Leaked 2008 Keynote on Wikipedia?



  • Reply 21 of 38
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Holy crap. Isabella just registered and immediately has the 10 most recent posts in temporary insanity.

    Not bad for someone with 11 posts.
  • Reply 22 of 38
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    Originally Posted by WebFlits View Post

    Source: Technovia

    iPhone/iPod Touch SDK

    - Apps and Widgets

    - Using Cocoa with Objective-C

    - Developers submit programs as source code, not executable

    - Specify iPhone or both iPhone/Touch (certain features iPhone only)

    - Set your own price: Apps $0-$6.99, Widgets $0-$2.99

    - Users buy/download in iTunes Wi-Fi Store / iTunes Store (Mac/PC)

    - Automatic updating wirelessly or docked

    - Demonstration of exporting from XCode 3 to iTunes Store

    - Submits source code to Apple for validation (make sure that people aren't abusing the system, prevent malware and viruses)

    - If using microphone or GSM, iPhone only; otherwise, available for both iPhone and iPod Touch

    - Apps can be free or up to $6.99; Widgets free or up to $2.99

    - Developers recieve 70% of revenue for their products

    - Licensed under Apple Mobile Software License

    - Can download wirelessly from iTunes Wi-Fi Store or docked to computer from iTunes Store

    - Demonstration of wirelessly downloading (and running) the app submitted earlier

    - Apps and widgets can be rearranged on front screen; front screen scrolls to show all apps/widgets

    - Resubmit updated versions of apps; when added to store, iPhone/Touch will ask you to update it next time you use it (or next time you dock the iPhone/Touch)

    - Developers can get their hands on a beta version of the SDK tomorrow on ADC and start developing; final version due early February

    - iTunes 7.6 and iPhone/iPod Touch Software update 1.3 allowing for Apps mid-February

    This keynote is bullsh*t. But...

    If Apple and tries to tie iPhone/iPod Touch apps and widgets to iTunes. I can't see developers and users embracing it.

  • Reply 23 of 38
    It all seemed very plausible until the new MacBooks were mentioned:

    - DVD drive pops open on side when eject button is pressed

    Apple wouldn't go back to what sounds like a tray-loading drive UNLESS it intends to offer a Blu-Ray drive option and there won't be a suitable slot-loading Blu-Ray drive available for a long time. Personally speaking I'm hoping that there will be a proper subnotebook introduced as opposed to a "MacBook on a diet", although newer, slimmer aluminium MacBooks are almost certain at some point this year considering last year's iMac update.
  • Reply 24 of 38
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member
    Originally Posted by WebFlits View Post

    Source: Technovia

    - Completely phasing out the combo drive on all product lines today

    The keynote may be faked, but this one is well overdue for real.
  • Reply 25 of 38
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    If Apple and tries to tie iPhone/iPod Touch apps and widgets to iTunes. I can't see developers and users embracing it.


    Why? Lundy thought this was an excellent idea.

    Wouldn't this approach help keep the iPhone platform more stable and secure?
  • Reply 26 of 38
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    Holy crap. Isabella just registered and immediately has the 10 most recent posts in temporary insanity.

    Not bad for someone with 11 posts.

    Olternaut may have found his soul mate.
  • Reply 27 of 38
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by Bancho View Post

    Olternaut may have found his soul mate.

    I said to her in another post "HURRY MAN!!" but then had to quickly correct myself after looking at her name more closely "HURRY WO-MAN!!".
  • Reply 28 of 38
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    Why? Lundy thought this was an excellent idea.

    Wouldn't this approach help keep the iPhone platform more stable and secure?

    Because I (and am assuming developers) don't want to pay a middleman like Apple to buy my stuff. Apple isn't being a third-party payment service like Kagi, they are acting more like a digital brick and motar store.

    Tell me that each and every iPhone/iPod Touch developer won't "jack-up" their app/widget prices to compensate for what ever chunk Apple takes out...

