Apple presenting "secret" at Final Cut meet; Radiohead on iTunes

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Apple will present a product it has yet to announce at a Final Cut Pro user group event just a day after the Macworld keynote. Also, longtime digital music holdout Radiohead has officially released its first album through iTunes.

Final Cut Pro group meet provides clues to Apple's MWSF plans

When a collection of Final Cut Pro user groups assemble to hold a meeting at Macworld San Francisco later this month, Apple will have a surprise presentation for its guests, AppleInsider has learned.

The January 16th gathering, which follows a day after Apple chief Steve Jobs' Macworld keynote, will feature "something super secret" from the Mac maker, according to the announcement.

Despite the nature of the group, the Apple unveiling is unlikely to include an update to the Final Cut Studio video production suite, which was updated in April and has rarely been updated during the San Francisco show in the past.

Historically, Apple has at times used professional audiovisual industry gatherings to discuss its high-end computers, including the MacBook Pro, Mac Pro, and Xserve.

Radiohead makes its iTunes debut

Scoring a minor coup in its fight against Amazon, Apple today announced that the iTunes Store now carries In Rainbows, its first album offering from the British rock group Radiohead.

The deal places Apple's catalog on a more even level with its competitor. Amazon MP3 struck a blow against its older rival in September by securing Radiohead's back catalog for its September launch. Apple is selling the album in its unprotected iTunes Plus format, largely matching Amazon's MP3 files in quality, but also offers a free podcast with videos of several songs performed live in a recent web event held by the band.

The availability confirms previous reports that the musicians were in talks with Apple to bring their music to iTunes in earnest. Despite Radiohead's popularity, the group has remained almost entirely divorced from Apple's service outside of a few singles on compilation albums and the brief appearance of OK Computer in the store's catalog upon its launch in April 2003.

Radiohead recently revealed to Wired magazine that its apparent slowness to bring its music to digital stores has stemmed from an EMI contract that excluded digital sales from Radiohead's income. The band launched its first direct-download sales in October by offering its album from its own website, using a set-your-own-price approach.

iPhone 1.1.3 validated by earlier Apple patent?

Although debates are still ongoing as to the legitimacy of the iPhone 1.1.3 media posted over the weekend, enthusiasts note that a recently published patent may support the rumor.

As noted by Hrmpf, an August filing for a reconfigurable touchscreen interface patent contains virtually the same interface behaviors as the bootleg iPhone 1.1.3 video. This includes both the "wiggle" that indicates icons are movable as well as their automatic separation to indicate where an icon will land once dropped into place.

Not all elements of the patent have translated over to what appears to be a shipping product. To date, the leaked iPhone firmware does not allow users to "toss" icons to or from the bottom icon tray.

Study: notebooks seen outselling desktops in 2008

For the first time, an American shopper picking up a new computer in 2008 is most likely to buy a notebook than a desktop, the analyst group IDC predicts in a new report.

Both platforms were nearly on par in 2007 in terms of shipments but told very different stories in terms of growth, the researchers say. While US desktop sales were stronger at 35 million, this represents a 4 percent drop from year to year. By contrast, notebook sales soared by 21 percent to reach 31.5 million and are expected to continue this growth into the new year.

In 2009, this trend should be far-reaching enough to affect the entire world, IDC adds. Longer-range forecasts would also have 66 percent of businesses and 71 percent of regular consumers buying notebooks in 2011.

Fujitsu, Hitachi quit micro hard drive business

An increasing shift to flash-based, solid-state hard drives is pushing two Japanese electronics giants out of the ultra-small rotating hard drive business, according to a new report.

Fujitsu had been developing a compact 1.8-inch disk of its own and intended to release the product in 2007 but has since canceled the project; in turn Hitachi has announced that it will halt production by mid-2008. The latter company had already stopped producing one-inch microdrives.

The move parallels Apple's own shift towards flash storage, which leaves the iPod classic as its only handheld with a conventional hard drive. Hard drives in the 1.8-inch form factor are still being produced by firms such as Toshiba.


  • Reply 1 of 37
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple will present a product it has yet to announce at a Final Cut Pro user group event just a day after the Macworld keynote.

    Apple's successor to Shake, Phenomenon.

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Also, longtime digital music holdout Radiohead has officially released its first album through iTunes.

