Notes of interest from Apple's Q108 quarterly conference call



  • Reply 21 of 69
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    The fate of the world rests in the hands of people who get spooked easily and overreact. That is reassuring.

    I hope not. This is just people and firms who own shares in companies who try to make a profit shunting money back and forth.

    Buying opportunity for AAPL! Remember, Daedelus said $600 by Dec 2008. Get out there people!
  • Reply 22 of 69
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    The entire market is at a 15 month low. It has everything to do with bad real estate loans and nothing to do with a 3G phone.

    Dream on.

    While the Dow Jones as a whole is down 16 percent from its peak (and the NASDAQ is 20 percent off of a 5-year high), in after-hours trading Apple is down nearly 32 percent from where it was just a few weeks ago.

    Much worse than the market as a whole, and not good by any stretch.

    So it's more than just the economy (though it sure ain't helpin'). And yep, a 3G iPhone would help, as that would goose Euro sales, as even you yourself have admitted. Though Apple also has to work on pricing issues over there as well. \

  • Reply 23 of 69
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    While the stock market as a whole is down 16 percent from its peak, in after hours trading Apple is down nearly 32 percent from where it was just a few weeks ago. Not good.

    Well when there is the specter of a recession. Companies that sell expensive consumer products such as Apple are highly vulnerable in a stock sell off.

    Baggins you are beyond comical with this 3G fetish. What evidence is their that a 3G iPhone would make any difference?
  • Reply 24 of 69
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Well when there is the specter of a recession. Companies that sell expensive consumer products such as Apple are highly vulnerable in a stock sell off.

    Baggins you are beyond comical with this 3G fetish. What evidence is their that a 3G iPhone would make any difference?

    Teno, I know it must be a slow day in the Apple marketing department, but you're kidding me, right? YOU YOURSELF HAVE SAID that 3G would help iPhone sales in Europe. Now you want to backpedal because what you said before was inconvenient? Oh, and ignore the missed Euro sales targets too?

    Good lord man, sit down, shut up, and have a drink. Its that kind of day.

  • Reply 25 of 69
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    Teno, I know it must be a slow day in the Apple marketing department, but you're kidding me, right? YOU YOURSELF HAVE SAID that 3G would help iPhone sales in Europe. Now you want to backpedal because what you said before was inconvenient? Oh, and ignore the missed Euro sales targets too?

    Good lord man, sit down, shut up, and have a drink. Its that kind of day.


    1) While a 3G iPhone would help sales in every market, it wouldn't have saved anything from happening today. iPod sales would still be flat, and perhaps even lower.

    2) Your sig is way to big.
  • Reply 26 of 69
    jasenj1jasenj1 Posts: 923member
    Wow. I feel _REALLY_ stupid now for buying some shares just before MacWorld ($178ish). Apple has always been a very volatile, crazy stock. It seems to "overcorrect" a lot. I wouldn't be surprised to see it up $10 tomorrow - not that I think it will be, I just wouldn't be surprised.

    Oh well, I bought most of my few shares back in the 90s when it was around $30. Selling a few helped with a down payment on my first house. I'd just like to get back in the acquiring mode. This might be a good opportunity.

    - Jasen.
  • Reply 27 of 69
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    1) While a 3G iPhone would help sales in every market, it wouldn't have saved anything from happening today. iPod sales would still be flat, and perhaps even lower.

    The iPhone is but one of Apple's three major businesses. Would a 3G iPhone have been a magic bullet that somehow shielded Apple stock from any kind of fall? Of course not, and no one's saying it would have. But could it have cushioned the fall some? Yeah, pretty sure it would've.


    2) Your sig is way to big.

    On my comp, it looks just about right.

  • Reply 28 of 69
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by jasenj1 View Post

    Wow. I feel _REALLY_ stupid now for buying some shares just before MacWorld ($178ish). Apple has always been a very volatile, crazy stock. It seems to "overcorrect" a lot. I wouldn't be surprised to see it up $10 tomorrow - not that I think it will be, I just wouldn't be surprised.

