a Big Mac, or expecting a $20 car that gets 200 mpg, and being dissatisfied with limitations that are completely and totality artificially imposed.
  • Reply 66 of 84
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    The analogy isn't utterly perfect, abut Apple is making extra money through the iTunes store on the ringtone scheme too, and it's anybody's guess whether Apple favors this scheme themselves or is merely conceding to pressure from record labels and/or AT&T.

    Its been shown in financial reports that iTunes mostly breaks even to making a small profit for Apple. Apple gets about 30 cents of the 99 cents with that has to bear the financial burden of updating/supporting iTunes, bandwidth charges, credit card charges and so on. Which does not leave much for profit. Apple is really in it to sell the iPod and iPhone.
  • Reply 67 of 84
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Apple is not the one in control of that. I agree the whole ringtone racket is a rip off which I one reason I don't buy them. The other reason is that having to hear "everybody wang chung tonight" as a phone ring is highly annoying and not the way music was intended to be used.

    Heh... how did Wang Chung intend it?
  • Reply 68 of 84
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by shetline View Post

    Please. I can understand a bit of misunderstanding about how I was using the word, but trying to defend one and only one take on what "screwed" means as the ultimate and definitive meaning is kind of silly. I've heard plenty of people use the term "screwed" to simply mean "disappointed" (in the sense of forced to face or deal with disappointment) or "shit out of luck".

    Then say disappointed. Saying screwed puts the fault on someone else, when it's not that at all. It's your own expectations that weren't met. Apple didn't screw you, because they never promised what you wanted. If anything, it's your own expectations that screwed you.


    Perhaps we need someone else in this thread insisting that being "screwed" must involve sexual intercourse or small mechanical fasteners featuring spiral threads.

    No, you're using the term incorrectly.


    Who's the "we" of whom you speak? I'm not pretending to express anything other than my own opinions. I'm not trying be the voice of the American collective, or to pretend to know definitively what that composite voice is saying.

    On the other hand, I'm willing to stand by my opinions, but it would take a long, far-ranging, and lengthy discourse to fully elaborate the theories of government behind those opinions.

    The we is the majority of the US public who have shown a dislike for that.


    It's like looking at a train wreck.

    Well yes, that's what I mean. But the American public has shown that it doesn't want care to be better, if it means the government takes it over.


    Hopefully "many people" are finally waking up, and that will change.

    We'll see after the next election.


    My respect for capitalism is akin to what Churchill said about democracy: the worst possible system... except compared to all of the others we've tried.

    I can agree with that.


    Besides, there are many flavors of capitalism, from near socialism to laissez-faire, robber-baron capitalism. These days I think we're leaning a bit too close to the latter extreme. There's plenty of cronyism too, which is certainly not a true free-market force.

    There's never been true laissez-faire capitalism anywhere. There was always some restraints.


    Hey, how about I decide which buttons and levers to push and pull to effect what I'd consider to be beneficial changes? Many of the changes I'd like to see are beyond what market pressure -- certainly the humble effects of my own individual purchase decision -- can affect.

    Are you attempting to create a false dilemma where the only two choices are to buy into, accept, and support "the system" just as it is, in order to avail yourself of any of the good things it provides, or to otherwise completely "opt out" of any purchase you deemed tainted in the slightest, until you're living in the woods and growing your own food to escape the system?

    That's certainly an oversimpification.

    If there were no other phones out there, then you would be right about that. But, as there are plenty of phones out there, that position is wrong. There are plenty of gradations between nothing, and the iPhone.

    Read what Aegis says. According to him, there are several phones that are better than the iPhone. So, this is not a simple yes or no choice.

    Either the iPhone and ATT, or no phone and no cell service. That's not true at all.
  • Reply 69 of 84
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by shetline View Post

    Apple is like a movie theater that sells for $3 the same box of Jujubes that you can buy at a convenience store for $1. It is perhaps slightly laudable if the majority of other theaters get away with selling Jujubes for $5, but you'll have to pardon me if my appreciation for such a distinction is tepid at best.

    No, Apple is like the discount store that let's you buy items for $0.99 that everyone else sells for $2.49 to $3.49, and then takes away after 3 months to a year after you "bought " it.


    Please point to the place where I stated any demands or expectations for anything at all in any kind of time frame.

    Your expectations that Apple should be giving ringtones away for free is the one we're talking about here. I don't have to go further back.

