iTunes usage overtakes RealPlayer for the first time

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Although often considered the de facto choice for music sales, Apple's iTunes media player has just recently surpassed RealPlayer and is now second only to Microsoft's Windows Media Player for streaming media.

Website Optimization cites new research from Nielsen Online that shows the Apple software crossing the threshold in April 2007 and maintaining a near-total advantage over RealPlayer up to the most recent survey in December, which showed almost 35.7 million unique iTunes users versus Real's 27.6 million.

Microsoft's Windows Media Player, which comes bundled with most editions of the stronger-selling Windows operating system, remained the dominant software with nearly 75.9 million users.

But iTunes alone showed any consistent growth, according to the Nielsen results. The jukebox program's overall user base grew by 26.8 percent between December 2006 and December 2007 while all others slowed or reversed course. RealPlayer's use dropped by 17.5 percent, while Windows Media Player was "essentially flat" throughout all of 2007 and slipped by 58,000 users, or less than one percent.

Even Apple's own QuickTime software, which forms the backbone of iTunes' music and video playback, saw its usage for streaming media drop by 8.6 percent over the same timeframe.

A report in early 2007 accurately predicted that Apple's move to second place would occur by mid-2007 but followed an earlier study from a year before which prematurely suggested the changeover would take place in mid-2006. In practice, iTunes traffic grew only modestly until a spike during the holidays -- likely triggered by iPod sales -- put the software within reach of RealPlayer's user share.


  • Reply 1 of 37
    Apple should add small unobtrusive ads a la google adwords to iTunes and use that as a new revenue stream. Thin of the millions of users out there, a small tiny couple words ad somewhere on the side could make alotta dough for the company.
  • Reply 2 of 37
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by mdotdubz View Post

    Apple should add small unobtrusive ads a la google adwords to iTunes and use that as a new revenue stream. Thin of the millions of users out there, a small tiny couple words ad somewhere on the side could make alotta dough for the company.

    I don't see that happening...

    Just like there is no "Intel Inside" sticker on Apple laptops, this too will never happen. SJ is obsessed with aesthetics than ad revenue off iTunes or anything else produced by Apple.
  • Reply 3 of 37
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    What about Adobe Flash? With the like of YouTube, Flash seems to have obliterated all other solutions for streaming video.
  • Reply 4 of 37
    dentondenton Posts: 725member
    RealPlayer? Do people still use that piece of s***?
  • Reply 5 of 37
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by Denton View Post

    RealPlayer? Do people still use that piece of s***?

    I've always found the OS X version of RealPlayer to be not bad.

    The OS 9 version really was truly awful, and the Windows version was (still is?) the nastiest piece of control-freak, spyware-ridden crap ever. And the way they try to trick people into getting a paid version over the free version by making the free version almost impossible to find is despicable.
  • Reply 6 of 37
    Winamp FTW!
  • Reply 7 of 37
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by Denton View Post

    RealPlayer? Do people still use that piece of s***?

    I was wondering the same thing
  • Reply 7 of 37
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    What about Adobe Flash? With the like of YouTube, Flash seems to have obliterated all other solutions for streaming video.

    FTA: "...for streaming media." YouTube and/or Flash aren't streaming media. Specifically, this is the "Radio" Library in iTunes.

    And YouTube has converted its content away from the craptacular Flash video format.

    Note to Adobe: Just because you can use every available CPU cycle doesn't mean you should.
  • Reply 9 of 37
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    I didn't know Real was still in business
  • Reply 10 of 37
    Originally Posted by mdotdubz View Post

    Apple should add small unobtrusive ads a la google adwords to iTunes and use that as a new revenue stream. Thin of the millions of users out there, a small tiny couple words ad somewhere on the side could make alotta dough for the company.

    No, that would just make me drop iTunes. What is with this idea that if a lot of people use something we automatically need to add advertising to it somehow. It's not a requirement that a business make a direct revenue stream off everything they put out. \

    Originally Posted by Denton

    RealPlayer? Do people still use that piece of s***?

