Nvidia 9800GX2 - Damn it Apple!



  • Reply 41 of 75
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post



    And a sexy case redesign?

    ...Lemon Bon Bon.

    What the heck do people dislike about the case? Have you ever seen the inside of the current Mac Pro, it hardly get's any better...

    4 drive bays - just slide in, works. Double-width PCI-Express slot for a fat graphic card. Enough FW & USB Ports, option to out the SATA connection to "create" your eSata with an $18 dollars optional "card"/cable.

    I want no other case, I want this exact machine.

    Each to his own I guess :-)
  • Reply 42 of 75
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by JonasLondon View Post

    What the heck do people dislike about the case? Have you ever seen the inside of the current Mac Pro, it hardly get's any better...

    4 drive bays - just slide in, works. Double-width PCI-Express slot for a fat graphic card. Enough FW & USB Ports, option to out the SATA connection to "create" your eSata with an $18 dollars optional "card"/cable.

    I want no other case, I want this exact machine.

    Each to his own I guess :-)

    I suspect a lot of them come from the iMac/ Mac Mini school of design. A small footprint is more important than features. Doesn't work that way with professionals. It could use a re-skinning to differentiate itself from the cheese grater G5, but they finally got the insides right, don't screw it up now.
  • Reply 43 of 75
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    I suspect a lot of them come from the iMac/ Mac Mini school of design. A small footprint is more important than features. Doesn't work that way with professionals. It could use a re-skinning to differentiate itself from the cheese grater G5, but they finally got the insides right, don't screw it up now.

    I love the new internal design. I think it breathes new life into the old case. I wouldn't mind a new skin, but it would have to be as big as the current Mac Pro and have all the same features if not more. I have about 22 more days until mine arrives.
  • Reply 44 of 75

    In Red. WTF are you talking about? I swear you pull this shit straight out of your ass. Nvidia gives apple the same source code they give everyone else. All Apple does is compile the drivers and that's it. The Nvidia drivers holding up? When have they ever done anything but they were supposed to?

    As opposed to pulling it out my mouth? More swearing please. And shout louder. Are you always this aggressive? Still, after all your years of waiting I can understand how it drove you to the edge.

    As for the Mac drivers thing. I refer you to the problems Programmer has highlighted. And he did it far more eloquently than I can.


    Just found out you actually need SLI to run Crysis at the highest resolution with AA turned on in DX10. Damn it Apple!

    You only just found that out? Just about any mainstream site could tell you that. Where have you been?

    You have your GT, because, if you have any ideas about running Crysis in all its glory then a SLI GT would be about the minimum.

    Mind you, not that I want to run Crysis. I don't rate it. Nice though the 'fluff' is.


    What the heck do people dislike about the case? Have you ever seen the inside of the current Mac Pro, it hardly get's any better...

    Indeed, the Mac Pro internals are best in the industry. State of the art. And the external skin is kinda timeless. But it aint sexy...but it is industrial.

    Still waiting. But hopefully not too much longer.

    I just hope Apple refresh the Mac Pro line with the new GPUs from Ati and Nv' when they become available or offer the options online.

    I may even be able to run Crysis comfortably on a G100/R700...

    Fingers crossed. Oh, and 'rarrrgh.' And...uhm, 'Rage!'

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 45 of 75
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    You'll never run Crysis with an ATI card for the next 5 years. Programmers highlighted driver problems for Nvidia are nowhere in site. Point them out. I'll bitch slap him too.
  • Reply 46 of 75
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    Hey Onlooker,

    Did you get your MacPro with the NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT card on it?

    I am still waiting for mine.
  • Reply 47 of 75
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by gugy View Post

    Hey Onlooker,

    Did you get your MacPro with the NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT card on it?

    I am still waiting for mine.

    No, I don't get mine until the end of Feb. I don't think any have been shipped yet.
  • Reply 48 of 75
    gugygugy Posts: 794member

    That's what I heard. Even though they say 2 to 3 weeks on the Apple store.

    I wonder if the delay of 10.5.2 is because of that.
  • Reply 49 of 75
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by gugy View Post


    That's what I heard. Even though they say 2 to 3 weeks on the Apple store.

    I wonder if the delay of 10.5.2 is because of that.

    Mine has the exact date it's shipping, and it was earlier when I ordered the first one, but I cancelled and went with the 3.2GHz's instead.
  • Reply 50 of 75
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    You'll never run Crysis with an ATI card for the next 5 years. Programmers highlighted driver problems for Nvidia are nowhere in site. Point them out. I'll bitch slap him too.

