Google Android dev kit exposes Apple-inspired roots



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    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    I'm sure you saw the demo we're all talking about. You didn't think that was better than what you typically find on most cell phones nowadays?

    Sure we don't know what the carriers and manufacturers will finally come up with but I'm guessing the success of the iPhone will cause them to pay attention to the UI more than they have in the past. Google has shown them a nice interface they are capable of producing. Whether they do so or not remains to be seen. I know what I would do.

    Time will tell.

    Well, I saw a demo of a small screen application chooser that I guess might be slightly better than some, and integration with Google maps.

    I also saw a demo of an iPhone like, big touch screen device. If more of those get made with fair to decent UIs, then great. But those won't be cheap commodity phones.

    The thing is, there has been literally nothing keeping any cell phone manufacturer from doing this kind of thing already. I'm just having trouble envisioning the scenario wherein a Nokia or Moto or LG or Samsung suddenly slaps its hand against its forehead and goes "Oh! An app chooser! Of course! And, holy shit, there's a thing called Google maps? That we could link addresses to? Let us adopt Android post haste!"

    And these are the people who will be designing the customization of the Android phones (yeah, there will be some interesting third party variants floating around that the tech minded can install, but that will always be a very small part of the installed user base), so how is it that these people, who have had many, many years to sort out their phone UIs, suddenly get smart about usability? Because they adopted an OS that permits it?

    The event notification looks nice, so I won't deny there may be some up-side. But I don't think the lack of decent phone UI is because Google hadn't gotten around to showing everybody how it should be done, or some technical limitation of the current underlying software.
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