Apple marketing chief oversees successful UK iPhone launch (photos)

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Senior Vice President of Worldwide Product Marketing, Phil Schiller, was among the Apple bigwigs who made the trip across the pond for yesterday evening's iPhone launch in the UK.

Schiller was on hand at company's flagship shop on Regent St. in London, as were several television media crews and what appeared to be approximately 300 Apple retail staffers, according to Felix Kunze, who was among the first to purchase one of the touch-screen handsets after they went on sale at 6:02 p.m. Friday evening.

Customers waiting in line ahead of time were treated to freebees from Starbucks (coffee and mince pies), The Cloud WiFi (24 hour free trial), T3, ZDNet , Griffin (rain coats), and O2 (bottled water).

Apple opened the floodgates at approximately 5:55 p.m. and began ushering customers out of the cold and into the toasty retail shop, announcing (video) along the way that it was waiving the no cash restriction -- but maintaining a 2 per person limit -- for Friday only.

The line (video) is reported to have moved swiftly and within minutes customers were walking away with their new iPhones, which come packaged in a retail box that slightly larger than the U.S. version in order to accommodate the larger power adaptor.

For his part, Schiller spent time in between interviews with CNN and other media networks mingling with shoppers and absorbing feedback on their early impressions. The Apple VP appeared particularly interested in Kunze's experience in activating the iPhone -- which he did in the store -- as well as his overall impressions of wireless carrier O2.

Customers and staffers flood Apple's flagship shop on Regent St.

Apple marketing chief Phil Schiller was on hand to address the media.

Approximately 300 staffers were on call to help customers.

Kunze said he managed to activate three iPhones within a half hour, all from a MacBook Pro notebook he had been toting. Presumably, Apple had gone through great lengths to assure that activation issues, which marred early iPhone experiences for some U.S. customers back in June, were not repeated in the UK.

"The buzz in the store was tangible and Apple did another great job at public relations on this launch. I am happy to have been there," Kunze said.


  • Reply 1 of 42
    Schiller could sure stand to lose some weight... about 70 lbs.!
  • Reply 2 of 42
    wircwirc Posts: 302member
    The activation was probably sped up because there are 240 million fewer people, hence fewer buyers, in the UK than in the US.
  • Reply 3 of 42
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Schiller could sure stand to lose some weight... about 70 lbs.!

    What an asinine comment to make, anywhere.
  • Reply 4 of 42
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    What an asinine comment to make, anywhere.

    Actually your comment was asinine, for health reason he *needs* to lose that baggage. Looking at him reminded me I need to get back the gym actually. Even though I started back swimming last week :P

    I think he may be trying to live up to the Woz a little too much
  • Reply 5 of 42
    dreyfus2dreyfus2 Posts: 1,072member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Schiller could sure stand to lose some weight... about 70 lbs.!

    As long as he is not doing the "Microsoft, Microsoft, Developers, Developers" dance, he can grow as fat as a whale, as long as he feels fine. And even then... it's pretty much up to him, don't you think?

    I, non-smoker and vegetarian, just spent an entire evening in an Irish Pub with people smoking and eating roasted lamb... The worst enemy of mankind is whoever thinks he/she can tell other people what is allowed or forbidden - if he/she comes dressed as Jesus, Allah, Jehova or Ophra - does not really matter.

    The iPhone is great and - being German - I would kill for the British conditions, as usual T-Moron f@cked it up to the degree possible. Let's wait for France to save old Europe as usual (even with that brown dwarf leading them now).

    By the way - after Apple being notably absent from all European fares and events - this was at least a small and welcome gesture after all. It has been noticed.
  • Reply 6 of 42
    Those "crowds" are deceiving since many of the body count standing around are those Apple mascots. There almost seems that there as many Apple people as potential purchasers.

    I think the overseas intro of the iPhone is going to take some time for people to catch on. Hopefully there'll be some tipping point where you'll be an outcast if you don't have an iPhone.

    Even lacking 3G or higher megapixel camera should not be a huge detriment to iPhone sales. It will probably be at least six months before an iPhone 2 is introduced with all the hardware goodies (3G, GPS, video recording).

    The iPhone not being subsidized might be a problem for the masses. I don't see what's the big deal about the upfront cost of the iPhone. I just don't like the long-term contract.
  • Reply 7 of 42
    Originally Posted by dreyfus2 View Post

    As long as he is not doing the "Microsoft, Microsoft, Developers, Developers" dance, he can grow as fat as a whale, as long as he feels fine. And even then... it's pretty much up to him, don't you think?

    I, non-smoker and vegetarian, just spent an entire evening in an Irish Pub with people smoking and eating roasted lamb... The worst enemy of mankind is whoever thinks he/she can tell other people what is allowed or forbidden - if he/she comes dressed as Jesus, Allah, Jehova or Ophra - does not really matter.