  • Reply 29 of 38
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    Because I (and am assuming developers) don't want to pay a middleman like Apple to buy my stuff. Apple isn't being a third-party payment service like Kagi, they are acting more like a digital brick and motar store.

    Tell me that each and every iPhone/iPod Touch developer won't "jack-up" their app/widget prices to compensate for what ever chunk Apple takes out...


    I see your point.

    From the end user side I like the thought of Apple testing the apps to make sure they are stable and don't crash the phone. As well the iTunes store would be an easy place to purchase them.
  • Reply 30 of 38
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Sure this is legit...

    Steve left it behind at McDonald's when he chowed on two Big Macs with the extra large french fry!


    P.S. Before people start correcting me... Yea I know Steve is a vegan, thats what makes this funny!
  • Reply 31 of 38
    jensonbjensonb Posts: 532member
    Some of it's believable enough. My first alarm bell was iChat on iPhone. It's not going to happen. AT&T and Apple want your Text message fees
  • Reply 32 of 38
    imickimick Posts: 351member
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    I see your point.

    From the end user side I like the thought of Apple testing the apps to make sure they are stable and don't crash the phone. As well the iTunes store would be an easy place to purchase them.

    I think that it's about time to rename iTunes. It's not just for music any more.
  • Reply 33 of 38
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    Originally Posted by iMick View Post

    I think that it's about time to rename iTunes. It's not just for music any more.

    I agree. There was a rumor that it was going to be changed to the iTunes Media Store (iTMS still) a while ago that never materialized... But you are right. When you are updating your cell phone through a jukebox application, something doesn't click.

  • Reply 34 of 38
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    Because I (and am assuming developers) don't want to pay a middleman like Apple to buy my stuff. Apple isn't being a third-party payment service like Kagi, they are acting more like a digital brick and motar store.

    Tell me that each and every iPhone/iPod Touch developer won't "jack-up" their app/widget prices to compensate for what ever chunk Apple takes out...


    I am happy to give Apple 30% of sales in exchange for them doing all the billing and collecting, and especially for getting my product on the iTMS. That is huge - bajillions of customers every day looking through the iPhone Apps section.

    Sure beats putting your app up on VersionTracker - I had over 2000 downloads once and only ONE guy paid the five bucks.

    This way, they will pay, it will be signed by Apple, I have zero overhead.

    It's better for iPhone owners also - they know that all the iPhone apps are in one place. No frantic Googling and wading through pages of irrelevant results. And as noted, it will be pre-tested by Apple.

    With signing, that means all updates to your app will be guaranteed to be identified as from you, or from Apple.

    For 30%, they host it, sell it, test it, sign it, and advertise it. Not bad.

    If in a couple of years there are 40 million iPhones out there, and you put a must-have app up there for 99 cents, .... even if only 1/40th of the iPhone owners buy it, that is close to a million bucks.
  • Reply 35 of 38
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    The notebook part is cool but if the one more thing has simply MOAR YOUTUBES PPL! That'd be completely retared, I'd rather a new appleTv at that point or at least a massive upgrade in functionality.
  • Reply 36 of 38
    Originally Posted by chinese_ys View Post

    No cinema display? This can not be true. I am waiting for the new release for months. Steve must give something about the display. Its not real leak!

    Considering that they're already years behind everyone else, I think Apple has either given up on displays or have figured out that there are many suckers still willing to pay a large premium for an out of date display just to get the Apple logo. As much as I'd love to see new iSight/Front row sensor displays, they're too conventional for jobs and Apple to really care about.
  • Reply 37 of 38
    Fake. Steve Jobs writes his own keynotes. He would not pass them around the company. Most likely, very few peopel other then him see the keynote before it is presented.
  • Reply 38 of 38
    Originally Posted by JakeTheRock View Post

    Fake. Steve Jobs writes his own keynotes. He would not pass them around the company. Most likely, very few peopel other then him see the keynote before it is presented.

    Also likely is the prospect of carefully selected staff only being told about a specific part of the keynote that concerns them directly.
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