    LBB was likely referring to my dissertation on why MacOSX seems to underperform relative to WindowsXP. This is not a short-coming of the drivers per-se, it is instead a result of the overall MacOSX OpenGL architecture.

    There have been various issues with nVidia and ATI drivers in the past. It is not simply a matter of Apple compiling the nVidia-provided source code, which is something that the nVidia guys complain about if you get them alone and ply them with booze. But there aren't any major outstanding faults that I've heard of with drivers for either GPU company's hardware. Writing OpenGL code for that Mac (or Windows, for that matter) that maximizes performance on all available hardware and takes advantage of all their various features is a non-trivial task. I recently acquired the new book "OpenGL Programming on MacOS X" and it spends a fair number of pages and just hits the tip of the iceberg.
  • Reply 51 of 75
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Programmer View Post

    LBB was likely referring to my dissertation on why MacOSX seems to underperform relative to WindowsXP. This is not a short-coming of the drivers per-se, it is instead a result of the overall MacOSX OpenGL architecture.

    There have been various issues with nVidia and ATI drivers in the past. It is not simply a matter of Apple compiling the nVidia-provided source code, which is something that the nVidia guys complain about if you get them alone and ply them with booze. But there aren't any major outstanding faults that I've heard of with drivers for either GPU company's hardware. Writing OpenGL code for that Mac (or Windows, for that matter) that maximizes performance on all available hardware and takes advantage of all their various features is a non-trivial task. I recently acquired the new book "OpenGL Programming on MacOS X" and it spends a fair number of pages and just hits the tip of the iceberg.

    Here-say about applying booze to nvidia developers aside. There is nothing in there about any issues with nvidia drivers.
  • Reply 52 of 75

    You'll never run Crysis with an ATI card for the next 5 years. Programmers highlighted driver problems for Nvidia are nowhere in site. Point them out. I'll bitch slap him too.

    You'll not run it too great on yer GT. Great though the card is for buck. Good but not powerful enough for Crysis. But what is? You don't get SLi for the Mac. A shame? Meh. When Nvidia and ATI push out the latest tech' instead of repacked year old tech' then things may change.

    Bitch slap? I'll pull yer fringe out.


    LBB was likely referring to my dissertation on why MacOSX seems to underperform relative to WindowsXP. This is not a short-coming of the drivers per-se, it is instead a result of the overall MacOSX OpenGL architecture.

    I was, venerable Programmer.

    Well, if you found the GL book hard going, no wonder everybody is going for M$'s much superior Direct X, eh?


    Anyway. That's enough baiting for today...

    Lemon Bon Bon.

    PS. Support the campaign to save Windows XP.
  • Reply 53 of 75
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Direct X doesn't have anything on OGL 3.0.

    Needless to say new ATI tech will not help them. Mentioning ATI's new cards is like arguing that HD-DVD is still in the race. lol
  • Reply 54 of 75
    rezwitsrezwits Posts: 895member
    Didn't we go over all of this stuff? The SLI, the DirectX10, the XP or VIsta the this the tha, the Crysis or whatever?

    I mean honestly for games that are basically where you running thru an OpenGL-ish map over and over the current cards do the job, I mean please.

    That 8800 even ranks on some benchmarks as good as those $4000 Quadros now, I mean come on. And I know the next thing someone will bring up is 3D rendering and etc

    Honestly I think Apples stand point is pretty good. Like the old days they had a soldered vIdeo chip, now days they offer like 4 options. Not like windows machines with 100+ options. Having a base standard is much better than worrying about all these different cards and such.

    God Damn It ONLOOKER, get a PS3, XBox, or Wii, and bitch about that video card...


  • Reply 55 of 75
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by rezwits View Post

    God Damn It ONLOOKER, get a PS3, XBox, or Wii, and bitch about that video card...

    Why do I keep having to say this console gaming and computer gaming are NOT the same thing. It would be like telling you to go get a pc because its generically a computer or a baseball player to go play soccer because they're both sports.
  • Reply 56 of 75
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    <Warning OT>

    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    PS. Support the campaign to save Windows XP.

    Now that's vff

    Where do I sign up ?

