OsX and Java..When?



  • Reply 21 of 24
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    [quote]Originally posted by JLL:


    AFAIK it is Suns JVM they are using.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    They're using Sun's code as a starting point, but more than a little of the end product is Apple's.

    I've heard rumblings and murmurs of discontent from Apple employees (in public forums, not any of my nonexistent insider contacts) that they shipped a "beta quality" Java runtime. They seem to believe that they'll have a wonderful thing when it's finished, though. 10.2, maybe? We can hope...
  • Reply 22 of 24
    Bah. It's always the next one that will be the one.
  • Reply 23 of 24
    kelibkelib Posts: 740member
    Thanks for all the response guys. I personally don't give a damn where the problem is, but I'm concerned that I can't get my live Soccer scores nor am I able to chat in Java in Netscape, iCab Opera or any other browser except IE. And IE is real bad. In the Java chat room I can' cut and paste for example. I tried to use the Applet Launcher for Netscape but it didn't work. I'm always prompted with message telling me a ?plug in? is missing. When I choose to get it I get the message that no ?plug in? is available.

    For the last 15 or so years I've been working as an network admin. on huge MVS/Jes2 machines from an NT terminal. I've stuck with the Mac at home (even though I could get any PC I like at half price from my employer) because it's been so easy to use. Any problem (if any at all) I could fix on my own. After OsX arrived it's just a different story. I'm stuck with all sorts of problems I can't solve on my own. I know, when it comes to personal computers I'm Mr. Joe 6pack but what's wrong with that. I expect things to work.

    I'm not giving up on OsX though. I think it has a great potential in terms of 'ease of use' and I think it looks OK, though it doesn't look any better than Os 9.2. But right now it's just far from complete. And it?s way to slow on my G3 400 /256meg. I'm back to Os9 but will give X another go when X 10.2 is here.

    [ 01-09-2002: Message edited by: kelib ]</p>
  • Reply 24 of 24
    dtohdtoh Posts: 13member
    [quote]Originally posted by catalyst:


    OS X Java definitely outperforms OS 9's, and I am *quite* certain that the Windows implementation of Java isn't as good as Mac OS X's. Also, I guess Mac OS X's Java VM is almost like the other *nix's, and perhaps it just needs more time and optimisation (just like the rest of OS X )</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Here's what I understand. OSX uses the hotspot JVM (or a variant thereof), whereas in the windoze/linux side you can either use hotspot or the IBM jvm. For 95% of all cases the IBM jvm smokes the hotspot (my code benchmarks show anywhere between factors of 2 and 6). As such, the OSX implementation is "slow" because of the jvm, not the OS.

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