Road to Mac OS X Leopard: Dock 1.6



  • Reply 141 of 145
    I have 8 applications in my dock, for all my other stuff I use Launchbar.
  • Reply 142 of 145
    Originally Posted by montrealer View Post

    Now here's a place where Apple missed the boat with the Stacks feature. Why didn't they make an option in the Preferences to make the Minimize button send the Window in a Stack ?

    I see two approaches: In addition to Applications, Documents, Home, Downloads:

    1. your suggestion: define one standard stack in which all minimized windows wind up

    2. my suggestion: have one stack per running application. A bit more wasteful, but quite efficient is you have many windows open in only a few apps.
  • Reply 143 of 145
    Originally Posted by fabsgwu View Post

    The problem with Stacks completely replacing hierarchical lists needs to be addressed, and it can be done very easily. Apple just needs to add an option when you click on a stack's preferences, "show hierarchical list" or "disable stack" or something.

    I'm sure Stacks are great for most functions, but if someone has their application or documents folder on the dock, for the most part a list would be more useful.

    I could imagine a hybrid Stack (not sure if it already does this) that shows a partial grid when there are too many items, but using Spotlight/Quicklook would narrow the icons as you start typing. For example click applications and get a huge truncated grid, start typing S A F, etc. and the grid reduces until you're left with just Safari, or just documents in the folder that contain the typed characters.

    Stacks definitely has a ways to go...

    Hierarchical Menus

    I just discovered Xmenu, and find it work perfectly as a replacement for putting folders in the dock with hierarchical menus. Check it out at:

    This works perfectly in Leopard. It's actually a return to the way we did it in system 9 and before, with the apple menu (although it's actually better, since it allows you to have various folders places in the status bar. I have one for my home folder, for my documents, and for my applications).

    I still use stacks too. Well, I use the download stack. It beats putting a regular download folder in the dock as I did in Tiger, since in leopard the download stack shows the progress of a download, and bounces when done. Now if only I could stop the damn download window from appearing in Safari (I hate that thing).
  • Reply 144 of 145
    ishawnishawn Posts: 364member
    Originally Posted by lundy View Post

    Yes. **

    I hasn't worked for me (Regarding uploading via FTP in the Finder). I still get the error message when I try to move or delete something.
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