    Oh well, I bought most of my few shares back in the 90s when it was around $30. Selling a few helped with a down payment on my first house. I'd just like to get back in the acquiring mode. This might be a good opportunity.

    - Jasen.

    I feel your pain. I seriously though about selling at $200 in late December, but I thought, "There should be some good announcements at MacWorld. And if not, the earnings call should be stellar enough to set everything right."


  • Reply 29 of 69
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    The iPhone is but one of Apple's three major businesses. Would a 3G iPhone have been a magic bullet that somehow shielded Apple stock from any kind of fall? Of course not, and no one's saying it would have. But could it have cushioned the fall some? Yeah, pretty sure it would've.

    "Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster confessed that in his five years of covering Apple he’s never seen anything like the market’s reaction to these earnings. 'I talked to one of our technical analysts before the call and he told me that the stock was going down to 130 no matter what results Apple posted,' Munster said in a phone interview. 'Something bigger is going on in people’s minds. There’s a feeling that stocks need to go back to their 200 day averages as the market corrects itself. This is not a bullish sign for other tech stocks going forward,'" Elmer-DeWitt reports.


    On my comp, it looks just about right.

    Looks big on my monitor too. I thought you figured the bigger you made it the more likely Apple would listen.
  • Reply 30 of 69
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    "Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster confessed that in his five years of covering Apple he’s never seen anything like the market’s reaction to these earnings. 'I talked to one of our technical analysts before the call and he told me that the stock was going down to 130 no matter what results Apple posted,' Munster said in a phone interview. 'Something bigger is going on in people’s minds. There’s a feeling that stocks need to go back to their 200 day averages as the market corrects itself. This is not a bullish sign for other tech stocks going forward,'" Elmer-DeWitt reports.

    Gene's just one analyst, and one of the most consistently bullish on Apple. He's made some very big upside projections on Apple, and today's events probably have wigged him out a bit, since his rep's on the line. He's gonna call 'crazy apocalypse' instead of admitting that maybe he was a tad over-optimistic. \


    Looks big on my monitor too. I thought you figured the bigger you made it the more likely Apple would listen.

    Nah. AI I think did something regarding sig sizes a few days ago, 'cuz I noticed my sig was unusually small recently. So I bumped up the font size to compensate.

    Apparently AI undid whatever they were doing, 'cuz alluva sudden, my sig became big. So I had to go back and adjust again. I think its good now. Its the same size as I remember it being before the weirdness.

  • Reply 31 of 69
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    Gene's just one analyst, and one of the most consistently bullish on Apple. He's made some very big upside projections on Apple, and today's events probably have wigged him out a bit, since his rep's on the line. He's gonna call 'crazy apocalypse' instead of admitting that maybe he was a tad over-optimistic.

    Not really. Apple's earnings and growth have been impressive. Todays stock fall wasn't about the past quarter but about the future. Because of various factors in the market today investors are squeamish about future growth. Those doubts have little to do with the reality of Apple's future growth. Only the perception.
  • Reply 32 of 69
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Not really. Apple's earnings and growth have been impressive. Todays stock fall wasn't about the past quarter but about the future. Because of various factors in the market today investors are squeamish about future growth. Those doubts have little to do with the reality of Apple's future growth. Only the perception.

    If Apple gave very conservative and somewhat dismal future guidance (and it appears that it has):

    Apple forecast profit in the second fiscal quarter of 94 cents per share, far short of the $1.09 per share that analysts were expecting. Revenue is also expected to be lower, coming in around $6.8 billion, compared with the $6.99 billion forecast by analysts.

    ...then it appears those doubts go well beyond 'perception'. Apple knows its in for a bumpy ride, and its trying to get the bad news out early.

    Guess I'm gonna have to hold my stock a good long while before I see $200 again. Bummer.

