What do you think is a good investment now?



  • Reply 41 of 48
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    I wasn't talking about that. They are partnering with Walmart and other retail outlets.
  • Reply 42 of 48
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    I think that Apple will do a lot better than Dell in the coming recession, just based on customer demographics. The bottom 50% of the income earners have *absolutely no money left to spend, now or any time soon* - Apple has relatively rich customers, who will continue to buy through the recession.

    Businesses will stop buying PCs, I think - Windows XP and the current crop of PCs are all good enough, and they will only need to be upgraded when they wear out.
  • Reply 43 of 48
    Originally Posted by trumptman View Post

    I think Apple Stores and the fact Dell is moving into retail is a refutation of that. The store fronts will need to change though. The need to be solution providers and not just places where you stack boxes and push extended warranties.

    The Apple store point is well taken.

    Retailers that do more than just put product on shelves have a reason to have B&M stores.

    I'm not so sure about Dell though.
  • Reply 44 of 48
    Dell is going the route every other home-delivery-cpu company went. If you don't remember that far back (ie: when Gateway, Compac, etc. were all like the Dell we've known for awhile...) then look at where Gateway is now... Yeah... Not *too* impressive IMHO.

    AMD used to look like a good investment. I wouldn't really blink much at them as Intel is now getting AMD's panties in a twist. AMD used to be ahead of Intel and also used to be favoured by Gamers, but lately (according to my Windows loving Gaming boyfriend) it seems they've been nonchalant about if it's AMD vs Intel...

    Personally? Verizon seems to be doing rather well lately, but I'm not one really to watch stocks (maybe I should.. i do have a dashboard widget...). I'm curious to see what they will be doing next. As I saw a "Verizon Business" ad in Gatwick (London). Verizon is an unknown name in this country! So wonder if they might be making a break here to give BT a run for it's money? Hmmmm! The possibilities!
  • Reply 45 of 48
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    I was at the mall this weekend, and the place was packed. The apple store had so many people in it that it was uncomfortable to be in there, and I had a hard time finding parking.

    Unless North Carolina is an unusual island of economic good fortune in a sea of crap, I'm not sure that all of this recession talk is going to turn out to be true. What is mall activity like where you are?

    Maybe I should buy that commercial real estate REIT after all...
  • Reply 46 of 48
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member
    Originally Posted by e1618978 View Post

    I was at the mall this weekend, and the place was packed. The apple store had so many people in it that it was uncomfortable to be in there, and I had a hard time finding parking.

    Unless North Carolina is an unusual island of economic good fortune in a sea of crap, I'm not sure that all of this recession talk is going to turn out to be true. What is mall activity like where you are?

    Maybe I should buy that commercial real estate REIT after all...

    The Triangle/Triad I-40/85 corridor is booming right now, you can't throw a rock in Alamance County without hitting a new housing development.

    IRT the rest of the nation, I can't answer that.

    For the people talking about investing in Boeing, they just lost the refueling tanker contract to Airbus today.
  • Reply 47 of 48
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    here is how the various stock picks panned out so far. I think that mdotdubz had the best single pick with MA, and SDW came in #2.

    SDW2001 - countrywide, rec at $5/share, bought out, 1 CFC = 0.1822 sh BoA = $5.803

    dmz - AMD, rec at $5.96, now at $4.22

    - BA, rec at $80.3, now at $63.4

    e# - Cisco, rec at $26.24, now at $22

    - Starbucks, rec at $19.46, now at $14.99

    - VGSIX, rec at $19.04, now at $20.34

    - XLF, rec at $26.96, now at $21.50

    - Apple, rec at $178.02, now at $156

    - XOM, rec at $91.66, now at $82

    tonton - Dolby Labs, rec at $52.73, now at $41

    Splinemodel - LMD, rec at 108.54, now at 103.92

    backtomac - Intel, rec at 22.54, now at 22.23

    beatmix01 - ARUN, rec at $13.1, now at $5.2

    mdotdubz - AAPL, ditto

    MA, rec at $196, now at $262

    King of SH - AApl, ditto

    Intel, ditto

    Micron, rec at 6.2, now at 4.68
  • Reply 48 of 48
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member
    tried and true investment advice is simply, 'buy what you eat/use.' think of the stores you shop at, the products you buy, and other ways you spend your money.

    not sure if this will give you short term gains, but you can't go too wrong with this strategy over the long-haul.

    as for me, i'm continuing to invest in the index funds, same as always. won't be pulling the money out forever.
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