    What I meant is that now that Apple has given ringtones for $0.99, lets you use any portion, which other companies don't normally allow, and lets you keep those tones, rather than removing them after a certain period, as everyone else does, you should consider this to be a breakthrough, which it is, and wait to see what happens down the road.
  • Reply 70 of 84
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Your expectations that Apple should be giving ringtones away for free is the one we're talking about here. I don't have to go further back.

    I voiced a preference, not an expectation, for being able to use as ringtones music (to be more accurate in my own case, sound effects) that I have already purchased on CD, involving absolutely nothing, free from Apple or purchased from Apple, apart from a wish (again, not an expectation) for their inaction in fighting against me adding my own ringtones.

    Christ, you'll argue pedantically over casual, slangy use of the word "screwed", used in an ironic fashion, and then confuse expectation with desire? I see no way via an explanation of humor, casual usage, slang, irony, or poetic license to justify that confusion.
  • Reply 71 of 84
    Originally Posted by Taskiss View Post

    But... but ... instant gratification is the "New American Way?"!

    (I think) melgross is American. So, it sort of disproves your point.....

    PS: I don't think he has even bought an iPhone yet!
  • Reply 72 of 84
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by shetline View Post

    I voiced a preference, not an expectation, for being able to use as ringtones music (to be more accurate in my own case, sound effects) that I have already purchased on CD, involving absolutely nothing, free from Apple or purchased from Apple, apart from a wish (again, not an expectation) for their inaction in fighting against me adding my own ringtones.

    I think your comment quoted below, expresses a bit more than just the preference you are claiming, don't you?


    Even if I could stomach the stupidity of paying $0.99 for a ringtone made from music I already validly own -- and I can't stomach that...


    Christ, you'll argue pedantically over casual, slangy use of the word "screwed", used in an ironic fashion, and then confuse expectation with desire? I see no way via an explanation of humor, casual usage, slang, irony, or poetic license to justify that confusion.

    As to who's arguing pedantically, well, that depends on where you stand, I guess.

    But your expression was clearly made in frustration and anger. If you re-read your statements, you will see that. I wasn't the only one to pick up on it. Perhaps you couldn't tell when you wrote it.

    But, it's a boring issue at this point.
  • Reply 73 of 84
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    (I think) melgross is American. So, it sort of disproves your point.....

    PS: I don't think he has even bought an iPhone yet!

    Yes, I'm from NYC as is in the byline. I've not bought the phone yet, as is well known here, for the issues I've stated. I've gotten rocked on the fact that I HAVEN'T bought one. so, I'm being hit from both sides.
  • Reply 74 of 84
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    as far as ringtones, don't they already cost 3-5 dollars, so you would save at least 1-3 dollars, and more if you switched from another carrier...that's value. you can then cut the song the way you want... also i bought my wife for $20 software that allows me to make any ringtone from any music including itunes, i got it at an apple store, it also allows me to resize a iphoto picture and send it to the phone. granted it's one software for each phone. i think it's a deal i'll find out the name and post it. when at&t offers free ringtones i get them, i got the star spangled banner for my morning wake up alarm

    oh yea----"pedantically" Marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects

    A pedant, or pædant, is a person who is overly concerned with formalism and precision, or who makes a show of learning. The corresponding (obsolete) female noun is pedantess.

    cool word use. we used that alot in academia, and downtown chicago
  • Reply 75 of 84
    taskisstaskiss Posts: 1,212member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    (I think) melgross is American. So, it sort of disproves your point.....

    PS: I don't think he has even bought an iPhone yet!

    As am I.

    There's still a pervasive culture of instant gratification and personal entitlement in the US.

    I blame the liberals.
  • Reply 76 of 84
    Originally Posted by Oh Blah Dee Blah Dah View Post

    Toni Sacconaghi Got it WRONG, again! Market share is of secondary importance.

    Steve Jobs got it RIGHT! Profitability is of primary importance.

    Motorola has approximately 21% of the cell phone market share in 2007 and it's LOSING MONEY. Apple has only approximately 3% of the world computer market, yet Apple has the highest profitability of the major computer manufacturers. Apple stock is among the best performing and Motorola stock is among the worst performing. Profitability is better than market share.

    Apple isn't looking to sell a laptop for $100, and it sure is not looking to sell a cell phone for $10 either.

