Report: Apple ups Mac orders by 20 percent, scales back on iPods



  • Reply 21 of 33
    Originally Posted by houseley View Post

    And more than a little bit xenophoibic.

    "xenopho…" what?

    A little late aren't you?

    After all , he did come about. And if you are going to come down so hard again, perhaps a lesson in spelling would help your cause.
  • Reply 22 of 33
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    "xenopho?" what?

    A little late aren't you?

    After all , he did come about. And if you are going to come down so hard again, perhaps a lesson in spelling would help your cause.

    Thanks for the defense--much appreciated.

    But actually, I knew I was laying myself open to that charge as I wrote. On some issues, such as American companies going offshore to avoid taxes, and exporting too many jobs, I get a touch of xenophobia. But in reality I am a major internationalist, and Lou Dobbs drives me up a tree. My last international vacation was to Paris and I loved it--I love everything about the French (except their xenophobic tendencies) ;-)
  • Reply 23 of 33
    Originally Posted by Banalltv View Post

    Ya know, maybe they wouldn't have to cut iPhone production if they just sold it in a few more countries...

    You know, I almost read some profound background music when I read this (like that guy "Eli Stone" last night). Then again, I'd read enough on park benches before hand so it may have made this stand out.

    Come on SingTel and subsidiaries.

    Come on Unlocks at the same standard price.

    Come on similar prices as the US, in Europe etc.

    Come on $100 rebate for those who are on contract, after 6 months.
  • Reply 24 of 33
    Originally Posted by tuneman07 View Post

    Yea locking the Iphone in with AT&T was a bad move for Apple- I want one but I am not going with AT&T so I'm not getting one. I don't see why they did that- the real money with phones is in the contract not the phone anyway.

    Didn't you just answer your own question? They locked it in because the real money is in the contract, not the phone. Apple gets a significant cut of the contract.
  • Reply 25 of 33
    It sure would be amusing (but now just pitiful) if customers that had gone into the Apple stores to buy iPods, decided to buy desktop Macs instead. It's a darn shame that WS doesn't understand that for a given amount of people, one person probably can't afford to buy every product in Apple's lineup. They may only have a choice to buy one item. Instead of an iPod, they buy an iPhone or vice-versa. Or they may just splurge to get an iMac. What's so bad about one Mac product losing out to the other as long as the profit margin is high. Instead WS had to keep focusing on lower iPod sales instead of increased notebook or iMac sales. WS really sucks. Everyone completely overreacted and groin kicked Apple's share price. I still feel that the economy downturn hit Apple at the worst time and it should have been their finest hour (quarter). Screw short-sighted investors.

    I don't know why they keep talking about the decline of the iPod. I mean, they do break and eventually they'll have to be replaced. Maybe a whole generation will start to fail at one time and need replacement. That could boost iPod sales.

    That being said, I'm really concerned about iPhone sales in China. Apple needs China to boost "lackluster" iPhone sales. Maybe it won't matter if iPhone 2.0 offers some really great hardware feature set or if the SDK allows for some compelling enterprise business demand. (Please let IT find a must hae use for the iPhone)
  • Reply 26 of 33
    Originally Posted by OldMacGuy View Post

    Well, my 15 year-old granddaughter saved up and bought a MB. Her 18 yr-old sister's Dell just crashed. Again. Her dad and I promised her a MBP to take to college. My son has absolutely committed himself to a new Mac when he replaces HIS Dell.

    I've done my job here on earth, now, and have converted a load of unbelievers to the sweet side. Why did it take so long? I wonder if a 20% increase in Mac orders is ENOUGH?

    Oh, so that's what happened:

    Btw, I don't wish Dell or anyone bad luck.
  • Reply 27 of 33
    the only way apple are going to increase by 20% is to bring out new macbooks...
  • Reply 28 of 33
    And MacBook Pros.
  • Reply 29 of 33
    xamaxxamax Posts: 135member
    You "american" guys drink so much coke your brains have become damaged! You spend your time discussing silly stuff [for this forum] like spelling with pseudo-patriotic sentiment - where's your patriotism when Uncle Sam calls you to go to Iraq, you fat burger-eating-coke-drinking ss? - instead of reading the article with some kind of critical mind! Shame on you!

    Did you know coke is used by air stewardesses to wash passengers puke clean? Did you know it's effectively used to unclog toilet drains?! It's with that air head attitude you let yourselves swallow the crap from these so-called analysts!

    These guys might have BAs and Master Degrees in wtfism and speak gibberishaista like mean moving average [poor little average, what's it done wrong?] and such but they can't figure out zilsch, nada, zero about Apple even if it would be crammed up their nose

    So they predicted a 50% cut in production and they saw a 55% increase on their prediction instead? Hello? And "it's still down from 2 months ago", you mean the holiday season as opposed to the slowest quarter in the year?! Who should we fire today?!