  • Reply 33 of 69
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    If Apple gave very conservative and somewhat dismal future guidance (and it appears that it has):

    This is not because Apple believes consumers won't buy its products. The economy may go into a slow down. A phenomenon which is beyond Apple's control but will put the breaks on Apple's recent growth. They are cautiously reflecting the reality of the current market.

    Also the economy may not slowdown as much as feared and Apple may beat these estimates.
  • Reply 34 of 69
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    This is not because Apple believes consumers won't buy its products. The economy may go into a slow down. A phenomenon which is beyond Apple's control but will put the breaks on Apple's recent growth. They are cautiously reflecting the reality of the current market.

    Apple believes people will buy its products, just not as many of them as was previously believed. Hence, the huge Apple sell-off.


    Also the economy may not slowdown as much as feared and Apple may beat these estimates.

    Yep. Or the whole thing could go to s***. We'll have to see.

    Apple can't control the economy, but they can control their product portfolio and pricing. Let's hope for some adroit moves on both fronts.

  • Reply 35 of 69
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    AAPL is a consumer-spending-dependent company. All signs point to recession, including decreased consumer spending. If it affects Apple, and Apple includes it in the guidance, you know that the near term is not good news for Apple, hence the AAPL sell off.

    The market is typically emotional, seldom rational. For example, I would guess that the biggest buyers of iTunes and iPod products are young people, who typically spend the most on impulse items... in this case, downloads. The market is just laying a goose egg right now. If it starts to look like an Obama or Clinton presidency is in the offing later in the year, expect the market to really take a dump.
  • Reply 36 of 69
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Mainly due to movie rental content arriving in Europe this year. Europe hasn't had much content to use on the AppleTV so hopefully that will change real soon this year as Jobs stated it would.

    The movie rental bit makes the AppleTV more appealing but the barrier to entry is still steep. Even though Apple dropped its price $229 is still a leap above $50 for a DVD player. Though it is quite a bit cheaper than a HD player. I don't have an HD TV yet so the value proposition isn't there for me yet.

    I believe just $30 cheaper would have pushed the AppleTV to the hot item list. $199 is a magical price point. I'll hold out hope that fall will see the AppleTV prices drop to that level then I'll put that on my Christmas wish list.

    With over $18 billion in cash Apple could well afford to buy EyeTV and incorporate into a new model AppleTV.

    Why doesn't Apple make the AppleTV in a black model? I pay a bit extra for that color.
  • Reply 37 of 69
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    I feel your pain. I seriously though about selling at $200 in late December, but I thought, "There should be some good announcements at MacWorld. And if not, the earnings call should be stellar enough to set everything right."



    exactly the same here. I have been saying to all my friends for well over a year that the housing market was a dom com doom waiting to happen, and it was obviously getting close, @ $200 it was tempting to sell but Macworld was just round the corner.

    Annoying, but I'm gonna treat this as a lesson and as a buying opportunity, I have just doubled my stake in Apple. I have great confidence the company will be back up there before long.
  • Reply 38 of 69
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    I believe just $30 cheaper would have pushed the AppleTV to the hot item list. $199 is a magical price point. I'll hold out hope that fall will see the AppleTV prices drop to that level then I'll put that on my Christmas wish list.

    Agreed. For whatever reason, $199 is just a much sexier pricepoint than $229. And its not like Apple's margins aren't fatter than Vida Guerra's ass.


    Why doesn't Apple make the AppleTV in a black model? I pay a bit extra for that color.


  • Reply 39 of 69
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    The market is just laying a goose egg right now. If it starts to look like an Obama or Clinton presidency is in the offing later in the year, expect the market to really take a dump.

    Why? The economy was a lot better under Hil's husband than it ever was under Dubya.

  • Reply 40 of 69
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    2) Your sig is way to big.

    That's like the MacBook Air calling the iMac aluminum.
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