my iphone wishlist...

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
i really hope someone of influence at apple reads this, as i say this not only on my own behalf, but also on behalf of others that have considered buying the iphone but have been discouraged from doing so. if apple can incorporate the following into a future version of the iphone i would be first in the queue to buy, becuse as it currently stands the iphone asks for too many compromises for me to justify. i would like:

1) 3G + wi fi

2) a substantially improved camera (5 megapixel?) with autofocus/ flash

3) the ability to record video clips on it at 30 fps

4) GPS for satnav

5) in-built radio (FM and DAB digital radio)

6)replaceable battery and SIM

7) the ability to upgrade the memory with a memory card + more internal storage (16GB?)

8) the ability to customise the interface as you wish (wallpapers, icons?), and be able to use the songs you have saved on this phone as your ringtone. also the ability to change the icon shortcuts.

9) the opportunity to buy an unlocked iphone

10) the option for haptic (vibrating) feedback when you press a virtual key, so you know you've pressed a key

11) a hard button for the camera + hardbutton for camera zoom

12) longer battery life

13)standard headjack so you can use your own headphones

14)voice memo recorder

i only ask for things that are currently available in other top-end phones, and i would be prepared to pay more for a premium phone with all of the above. all i ask is for the iphone to be able to fully compete with the best out there.

an iphone with all the above would be my ultimate dream phone...\


  • Reply 1 of 41
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Hi ZED! The iPhone forum is HERE
  • Reply 2 of 41
  • Reply 3 of 41
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post


    Some of the things you are asking for here are "never" going to happen, and by way the iPhone has Wifi, you're asking for 3G, and that's coming in 2008 at some stage.
  • Reply 4 of 41
    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    1) 3G + wi fi\

    3G will come with battery usage improvemnts- iPhone allready has WiFI

    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    2) a substantially improved camera (5 megapixel?) with autofocus/ flash

    Your asking for a high-end professinal camera to be put into it.

    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    3) the ability to record video clips on it at 30 fps

    Probably coming... Maybe with the SDK

    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    4) GPS for satnav

    Again, GPS uses to much battery.

    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    5) in-built radio (FM and DAB digital radio)

    A possibillity, but probily coming in an accessory

    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    6)replaceable battery and SIM


    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    7) the ability to upgrade the memory with a memory card + more internal storage (16GB?)

    That seems like a long shot.

    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    8) the ability to customise the interface as you wish (wallpapers, icons?), and be able to use the songs you have saved on this phone as your ringtone. also the ability to change the icon shortcuts.

    An interisting idea...

    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    9) the opportunity to buy an unlocked iphone

    Steve will never permit that unless he is held at gunpoint. even then, he probably still won't.

    Plus, Apple is legally required to sell the iPhone locked with At&T for 5 years

    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    10) the option for haptic (vibrating) feedback when you press a virtual key, so you know you've pressed a key

    Maybe... Seems like a good hack idea.

    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    11) a hard button for the camera + hardbutton for camera zoom

    This adds unnecicary buttons

    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    12) longer battery life

    Pick one! 3G, GPS, or Battery. You can't have all three!

    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    13)standard headjack so you can use your own headphones

    Umm... It has one (yes i know that's it deep, but non-apple headphones will work with it

    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    14)voice memo recorder

    Seems like another likely SDK cantidate

    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    i only ask for things that are currently available in other top-end phones, and i would be prepared to pay more for a premium phone with all of the above. all i ask is for the iphone to be able to fully compete with the best out there.

    Show me one phone will al of these fetures. Please.

    Also a quote:

    an iphone with all the above would be my ultimate dream phone...


    We all share that idea, but it's not gonna happen.

    This seems like a long and unreasonable list of demands. Many of them are impossibal, if not incredibally improbable
  • Reply 5 of 41
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by zed888

    6)replaceable battery and SIM

    The SIM is replaceable, but the phone is locked down. As for replaceable battery, haha, you are aware Apple makes this phone right?

    Originally Posted by zed888

    7)The ability to upgrade the memory with a memory card + more internal storage (16GB?)

    Again, you are aware Apple makes this phone right?

    As for themes etc., Apple better have the decency to offer them, even if they do cost .99c and have to be got through iTunes.
  • Reply 6 of 41
    Originally Posted by Samnuva View Post

    3G will come with battery usage improvemnts- iPhone allready has WiFI

    Your asking for a high-end professinal camera to be put into it.

    Probably coming... Maybe with the SDK

    Again, GPS uses to much battery.

    A possibillity, but probily coming in an accessory


    That seems like a long shot.

    An interisting idea...

    Steve will never permit that unless he is held at gunpoint. even then, he probably still won't.

    Plus, Apple is legally required to sell the iPhone locked with At&T for 5 years

    Maybe... Seems like a good hack idea.

    This adds unnecicary buttons

    Pick one! 3G, GPS, or Battery. You can't have all three!

    Umm... It has one (yes i know that's it deep, but non-apple headphones will work with it

    Seems like another likely SDK cantidate

    Show me one phone will al of these fetures. Please.