    Apple's niche is high quality, high performance, high design, with excellent service. It's not looking to compete at the low end by going for market share. Apple is the BMW or Porsche of the cell phone industry, and they are very profitable with only a small share of the market.

    Apple doesn't need to have every cell phone service provider in a country sell its products. It only needs ONE good cell phone company to sell Apple products. THAT is the attraction: the people that want quality and service WILL move to that service provider. That is the whole point. That is why the cell phone companies are competing to be the sole iPhone provider: That provider WILL attract the users who want the iPhone. Toni Sacconaghi may be an analyst, but he sure is NOT a marketeer!

    Apple's niche is excellent service?? Like refusing to service the IPhones that the company intentionally broke. Period.....sorry zero service for you, poor sucker........
  • Reply 77 of 84
    taskisstaskiss Posts: 1,212member
    Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post

    Apple's niche is excellent service?? Like refusing to service the IPhones that the company intentionally broke. Period.....sorry zero service for you, poor sucker........

    Did they steal your lunch money too?

    Or, did you buy a bag of magic beans that you talked yourself into believing would grow a beanstalk that would take you to the goose that lays golden eggs?

    Time to grow up and stop dreaming about fairytales.

    Apple should have told you to not stick your head in a bucket of water.
  • Reply 78 of 84
    'Reality is what it should be' - quite so, but that only applies at the moment of saying it - tomorrows reality, or maybe the reality of two years from now, is still up for grabs.

    I think Steve Jobs knows this and has plans for the future. Go figure!

    The iPhone, easily the fastest selling smart device ever - and its like the iPod - because no-one did it before.

    Apple knows that if the Widgets (Stocks, Weather, Maps) are to be useful, they need fulltime online access, NOT 'when you get to a wifi hotspot'.

    Instant Gratification - blame who you want, but thats reality.

    It doesnt MATTER that EDGE is slow, because Apple is pointing out a road map for next year, next decade - Full Time Web Access from your iPhone/super device/thing/computer/music player. Gates talked about it in his vapour-ish way - Jobs delivered.

    No-one else has DONE this, so reality appears to be as Apple says it should be - and that is why a lot of the 'analysts' DONT get it.

    As someone else said here, they seem to think that the iPhone ver. 1.0 is all that its ever going to be. How dumb is that?

    OSX really is better than the other OS's on phones/smartphones - and iTunes is the universal connecting software - Win or Mac. Wheres the competition?

    Oh you say, theres lots of Windows software - trouble is, no-one is making cross-platform software because they still think that Windows is the only thing that matters.


    M$ BIG error - making the hideous zune Windows only. Dont they want apiece of the 130 million iPod market?

    Over 30% of college students have Macbooks - but you dont want their business? Dumb.

    I think that Jobs wants to BEAT Gates and M$ - thats his plan, and he means to do it with style.

    My money is on Jobs to do it - and he may smash the music biz wide open as well - if he hasnt done so already.

    If you were offered a job at Apple or M$ - which would you choose? Apple - thats where all the smart people want to work. Who wants to work at a negative place like M$?

    The genie is out of the bottle - iTunes, iPhone, music downloads , OSX Leopard, Intel chips, beautiful design, market share growing rapidly.

    We can never go back to the bad old world of crappy stuff and crappy software - buy some Apple shares - see their market cap go to $300 billion - and pass M$ in the next 5 years.

    Apple is already at 52% of M$ - yet we still hear the 5% market share nonsense - true CONSUMER market share is around 25% if you include iPhone and iPod halo - all those college students will NEVER go back to M$.

    Wake up guys - now Apple is THE one to beat!

    PS - the Monkeys Paw is a nasty little tale full of superstition and fear - and has NO bearing on reality. Three wishes - give me a frickin' break!
  • Reply 79 of 84
    taskisstaskiss Posts: 1,212member
    Originally Posted by harrywolf View Post

    PS - the Monkeys Paw is a nasty little tale full of superstition and fear - and has NO bearing on reality. Three wishes - give me a frickin' break!

    So you don't believe in "be careful what you wish for"?
  • Reply 80 of 84
    It would be nice if Apple could extend it's concept of quality to it's carrier ATT--the EDGE network is a significant barrier as far as I'm concerned---I bought the phone and returned it because of the EDGE not functioning properly.
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