Mac users much more likely than PC users to pay for music - NPD



  • Reply 21 of 36
    buckbuck Posts: 293member
    And not only music, software too.
  • Reply 22 of 36
    A) This article is wrong and misleading because not all mac and pc users were interviewed.

    I would much rather see the actual data and the means by which it was procured than read a slanted interpretation of it.

    B) I think that the industry should focus on the content of their product rather than the form and marketing of it if that want to see music sales go back up.
  • Reply 23 of 36
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I was thinking exactly the same thing!

    But there is a more complicated explanation for correlates. I'll bet that Mac users are significantly older than PC users. There is also probably a significant gender difference, as well as difference in proportion of 'corporate' versus 'non-corporate' types among Mac versus PC users.

    I tend to agree with you anantksundaram but there might also be a second underlying theme to it as well. I also tend to think that it goes back to the simplicity of the OS. Granted you can run iTunes on the PC and it works great on Windows but I think that after years of operating on a PC at work and my Mac at home, I feel more comfortable on my Mac and tend to want to spend more time on it than compared to a windows machine. At the same time, I enjoy listening to music while doing email, web surfing and other various task. Sometimes listening to music allows my mind to come up with some interesting ideas for projects I am working on...

    Just 2 cents worth...
  • Reply 24 of 36
    Originally Posted by mbaynham View Post

    i dont think thats the casewhere i live (london). the majority of people i know are buying macs rather than windows boxes. this covers all age ranges, hell, even my grandad at 78 just bought a mac after a life (well, not all his life!) of using windows machines. gender doesnt really matter either. this only applies to the south east of england though so i dont know about across the pond.

    Same in the South West England too, I have completely ran out of people to convert. My work is done.
  • Reply 25 of 36
    msnlymsnly Posts: 378member
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    Same in the South West England too, I have completely ran out of people to convert. My work is done.

    I grew up using Macs, never a Windows machine, when I first went to school I didn't even know what they were. I have converted many people to Macs; what makes me made is when people tell me they're more expensive and not worth it...
  • Reply 26 of 36
    Originally Posted by MsNly View Post

    I grew up using Macs, never a Windows machine, when I first went to school I didn't even know what they were. I have converted many people to Macs; what makes me made is when people tell me they're more expensive and not worth it...

    Had some women serving behind the bar the other night, too interested in her own voice for me to get a word in edgeways. "ohh is that one of those Apple laptop thingys?" she said, "I'm going to buy one of those. The softwares crap,and they are very expensive. But what makes them so special is they make all the electrical components themselves..." I tried to butt in, but she insisted on informing me all about my Apple Mac... information which would have had more credibility had it been said more than a decade earlier.

    She said she was gonna buy one! I didn't have the heart to explain how much of an Apple nerd she was talking to, and that her boyfriend (who she got the information from) talked from his arse.

    I had guy at the print shop a while back informing me how "riddled with viruses" my Mac was. "If you dont believe me mate go online and have a look for yourself" he rudely exclaimed. In-fact he was such a rude spotty little misinformed PC twit, I never used his printers ever again.

    For fun the other night whilst on the phone to Orange she customer services woman said "is there anything else I can help you with?" so for fun I asked about the iPhone (knowing full well they were not able to stock it in this country). The amount of FUD I was given was astronomical and hilarious, a two minute long preprepared speech on why I should not want to buy an iPhone.
  • Reply 27 of 36
    Originally Posted by Charko View Post

    There's no denying it!

    Whether right or left, liberal or conservative, religious, agnostic, or atheist, Mac users are simply better human beings.

    And we smell better!
  • Reply 28 of 36
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    But there is a more complicated explanation for correlates. I'll bet that Mac users are significantly older than PC users. There is also probably a significant gender difference, as well as difference in proportion of 'corporate' versus 'non-corporate' types among Mac versus PC users.