    Also a quote:

    an iphone with all the above would be my ultimate dream phone...


    We all share that idea, but it's not gonna happen.

    This seems like a long and unreasonable list of demands. Many of them are impossibal, if not incredibally improbable

    with the exception of the touh screen the nokia N95 has all the above...while the LG KU 990 has all the above except the satnav. apple is one of the most innovative and advanced companies in the world, so i don't buy this this idea of the above things not being chose to leave these things out for future models...
  • Reply 7 of 41
    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    with the exception of the touh screen the nokia N95 has all the above

    All exept a keyboard, a decent music player, 8GB of memory, or 8 hours of talk time or 250 hour on stanby. Yep, the N95 is WAY superior, and such a bargain to, less functionality for only $300 more...
  • Reply 8 of 41
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    1) 3G + wi fi

    2) a substantially improved camera (5 megapixel?) with autofocus/ flash

    3) the ability to record video clips on it at 30 fps

    4) GPS for satnav

    5) in-built radio (FM and DAB digital radio)

    6)replaceable battery and SIM

    7) the ability to upgrade the memory with a memory card + more internal storage (16GB?)

    8) the ability to customise the interface as you wish (wallpapers, icons?), and be able to use the songs you have saved on this phone as your ringtone. also the ability to change the icon shortcuts.

    9) the opportunity to buy an unlocked iphone

    10) the option for haptic (vibrating) feedback when you press a virtual key, so you know you've pressed a key

    11) a hard button for the camera + hardbutton for camera zoom

    12) longer battery life

    13)standard headjack so you can use your own headphones

    14)voice memo recorder

    5), 6), 7), and 8) are never going to happen. (save for the Sim already being removable and interface modification could happen with a third-party haxie, it just won't ever be officially implemented or sanctioned)

    10) and 11) might happen.

    1) the iPhone has half of already and the other half is coming next year

    2), 3), 4), 9), 12), 13) and 14) will happen eventually.
  • Reply 9 of 41
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    5), 6), 7), and 8) are never going to happen. (save for the Sim already being removable and interface modification could happen with a third-party haxie, it just won't ever be officially implemented or sanctioned)

    10) and 11) might happen.

    1) the iPhone has half of already and the other half is coming next year

    2), 3), 4), 9), 12), 13) and 14) will happen eventually.

    why do you feel 5), 6), 7) and 8) cannot happen? i don't ask for anything that is not cuurently in other mobile phones. also, the mobile phone market is even more competitive and cut throat than the media player market, so market forces are much stronger...
  • Reply 10 of 41
    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    why do you feel 5), 6), 7) and 8) cannot happen? i don't ask for anything that is not cuurently in other mobile phones. also, the mobile phone market is even more competitive and cut throat than the media player market, so market forces are much stronger...

    Zed, as I pointed out, the phones that have all of these things have sacrificed major things in their design. Also, many of these things are unnecissary. A 2 MP camera in a phone is not bad, customizable interfaces genearally go uncustomized, and random hard buttons make the phone more clumsy.
  • Reply 11 of 41

    I think you're mistaken on the unlocked iPhone wish. Have you heard of Google Android? And the unlocking campaign Nokia has launched? Well, Apple can hold out only so long before the market simply begins to demand unlocked cell phones in the U.S. market. It already happened in Germany (albeit at a huge price) but it will happen here and if Apple isn't here to provide it, they'll have 2 choices:

    1) Lose sales

    2) Adapt

    I'd like the second one better if I were them.
  • Reply 12 of 41
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Some of the things you are asking for here are "never" going to happen, and by way the iPhone has Wifi, you're asking for 3G, and that's coming in 2008 at some stage.

    Or 2009...

    3G depends on five things:

    1) Battery Life

    2) AT&T's ability to get their 3G network up-to-speed.

    3) Battery Life

    4) Battery Life

    5) Battery Life
  • Reply 13 of 41
    Short Term (12 months)

    1) More storage (16 or 32 GB)

    2) 3G

    3) SDK/Native Development/More Apps and Features! (such as audio notes or some such)

    4) Better audio/phone quality

    5) Horizontal keyboard universally available for input (it's only available in some places right now on the iPhone)

    6) Wireless synching of data via bluetooth or .mac (contacts, calendars, etc.)

    7) Recording short movies (I personally don't care, but I can how it could be useful to some people, or even to be on occasion. I can see why Apple left this out –– limited storage space!!)

    Long Term (18+ months)

    1) Price drop (compared with current cost of phone and plan)

    2) GPS

    3) Standard audio jack. (It works for some headphones, doesn't work for others. It's not a really big deal to me, but for some it is. I don't think Apple will do any external design changes in the next 12 months though.)

    4) Alternative carriers at standard price (but not Unlocked per se; either unlocked or alternate carries could take a long time in the U.S. unless forced to by the government.

    5) Longer battery life, but first Apple must integrate 3G while keeping the battery life the same. Longer battery life won't be seen for a while unless the next revision doesn't have 3G.