    The iPhone is great and - being German - I would kill for the British conditions, as usual T-Moron f@cked it up to the degree possible. Let's wait for France to save old Europe as usual (even with that brown dwarf leading them now).

    By the way - after Apple being notably absent from all European fares and events - this was at least a small and welcome gesture after all. It has been noticed.

    BROWN dwarf? Why is his color relevant?
  • Reply 8 of 42
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
    Can we have our stock price back now?
  • Reply 9 of 42
    dreyfus2dreyfus2 Posts: 1,072member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    BROWN dwarf? Why is his color relevant?

    Being BROWN is synonymous for being a Nazi (reference to the brown shirts of the German SA under Hitler) - it was certainly not a racist remark and Sarkozy was rather pale the last time I looked...
  • Reply 10 of 42
    Having been there I may say it was extremely well organised event!
  • Reply 11 of 42
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Fat Americans. Fat, fat fatty. Schiller probably thinks he has no time for fitness and, as the world-wide (emphasis on wide) marketing head, he probably wines and dines almost every night. If he'd do a little regular fitness training, I have no doubt he'd soon realize he can't afford not to make time for it.
  • Reply 12 of 42
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by dreyfus2 View Post

    As long as he is not doing the "Microsoft, Microsoft, Developers, Developers" dance, he can grow as fat as a whale, as long as he feels fine. And even then... it's pretty much up to him, don't you think?

    What has that got to do with MS. Control your impulses dude. What are you "actually" talking about? He's overweight, lob-sided, and very likely somewhat-unhealthy as a result, and it was simply pointed out. End of story.
  • Reply 13 of 42
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Sedicivalvole View Post

    Having been there I may say it was extremely well organised event!

    Yeah it looked great actually, I wouldn't go there myself though if I lived in London, if only to avoid the stupid English media.
  • Reply 14 of 42
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Actually your comment was asinine, for health reason he *needs* to lose that baggage. Looking at him reminded me I need to get back the gym actually. Even though I started back swimming last week :P

    It's not so simple. Having a little extra weight does add risk of certain illnesses and death, but it does reduce risks of other kinds. It looks like Phil might be in the "obese" category though.
  • Reply 15 of 42
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Schiller could sure stand to lose some weight... about 70 lbs.!

    While he's in London, he should make a stop at Saville Row and get a waredrobe re-fresh too.
  • Reply 16 of 42
    I won't comment on Phil's is sad though that the world's perception of us americans is that we are for the most part overweight and out of shape.......they sadly are correct.

    I think he could have dressed a bit nicer.......even Steve looks good casually dressed.....Phil looks like a bum....I think that if he was there, knowing he would be interviewed, etc, he could have dressed a bit nicer and found a razor, etc.......he does not look casual, he looks dumpy. When I think Apple, I don't think dumpy.

    Frank D.
  • Reply 17 of 42
    I have to say that the show they put on at the Regent St. store is somewhat embarrassing. I was there two weeks ago for the Leopard launch. They have a large group of sales associates at the the front cheering people as they walk into the store. It reminds me of some images I've seen of the way that certain cults act when new members join. I don't think I'll repeat the experience.
  • Reply 18 of 42
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by night9hawk View Post

    I have to say that the show they put on at the Regent St. store is somewhat embarrassing. I was there two weeks ago for the Leopard launch. They have a large group of sales associates at the the front cheering people as they walk into the store. It reminds me of some images I've seen of the way that certain cults act when new members join. I don't think I'll repeat the experience.

    Yeah, but unlike cults, we all know it's fake bollox though. People in cults think the whole thing makes sense - Apple rarely makes sense
  • Reply 19 of 42
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Actually your comment was asinine, for health reason he *needs* to lose that baggage. Looking at him reminded me I need to get back the gym actually. Even though I started back swimming last week :P

    I think he may be trying to live up to the Woz a little too much

    Welcome to the 21st century where people complain about your honesty for pointing out they aren't making their health priority one.

    This world is 60% obese and growing. It's feeding itself with processed crap and doping up on certified drugs to keep the pain receptors inhibited. This is a world feeding itself slowly to death.

    It sure makes dating a much more painful dilemma. In my case, when women are ever expanding I switch to celibacy.
  • Reply 20 of 42
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    Fat Americans. Fat, fat fatty. Schiller probably thinks he has no time for fitness and, as the world-wide (emphasis on wide) marketing head, he probably wines and dines almost every night. If he'd do a little regular fitness training, I have no doubt he'd soon realize he can't afford not to make time for it.

    Fat isn't cool and as an American I welcome women from all cultures who put health first. I'm sure they exist, but it's getting harder to find; and combine that with women who continue to expand and feel they are owed a lavish lifestyle makes you wonder who raised them.
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