    Or it could be that the artistic Mac user stereotype is true and thus more likely to listen to music or watch movies than the typical PC user.
  • Reply 29 of 36
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "While the market for digital music is growing, it's growing slower than many would like it to -- CD sales are still declining and digital music has not entirely replaced those lost sales,"


    Come on, don't blame this on piracy, there are many other factors at work here:

    First and foremost is that current music recordings sound as if they were engineered by retarded apes who were using $2 earbuds and not monitors to set levels, EQ and compression. thus the quality of audio on CDs, let alone 128k AACs, is absolute garbage! Want proof? listen to an AC/DC, sinatra, willie nelson, or any other CD form the 80s, and then buy one of the same on a recently released "best of" comp that claims to be "digitally remastered" Imagine for a moment how great it would sound if a band like green day were recorded and produced to the same high standard as classic rock groups like he Rolling Stones, the Beatles, etc.

    second is the fact that iPod/iTunes/Zune/Zen/whatever have given people an eas to manage digital inventory of everything that they own, so they may already have plenty of music with them all of the time...

    what about satellite radio, 12/Mo and I get like 80 channels of commercial free music? who needs CDs for the car now?

    also, what about the fact that everyone is busier now than ever? what was a 40 hour work week for Dad 20-30 years ago has morphed into a 50-70 hour work week for most on saleries...don't deny it, you all know it is true, so we dont have the energy to do much shopping...

    and of course ALA Carte is going to make less than CDs because CDs force-bundle 13 crappy tunes with one good one and one great one, so now, I as the consumer have the power to cut out the riffraff...
  • Reply 30 of 36
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    Come on, don't blame this on piracy, there are many other factors at work here:

    First and foremost is that current music recordings sound as if they were engineered by retarded apes who were using $2 earbuds and not monitors to set levels, EQ and compression. thus the quality of audio on CDs, let alone 128k AACs, is absolute garbage!

    I've read an article or two that says that many CDs are being mastered with MP3 compression in mind.


    what about satellite radio, 12/Mo and I get like 80 channels of commercial free music? who needs CDs for the car now?

    ...but satellite has an even lower bitrate than iTunes, as well as less control than iPod and even CD in many ways. You can't "pause" many radios, replay a track and so on.
  • Reply 31 of 36
    LOL@ the people here saying "If you can afford a Mac then you can ..."

    Blah, Apple's biggest seller is the low costing MacBooks.
  • Reply 32 of 36
    My guess is that pc users don't want to pay a bit more for a better computer, so these people are more likely to download illegal content because they're greedy, searching for hours and days after some program and when they got it they don't use it because:

    1. they didn't pay for it, 2. it's free after all 3. they spend most time searching free stuff.

    If U paid for a program U'll feel obliged to use it.

    Well certainly not everyone but there's a lot of people like this...
  • Reply 33 of 36
    I am a pc user. The reason why I use and buy PCs is because I have used them for years. I know how to set up a PC so it runs effortlessly. I like having the ability to choose different brands of computers.

    With a PC you have a machine that is more fussy and more difficult to learn but you get more options. You can configure a PC so many more ways than a mac. You can find more software to mess around with than on a mac and you have way more hardware options, makes and models to choose from.

    I dont understand why everyone cant understand this.

    Both companies have completely different products.

    I could see my self owning both a mac and a pc.

    If I could do it easily with out a bunch of bull, I would partition my drive and throw Mac os on my computer along with windows. That seems like a huge pain though.

    Everyone uses products for different reasons.

    I think that the whole Mac vs Pc debate is hilarious. Its mainly put on by the companies and the users just follow right along. Its like saying my country is better than your because I was born here. Seems like a weak reason to me because I can objectively look at the benefits of both machines without caring to battle and get snobby about which one Im using at the time.

    I also think the whole stigma that more artistic peole use macs is a bunch or bull too. I think its mainly put up by Apple and people just get brainwashed by commercials they see on tv.

    Alot of artists use macs professionaly becaseu the machine is better for that purpose.