    Things that won't happen

    1) Built-in FM. Did Apple start putting floppy disks back into computers? If anything (and I don't think this is likely at all) Apple will provide some sort of internet radio available via Wi-Fi, 3G, or Satellite, if/when the latter two become available on the iPhone.

    2) Removable battery. Hasn't 6 years of iPod taught you something about Apple?

    3) Hard-button camera. Why would Apple do this? You need the screen to take the picture anyways -- it's not like their is (or should be) a view finder.

    4) Flash even in professional cameras SUCKS. It's not about flash, it's about sensors or lighting. Since iPhone owners can't bring a portable lighting kit with them everywhere they go, Apple will probably do something in the sensor to improve light sensitivity without a flash. Flash also kills the battery. And sidebar: it already has auto-focus, in fact, that's the ONLY kind of focus it has.

    5) 5MP -- not anytime soon at least. What's the point of putting that many megapixels in a cell phone? Almost all (regular) cameras picture quality these days is NOT limited by the resolution.

    As far carriers go, it's possible that the supposed "5-year exclusive contract" between Apple and AT&T has provisions such that Apple can offer non-exclusive service with iPhone for a reduction in the cut it gets per iPhone contract. For instance, Apple can say, open the iPhone to Verizon in order to increase sales volume, but that reduces the profit they get from AT&T, but it wouldn't matter, because Apple would have a higher sales volume regardless. No one really knows how the contract works except Steve Jobs & Co. -- the Co. being Apple and AT&T execs and the legal departments of each company.
  • Reply 14 of 41
    I want Apple to use a 3.5G SoC, which will both reduce power draw (TI OMAP is at 65nm, moving to 45nm) and make more room for batteries. The current electronic design of the iPhone is primitive at best.

    But for there to be 3.5G, there first has to be a 3.5G network. Sprint is getting ready to spin up one, but AT&T and T-Mobile aren't even close to 3.0G yet. GSM is just shit. even if the iPhone never needed to be charged and, as a bonus, hit every item on this these wish lists, I still wouldn't even consider it as long as the voice is handled by GSM. GSM needs to die. now. The voice quality is so bad that I may as well ask callers to send text messages.
  • Reply 15 of 41
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    why do you feel 5), 6), 7) and 8) cannot happen?

    It's not that they "cannot" happen, it's that they won't. And the reason is... Steve Jobs.
  • Reply 16 of 41
    maybe i'm missing something here...but why is steve jobs so specific/ explicit about which features an apple product should have, rather than this partly being determined by customer demand? there are many features i have listed that many people would be happy to see, so why should jobs not include these, even if customers are screaming they would really like to have them?
  • Reply 17 of 41
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by zed888 View Post

    maybe i'm missing something here...but why is steve jobs so specific/ explicit about which features an apple product should have, rather than this partly being determined by customer demand? there are many features i have listed that many people would be happy to see, so why should jobs not include these, even if customers are screaming they would really like to have them?

    Because customers aren't always right.

    Steve believes that the trade-offs necessary to achieve those things that I listed as "will never happen" would lead to an overall worse product, and in these cases I agree with him.
  • Reply 18 of 41
    My iPhone wish list.

    1) Silverthorne or menlow cpu.

    2) WiMax or broadband access over the 700mhz spectrum that ATT recently purchased.

    3) Ability to use iPhone as an internet access point for my laptop.

    4) Keynote viewer for iPhone.
  • Reply 19 of 41
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    My iPhone wish list.

    1) Silverthorne or menlow cpu.

    What's the point on being this picky? It just has to work.

    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    My iPhone wish list.

    2) WiMax or broadband access over the 700mhz spectrum that ATT recently purchased.

    This is a few years off still.

    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    My iPhone wish list.

    3) Ability to use iPhone as an internet access point for my laptop.

    Keep in mind that this would be AT&T's decision, not Apple.

    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    My iPhone wish list.

    4) Keynote viewer for iPhone.

    Perhaps you were thinking along these lines, but it would be mostly useful for display from iPhone to TV, not really for display on the iPhone itself.
  • Reply 20 of 41
    Originally Posted by alexluft View Post


    I think you're mistaken on the unlocked iPhone wish. Have you heard of Google Android? And the unlocking campaign Nokia has launched? Well, Apple can hold out only so long before the market simply begins to demand unlocked cell phones in the U.S. market. It already happened in Germany (albeit at a huge price) but it will happen here and if Apple isn't here to provide it, they'll have 2 choices:

    1) Lose sales

    2) Adapt

    I'd like the second one better if I were them.

    Yes, I have heard of the Android, but the fact is, the current iPhone will not be unlocked for 4 1/2 years. I doubt that the Apple-AT&T contract has that clause. Maybe, if apple releases an "iPhone nano," (which they will) we will se IT on other networks, but if we want the current iPhone, it's AT&T for the next five years.

    P.S. I have an iPhone, and it uses AT&T and AT&T/EDGE is NOT THAT BAD. I travel a lot, and i can always use it. Edge is not as slow as people say, either.
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