    This is what you guys and girls (yeah, right) should all be talking about - how Apple is being hampered on a daily basis by these shaister pseudo-analysts that spend their day sitting on their fat burger-eating-coke-drinking ss trying to come up ways to justify their overblown analyst $250,000+ salaries instead of really working things out!

    AHAH sad figures, scratching your bums and farting in front of your computers - go get a life! Wait, are you scratching your head with the same finger you just scratched your bum and fingered your nose?! Geez!

    Jobs has VISION and he knows consumers will retract in 2008, that's a given.

    But wait, he might also be preparing to revolutionize his own revolution and change his iPod business all together into this new Touch based platform thus replacing current iPods with no Touch capabilities that, by the way, have little to fit in iTunes' rental scheme! Doesn't that mean lowering non-Touch iPod orders and increase Touch ones? Doesn't this fit with a whole new line fully Touch-based models showing up in mid 2008, maybe sooner?

    Didn't anybody get Oppenheimer's loud and clear statement that the iPod Touch was a computer platform in itself and didn't anybody link that strategy wise to the MacBook Air? Don't you think the MacBook Air makes little sense on its own UNLESS it is part of a whole new strategy and product line for Apple? [unless he's setting himself up for another Cube but I don't think so]

    Didn't you get that the MacBook Air is not the kind of notebook we're used to but a peripheral to a desk based iMac or Mac Pro just like any iPod or iPhone, instead?

    Don't you see there was in fact a missing piece between the iPod Touch and the MacBook Air at MacWorld that would have the whole "There's Something In The Air" line make sense?!

    Was it just me that missed the lusted for 2008_Newton/Mac_UMPC that was perhaps supposed to have been announced at MacWorld and fill the gap between iPod Touch and MacBook Air thus have it all make sense as a new strategy and line of conduct for Apple for 2008 and beyond?! Jobs must have ran into some unforeseen trouble that prevented him to launch the machine, I'm sure... but then he said 'there are 50 more weeks left in 2008'...

    Didn't you realise that Steve Jobs let it slide not to make a really big One More Thing announcement at MacWorld because he is so confident of the splash the new products he's preparing to launch will make?!

    Can't you put 2 and 2 together and see the iPhone/Touch, new Touch MBPros and 10.5.2 coming up making it an excellent time to do his famous "One More Thing" that'll make AAPL rise like crazy? Don't you think he needs that?!

    Can you not feel his vengeance wish building up towards these analysts that helped AAPL lose big time recently, more than NASDAQ? He'll just roll and laugh himself off to tears thinking of them when he gets this rabbit out of his hat...

    Oh, one more thing, Apple might also be opening up its products to the enterprise market as they've already started doing with the iPhone through AT&Cingular- and I'm talking about corporations since the SOHO entrepreneurs are getting into the Apple wagon in droves already. Corporations need MBPs and MBAs to show off [yes, the MBA is a so called vanity product, that strategy worked with the iPhone so...] and Jobs will gladly supply them the good stuff! That's one way the MBA makes sense!

    I apologize for the flaming and thank you good Apple fanboys for your time / attention, wishing you all, die-hard Mac fans of the world (unite), the best 48 weeks ever!
  • Reply 30 of 33
    xamaxxamax Posts: 135member
    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post

    WS really sucks. Everyone completely overreacted and groin kicked Apple's share price. I still feel that the economy downturn hit Apple at the worst time and it should have been their finest hour (quarter). Screw short-sighted investors.

    Totally with you, Constable!
  • Reply 31 of 33
    oh, dear g-d. what was that post (see above), a little too much caffeine?

    Honestly, as an investor, I would trade ipods sales for computer sales any day of the week -- just look at the margins on computers! or maybe the numbers -- what percentage of apple's profit is from computer sales vs. ipod, despite nearly an order of magnitude difference in unit sales (I am making that figure up... too tired to do my homework).

    happy banc/bank bickering!
  • Reply 32 of 33
    ak1808ak1808 Posts: 108member
    The problem that arises now is that for the sceptics it looks a lot like a fashion-fluke. iPods out of hype, Macs are out of hype next, Apple goes down... was designed well but overpriced ... the whole usual bla-bla.

    They are transitioning from iPod to iPhone and its not gonna be easy, because they have to pull the same trick against stronger competitors (Nokia vs Creative anyone?). If it works, great, if it doesn't, watch Mac sales drop too.
  • Reply 33 of 33
    Originally Posted by XamaX View Post

    You "american" guys drink so much coke your brains have become damaged! You spend your time discussing silly stuff [for this forum] like spelling with pseudo-patriotic sentiment - where's your patriotism when Uncle Sam calls you to go to Iraq, you fat burger-eating-coke-drinking ss? - instead of reading the article with some kind of critical mind! Shame on you! ...

    How irrelevant.
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