    Do I send an email to the Squirter or Billy ?

    re-edit: Unbeleivable, seek and ye shall find


    +1 lol

    <Warning OT>
  • Reply 57 of 75
    rezwitsrezwits Posts: 895member
    Yeah, that's so true, I can't stand unreal on a console, compared to playing with a keyboard on a mac, but there's like 1 game on a mac (boot camp) or even windows, compared to 10 on consoles. I don't play games really like 1% of my time. But my brother does and he used to be a really big PC gamer, but now he has all 3 main consoles, and the PC got to hot one day and he replaced it with a laptop. All he does with his PC (laptop) is internet/web. I just see playing games on a PC like 5% activity versus 95% activity where you can just for the amount of headaches do without PCs. The games have really never been all that great. I mean you know the argument, why spend $1500 so you can play 2 or 3 games on PC, when you can play 40 games in a year, renting and what not. If you like to play games. It's like being Shaquile O'neal with a ping-pong desire, just drop the ping-pong from your life, it's not all that important.

    The main problem is that as soon as some guy goes OH MAN you have to see the new DirectX15 game with whatever special graphics and features, then some guy has to spend $1000 more and then check the game out for 15-30 minutes and then never even play the game... And go right back to his console...

    I'd know I guess I could go on for hours about this because of the practicality, but don't get me wrong I love Diablo II and Unreal with a keyboard. If I had to play games anymore I would rather have a PS3 without having to have spent any of the money I did on Desktop games. I mean my PC history is sick. Remember when Star Wars Galaxies came out? Well that is when I first decided to get a PC (my brother is a PC guy mainly I am a Mac guy). My bro was using his PC for gaming mostly. This was right about 2 years after the time XBox came out. I thought I was going to get into PC gaming heavily. But to make a long story short. That machine went thru a ton of system re-installs and eventually fried. $2000 I spent on that thing. DAMN

    I don't know, if somebody even asked me about getting a computer, I would ask them what for? Three things really exist: Games, Internet Usage (reading web pages day and night), and Work/Hobby Programs. If someone really wanted to be a quote un quote Gamer, I wouldn't even waste a single breath on a Desktop Gaming Rig... I could care f$%kin less if there is 1 super game that is so cool dood per year. Unless I made $100,000 a year. But even then, forget that...

    ah laters...

    Oh one other thing, completely bag on the grammar and spelling and all the other things you guys want to do. I am babbling off the top and I am not going to proof read this. Just get the main idea...

    $2000 gaming rigs that have to be rebuilt every year SUCK, To myself I know this is why Apple HONESTLY could care less about gaming in OS X, I mean yeah they are like could you guys make a couple feel good games for people. But it's stupid. I like role playing, I like playing Basketball, I like Board Games, and honestly if there were no headaches involved in PC gaming I would do that too, I like golf a little but not enough to spend $1,000 on clubs and clothes and the $50 a week to play on weekends, I can live without have golf in my arsenal of things to do just like I can live without PC Gaming.

  • Reply 58 of 75
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by rezwits View Post

    Didn't we go over all of this stuff? The SLI, the DirectX10, the XP or VIsta the this the tha, the Crysis or whatever?

    I mean honestly for games that are basically where you running thru an OpenGL-ish map over and over the current cards do the job, I mean please.

    That 8800 even ranks on some benchmarks as good as those $4000 Quadros now, I mean come on. And I know the next thing someone will bring up is 3D rendering and etc

    Honestly I think Apples stand point is pretty good. Like the old days they had a soldered vIdeo chip, now days they offer like 4 options. Not like windows machines with 100+ options. Having a base standard is much better than worrying about all these different cards and such.

    God Damn It ONLOOKER, get a PS3, XBox, or Wii, and bitch about that video card...



    Don't you read? #1) You can't play the game using the card available without SLI. #2) I do have a PS3, wake up and start reading some posts before you decide to chime in with your uselessness.
  • Reply 59 of 75
    ^ Actually, I believe the Mac Pro with 8800GT will play this game very well.

    You can check my thread at:


    With the ATi HD2600XT, I can plat at 1440 x 900, All Very High and High at 15-20 fps, and all Medium at 30 fps.

    So I guess the server architecture of the Mac Pro helped a little.

    If the 2600 can play the game this well, then there won't be a need for for SLI unless you want to play above 1920 x 1080 with AA.

    Youtube links (quality not too great):

  • Reply 60 of 75
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Here-say about applying booze to nvidia developers aside. There is nothing in there about any issues with nvidia drivers.

    Heresy? I think not! Applying booze to developers is almost always effective at getting the real story. But you're right, there aren't any "real" driver issues lurking about, just the usual assortment of bugs found in software.
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