    I have some software installed that lets me play Realplayer files without using Realplayer itself. I don't think it's legally kosher, but I'm not installing Real's spyware player.
  • Reply 11 of 37
    galleygalley Posts: 971member
    RealPlayer 11 will automatically download Flash video. It works rather well.
  • Reply 12 of 37
    Originally Posted by SeaFox View Post

    No, that would just make me drop iTunes. What is with this idea that if a lot of people use something we automatically need to add advertising to it somehow. It's not a requirement that a business make a direct revenue stream off everything they put out. \

    I have some software installed that lets me play Realplayer files without using Realplayer itself. I don't think it's legally kosher, but I'm not installing Real's spyware player.

    umm... they added little ads to YouTube and nobody is complaining. If a small ad somewhere in iTunes where you wouldn't even look make u stop using iTunes, then you plain and simple are retarded. AppleInsider has lil google adwords and it doesn't stop you from posting here now does it!

    Anything to add revenue would be great. Small ads wouldn't ruin the aesthetics of iTunes. \
  • Reply 13 of 37
    It hasn't even overtaken Mediaplayer!
  • Reply 14 of 37
    Originally Posted by mdotdubz View Post

    ... you plain and simple are retarded. AppleInsider has lil google adwords and it doesn't stop you from posting here now does it!

    Anything to add revenue would be great. Small ads wouldn't ruin the aesthetics of iTunes. \

    I love your choice of words. Really do. I mean can you BE any more impolite ? You obviously do not have handicapped people in your family or within your group of friends (that is if you have any) - else you would not use such a derogative term

    And why on earth wold we need more ads to the detriment of our privacy - as one thing stands clear - your iTunes knows who you are and what you shop for in terms of audio/visual content. So yeah - yippieh - lets all give up our privacy so that a company can make more money.

    You seem to be missing the point anyway - the difference between YouTube, AI and iTunes is that sooner or later you end up paying for/in the latter one be it through direct purchases or indirect purchases (aka iPod).
  • Reply 15 of 37
    I see Apple in more need of not pissing off users than trying to make teeny bits of revenue from ads in iTunes.

    As for adding little ads to YouTube ... go figure, it's an entirely different business, and one that's owned by a rather large advertising agency
  • Reply 16 of 37
    zunxzunx Posts: 620member
    TO THE ADMINS: great news, but which final percentage has each application? Thanks for the good work.
  • Reply 17 of 37
    Originally Posted by mdotdubz View Post

    umm... they added little ads to YouTube and nobody is complaining. If a small ad somewhere in iTunes where you wouldn't even look make u stop using iTunes, then you plain and simple are retarded. AppleInsider has lil google adwords and it doesn't stop you from posting here now does it!

    Anything to add revenue would be great. Small ads wouldn't ruin the aesthetics of iTunes. \

    It's not about the aesthetics. It's about the difference between my own personal computer and the internet. YouTube, AppleInsider, those are websites, not programs on my own machine. Would you wear any t-shirt with a big corporate logo on the front, as long as it's free?

    A whole bunch of people use iTunes, that's cool. But you're just looking at it as yet another place to advertise. Does the concept of "maybe there should be some places free of marketing" ever occur to you?
  • Reply 18 of 37
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    Note to Adobe: Just because you can use every available CPU cycle doesn't mean you should.

  • Reply 19 of 37
    Originally Posted by SeaFox View Post

    IA whole bunch of people use iTunes, that's cool. But you're just looking at it as yet another place to advertise. Does the concept of "maybe there should be some places free of marketing" ever occur to you?

    Probably not - mdotdubz most likely was a good lemming and bought stock at 180$ a pop and now fears the margin call of his bank
  • Reply 20 of 37
    Originally Posted by mdotdubz View Post

    umm... they added little ads to YouTube and nobody is complaining. If a small ad somewhere in iTunes where you wouldn't even look make u stop using iTunes, then you plain and simple are retarded. AppleInsider has lil google adwords and it doesn't stop you from posting here now does it!

    Anything to add revenue would be great. Small ads wouldn't ruin the aesthetics of iTunes. \

    We don't need more advertising, we need less advertising in this over-advertised world. One of the reasons of success of Apple is that they reduce the clutter in our everyday lives. "Small unobtrusive ads" introduce unnecessary clutter again through the backdoor.
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