    Seems really foolish to me. I mean its a computer.

    lol, right?
  • Reply 34 of 36
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by drazztikka View Post

    My guess is that pc users don't want to pay a bit more for a better computer, so these people are more likely to download illegal content because they're greedy, searching for hours and days after some program and when they got it they don't use it because:

    1. they didn't pay for it, 2. it's free after all 3. they spend most time searching free stuff.

    If U paid for a program U'll feel obliged to use it.

    Well certainly not everyone but there's a lot of people like this...

    Let me tell you something, you snobby asshole:

    People use PCs because of a few basic reasons:

    1: logic that says "it is on my desk at work, so I will just use the same thing at home so I don't have to learn another damn system"

    2: Go back 10 years or so when upper middle class, and even lower middle class families started bringing computers in their homes en mass...what was availible at the local store? Windows, so now they know it and don't wanna rock the boat, for the same reason that people hate when cable Cos change channel locations, just another damn thing to remember...

    3: PCs offer cheaper options - NOT LESS EXPENSIVE, CHEAPER...there is a difference - Apples low end is usually equal to Dell/Gateways mid-to near high end. Apple doesnt play ball in the $400 crappy laptop market.

    4: Computers are a mean to an end for most can send email, do banking, surf myspacetubebook, and even manage family photos on a $500 PC with no real problem. Ever had to live on a tight budget? Dads trust fund can buy a shit ton of Macs I am sure...

    5: Some folks enjoy gaming, and don't give me the "Macs can game" crap, that is a debate for a different thread.

    PC users are not thieves, you sniveling elitist.
  • Reply 35 of 36

    Let me tell you something, you snobby asshole:

    People use PCs because of a few basic reasons:

    1: logic that says "it is on my desk at work, so I will just use the same thing at home so I don't have to learn another damn system"

    2: Go back 10 years or so when upper middle class, and even lower middle class families started bringing computers in their homes en mass...what was availible at the local store? Windows, so now they know it and don't wanna rock the boat, for the same reason that people hate when cable Cos change channel locations, just another damn thing to remember...

    3: PCs offer cheaper options - NOT LESS EXPENSIVE, CHEAPER...there is a difference - Apples low end is usually equal to Dell/Gateways mid-to near high end. Apple doesnt play ball in the $400 crappy laptop market.

    4: Computers are a mean to an end for most can send email, do banking, surf myspacetubebook, and even manage family photos on a $500 PC with no real problem. Ever had to live on a tight budget? Dads trust fund can buy a shit ton of Macs I am sure...

    5: Some folks enjoy gaming, and don't give me the "Macs can game" crap, that is a debate for a different thread.

    PC users are not thieves, you sniveling elitist.

    Dude U need to chill out.

    I didn't say all PC users are thieves, I clearly stated that not every PC user is a thief, don't generalize my words. If I talk to someone about a PC vs Mac discussion, a lot of times they say macs are too expensive & that hacked programs are difficult to find, about those people I was talking about.

    Of course I know not every PC user is like that, for anyone there's different needs for using a computer & it's just not possible to discuss them all.

    As of your flaming, I hope U feel better now but I couldn't care less.
  • Reply 36 of 36
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by drazztikka View Post

    Dude U need to chill out.

    I didn't say all PC users are thieves, I clearly stated that not every PC user is a thief, don't generalize my words. If I talk to someone about a PC vs Mac discussion, a lot of times they say macs are too expensive & that hacked programs are difficult to find, about those people I was talking about.

    Of course I know not every PC user is like that, for anyone there's different needs for using a computer & it's just not possible to discuss them all.

    As of your flaming, I hope U feel better now but I couldn't care less.

    Funny part is that bootleg software is easier to find for OSX because no one bothers to host decoys I learned this in my college days, dont use said software any more, except for the ones that I bought...largly because I liked the (unauthorized) "free trial" and oh yea, that whole paycheck thing helps too
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