    Great news. I've been waiting for this for a long time. I Love Radiohead. But Amazon's price is better..
  • Reply 2 of 37
    Originally Posted by Neruda View Post

    Apple's successor to Shake, Phenomenon.

    That's possible, but I was thinking along the lines of Final Cut Server. Though I would REALLY like to see a freakin' update to the Xserve RAID already!!!

    Originally Posted by Neruda View Post

    Great news. I've been waiting for this for a long time. I Love Radiohead. But Amazon's price is better (and no DRM).

    Yeah, the price is lower, but there's no DRM on the iTunes tracks either. They're released as iTunes Plus files.
  • Reply 3 of 37
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    "Amazon's price is better and no DRM."

    Apple will also be selling it with no DRM (iTunes+), at somewhat better quality (AAC vs. MP3), plus the extra tunes.
  • Reply 4 of 37
    It's about time...
  • Reply 5 of 37
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member
    Originally Posted by elroth View Post

    "Amazon's price is better and no DRM."

    Apple will also be selling it with no DRM (iTunes+), at somewhat better quality (AAC vs. MP3), plus the extra tunes.

    You guys are quick. You responded before I could correct my post.

    I don't think that the Final Cut related announcement will have anything to do with Final Cut Server, since this would not qualify as a super secret product/announcement. My money is on Phenomenon.
  • Reply 6 of 37
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by Lebowski View Post

    It's about time...

  • Reply 7 of 37
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Radiohead recently revealed to Wired magazine that its apparent slowness to bring its music to digital stores has stemmed from an EMI contract that excluded digital sales from Radiohead's income.

    Individual songs are for sale for .99.

    I thought I read somewhere that they objected to selling songs individually???????
  • Reply 8 of 37
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Perhaps they will reveal software from a hidden 3rd party purchase?
  • Reply 9 of 37
    Is this when we will see a new mac pro?
  • Reply 10 of 37
    mrpiddlymrpiddly Posts: 406member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Perhaps they will reveal software from a hidden 3rd party purchase?

    oh please let it be luxology

    But a new mac pro, with nvida qfx 5600, would be very nice.
  • Reply 11 of 37
    dcj001dcj001 Posts: 301member
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post


  • Reply 12 of 37
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Joe_the_dragon View Post

    Is this when we will see a new mac pro?

    I think it's possible, the timing is good. I think Penryn is supposed to be available in volume this month.

    I don't think you'd like it though.
  • Reply 13 of 37
    rolsrols Posts: 68member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I think it's possible, the timing is good. I think Penryn is supposed to be available in volume this month.

    I don't think you'd like it though.

    why won't I like it?
  • Reply 14 of 37
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by rols View Post

    why won't I like it?

    I don't think Joe would like it. You might, I don't know that. My guess is that it very likely won't use plain DDR memory and doesn't have all the PCIe lanes that he wants.
  • Reply 15 of 37
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Perhaps they will reveal software from a hidden 3rd party purchase?

    I'd be happy with Blu-ray authoring.
  • Reply 16 of 37
    bsenkabsenka Posts: 801member
    Originally Posted by Neruda View Post

    Apple's successor to Shake, Phenomenon.

    Great news. I've been waiting for this for a long time. I Love Radiohead. But Amazon's price is better..

    The price direct from Radiohead was even better, and the tracks were higher quality.
  • Reply 17 of 37
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    THe surprise also could be a close-up look at something being introduced at MacWorld, rather than a new product introduced at the FCP meeting itself.
  • Reply 18 of 37



    I've been waiting for Blu-ray authoring for 18 months. It's due.
  • Reply 19 of 37
    aegisdesignaegisdesign Posts: 2,914member
    Surely anyone who wanted a digital version of In Rainbows would have bought it via Radiohead's website by now for possibly quite a lot less than iTunes or even free.
  • Reply 20 of 37
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I don't think Joe would like it. You might, I don't know that. My guess is that it very likely won't use plain DDR memory and doesn't have all the PCIe lanes that he wants.

    The new chip sets have a lot more pci-e lanes and 2.0 pci-e slots and only uses the higher cost FB-dimms but if apple moves to 2gb base 512x4 or 1gbx2 then that should be ok for users.

    A mid-range system with out the sever parts would be better.

    The chip set with DDR2 ECC has no pci-e 2.0 slots and just about the same number of pci-e slots as the old chipset has.
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