MacBook, MacBook Pro owners suffer keyboard freezing with Leopard



  • Reply 61 of 90
    MBP C2D 2.33 running Leopard (clean install) since its release day without any issues.
  • Reply 62 of 90
    Originally Posted by pup975 View Post

    I've got a 1 year-old Macbook with Core2Duo. I upgraded to Leopard 2 weeks ago. I haven't had the keyboard issue (yet?). I was curious that the only thing that I haven't done with Leopard is use Time Machine. For everyone that is having problems, are you using Time Machine.

    I'm not using Time Machine either and have experienced this problem on both stock upgrade and subsequent 10.5.1 update
  • Reply 63 of 90
    Originally Posted by internetworld7 View Post

    Oh no, this news comes at a bad time as I'm eagerly awaiting to switch away from Windows to a Macbook on the 30th of this month. \

    I've been a PC users since 2002 and I simply find the Mac more intuitive, stable and visually pleasing but more importantly, necessary for my online business. I wonder if I should wait to make the big switch Waiting is going to be hard as I really want to get a Macbook.

    I wouldn't stop purchase because of this issue, it's a minor annoyance, not a serious show stopper.
  • Reply 64 of 90
    Only happened to me once (1st gen 17" MBP), on Tuesday. Had upgraded to Leopard a week earlier. I thought it was an interaction problem between Parallels and Leopard; the NumLock key was actually lit for the first time I had ever seen, and then the keyboard became non-responsive.

    Interesting side-effect... I forgot how hard it was to use Windows for me without a keyboard!

    Hope it gets resolved soon; it's stuff like that that makes it hard for people to resist throwing their computers out the window!
  • Reply 65 of 90
    I have a macbook and its only happened to me once, but quite a lot of the time the volume sound doesn't work (the popping sound)
  • Reply 66 of 90
    I just upgraded to Leopard yesterday afternoon. My keyboard has frozen four times since. Once it came back by itself. The other three times I had to either had to go into sleep mode or restart before it became active again. I hope there is a fix soon!
  • Reply 67 of 90
    Running Leopard 10.5.1 and Excel, the keyboard freezes too. have to shut down the program and re-start constantly.
  • Reply 68 of 90
    xgmanxgman Posts: 159member
    I really hope that someone from Apple support looks at this thread.
  • Reply 69 of 90
    jobesjobes Posts: 106member
    me too

    2Ghz core duo macbook pro, bought last year with apple ram

    never had the keyboard freezing issue under tiger: when i got the MBP i imported data from my old 12", ran tiger and was happy.

    decided to do a clean install of leopard. install went smoothly enough, but the keyboard locking issue happened several times. like another post, one time i seemed to hit a whole bunch of keys and the keyboard came back to life. other times i had to do a hard restart to get it going: closing the lid to put it to sleep didn't work for me.

    since upgrading to 10.5.1 and all other software updates it seems to be ok. i'm still having a crappy time with mail crashing though ... another issue with leopard i've run into.
  • Reply 70 of 90
    FWIW, my wife's MacBook (updated to 10.5.1) developed the keyboard lock issue last night.

    I did the safe boot and repair permissions procedure. No more lock ups the rest of the night.

    My own MBP has not had the keyboard lock up since I performed the procedure on it over a week ago.

    - Jasen.
  • Reply 71 of 90
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by jasenj1 View Post

    FWIW, my wife's MacBook (updated to 10.5.1) developed the keyboard lock issue last night.

    I did the safe boot and repair permissions procedure. No more lock ups the rest of the night.

    My own MBP has not had the keyboard lock up since I performed the procedure on it over a week ago.

    - Jasen.

    I found a way to induce it on my Dual G5 2 gig with 10.5.1.

    If an avi file has been down loaded in sections and has a name like movi.avi.001 (and .002 so on .. etc.) and (just to test first part ... I know I am supposed to concact the files ...) I remove the 001 and Finder asks 'Do I want to keep .001 or use .avi?' and I accept use avi, the file changes and works correctly but I can guarantee once done my keyboard is MIA until a Finder force quit is performed. Weird but true and totally repeatable.

    I also have numerous apps including simple ones like Text that, from time to time, refuse to quit without a forced shut down.

    So far I have tested a virgin instal and an update to Tiger. I am thinking 10.5.2 can't be far off hopefully.
  • Reply 72 of 90
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by dvmke79 View Post

    I just upgraded to Leopard yesterday afternoon. My keyboard has frozen four times since. Once it came back by itself. The other three times I had to either had to go into sleep mode or restart before it became active again. I hope there is a fix soon!

    Just wondering, have you tried Force Quit on the Finder?
  • Reply 73 of 90
    I have been having this exact problem for a few days now and I have found a temporary solution: hold down the eject key for anywhere between 5-15 seconds. It makes the keyboard work... until it stops working again (then just hold down the eject button again). So, if you don't have an external keyboard nearby and need to use your laptop, just use this trick until apple comes out with a software update fixing the problem.
  • Reply 74 of 90
    I just switched away from Windows yesterday by purchasing a brand new Macbook and so far I haven't had this problem. So far my Mac experience has been nothing but wonderful but maybe I haven't had this problem due to the newness of this Macbook.
  • Reply 75 of 90
    This problem JUST started occurring for me, but I've had Leopard installed for about a month

    It started happening right as soon as I plugged a Brother printer into my laptop.

    Could this be a clue?
  • Reply 76 of 90
    i've had a keyboard problem in bootcamp. sometimes the keyboard will freeze on a key and continuously press it even when it is not being touched. i'm sure it's just a driver issue though.
  • Reply 77 of 90
    I had the same problem with my new black macbook. I would lose my keyboard for minutes at a time. It's barely two weeks old. I had all sorts of problems with my old mac computer and just decided to get a new one- so I can tell you this is rather frustrating. I didn't expect a new computer to be just as much trouble as the old one.

    I called the apple care service and they instructed me through restarting drivers and something to do with pressing four keys after restarting the computer. It was confusing but they told me that it shouldn't be a problem anymore. And if it is, I should call them back. Iunno if it's a solution or not. But I suppose you all could call apple care if you can.
  • Reply 78 of 90
    Okay I called AppleCare when my computer started losing function in the keyboard. And after being on hold for several hours, I got someone who instructed me through the process of clearing my NVRAM? Or something like that. Had to do with taking out the battery- holding down the power button. Pressing a bunch of keys and listening to the chimes or what not. I can't remember it exactly.

    Anyway, it worked. I had no keyboard problems. Until the new update came out. And now it's screwing up even worse than before. I've lost connection twice in the past few hours. I just got this new computer working and already an update screws it up.

    This is a brand new computer- I don't appreciate all the problems it has. If I demand a new computer for this problem do you think that might wake them up to this problem? Honestly, macs cost too much for there to be this many problems with them.
  • Reply 79 of 90
    Geez! I wonder how much of a cross section of the general Mac/Leopard population this board and this thread represents! Got me really spooked! (I still haven't bought in, yet!)
  • Reply 80 of 90
    Mine had started acting up a couple of weeks ago and yesterday finally died altogether. Nothing will fix it. I've reset the PRAM, put it in to sleep, formatted and reinstalled 10.4 and 10.5 and nothing.

    At least when Microsoft releases an update that breaks the OS it's nothing a format and reinstall can't fix.
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