What's wrong with the MacBook Air?



  • Reply 21 of 236
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    1) Is the screen really glass?

    As far as I know, all LCD screens use glass. Just not for the front face. I think the substrate glass is what was being mentioned in the presentation.

    Originally Posted by Atlanta Rick View Post

    It is a small computer afterall. The music and video could sync over wifi.

    But at most, it would only be twice as fast as USB 1.1. And you'd have to have some alternate means to charge the phone.
  • Reply 22 of 236
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    We will purchase when MacBook Air has:

    - Firewire (Target Disk Mode for repairs is a must)

    _ Ethernet port (Wireless is not everywhere)

    - Video out port (again, Wireless is not everywhere)

    - More USB ports (one is not enough)

    Meanwhile, note that all that and in particular the Firewire port is possible even for tiny devices like the Kanguru Fire Flash (Firewire Flash Drive):


    Using your logic I should be bitching about the 17" MBP being to big and too heavy and having ports that I'll never use. But that would be silly since it's not the only option available. Just like it's silly to complain about a specialized machine not having x,y,z when you are obviously not the target consumer and there other machines that better fit your needs.
  • Reply 23 of 236
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by joelesler View Post

    Well written article. I applaud the writing. The only limiting factor the MBA is the lack of express card slot,

    I agree. I wish Apple would let the iPhone be a bluetooth modem, then the problem would be solved.

  • Reply 24 of 236
    Originally Posted by davebarnes View Post

    "Given the new restrictions upon carrying extra batteries on airplanes,..." is an irrelevant comment.

    The new restrictions do NOT affect people who want to carry an extra laptop battery.

    You are 100% wrong because there are limitation on the size of spare batteries. 1) All batteries part of the device are ok. 2) No batteries may be in checked luggage. 3) Spare batteries carried with you must have less than 8 grams of lithium.
  • Reply 25 of 236

    These are my questions:

    1.) Apple states up to 5h battery time with wireless. Can you confirm that?

    2.) What's the average battery time if you turn off the wireless and mainly use Office and perhaps iTunes for music playback?

    3.) How do you consider the MBA's performance in iMovie '08?

    I currently run the app on my PB G4 and it's not bad, but not optimal, and I plan to use it a lot more in the coming months.
  • Reply 26 of 236
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by flydoggie View Post

    You are 100% wrong because there are limitation on the size of spare batteries. 1) All batteries part of the device are ok. 2) No batteries may be in checked luggage. 3) Spare batteries carried with you must have less than 8 grams of lithium.

    Wasn't there an Australian airline that prevented any inclusion of any spare batteries, regardless of being carried or checked?
  • Reply 27 of 236
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by iextreme View Post

    3.) How do you consider the MBA's performance in iMovie '08?

    I currently run the app on my PB G4 and it's not bad, but not optimal, and I plan to use it a lot more in the coming months.

    The MBA will kick any G4's arse in most tests. Even HDD read/writes should be on keel as most G4s had a 4200RPM HDD too.

    Check out these initial MacWorld results.

    edit: Thanks, iextreme.
  • Reply 28 of 236
    hey solipsism,

    wanted to let you know that the link doesn't go to the initial test results of the MBA, but to results from May 2006.

    I have seen the initial figures from MacWorld, but I want to know more details I guess. I was lucky to get my hands on a MBA today and its response was much quicker and alert than my PB G4, though I never had the option to try and do some editing as iMovie had no clips.

    From my initial reaction, the only thing I think was negative was the thinness of the trackpad button. It's around 2/3 of the PB and really close to the edge, so my thumb usually misses it and hits the pad instead. Though it's not a big problem as I could just turn on pad tapping instead and get used to it.

    One other thing that I noticed, is that the edges of the MBA are really sharp and not covered by a thin plastic rim like on the PB or MBP, which can be a bit annoying if you rest your wrists on them.
  • Reply 29 of 236
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    You want them to add five ports? Have you seen the inside of this thing? Where are they going to put five more ports? By the time they add all that mess, the thing wouldn't even BE a "MacBook Air" any more.

    And it does have video out, so I don't see the problem there. As far as the ethernet, you can use a USB to ethernet dongle.

    And just slap on a USB hub for those rare cases where you'd want to plug in a mouse and use wired ethernet.
  • Reply 30 of 236
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    - Video out port (again, Wireless is not everywhere)

    I can't help on any of the other things, but the Air does have a video out port that supports VGA, DVI, S-Video and composite.

    Regarding the firewire flash drive, the 1GB version is $99, the 8GB version is over $200. I see ten 8GB USB flash drives for under $50 at Newegg. Fireflash only reads at 35 Megabits per second, Firewire's speed is wasted here.
  • Reply 31 of 236
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Originally Posted by kenstee View Post

    Am I the only one lamenting the lack of on-board CD/DVD capability? To me that is a must. And no, I'm not interested in carrying the portable accessory CD/DVD.

    No, you're not the only one, but this computer does not come with an optical drive - that is one of its features, not a drawback. If you need an internal optical drive, the regular MacBook is cheaper and has one. What's the problem?


    - Ability to start up from a disk in case of a crash or hard disk problems

    Make a 7 GB partition the 80GB hard drive. Use Disk Utility to "Restore" your Mac OS X DVD to that partition, by borrowing the DVD drive from one of your other Macs with the new software.

    Then when and if you need to reinstall or boot from the installer disk, you just boot up with Option held down and choose the restored 7 GB partition. If the whole hard disk is shot, no DVD is going to help you anyway.


    - Ability to easily install apps

    If you are bringing along the original DVDs of applications, then just install them before you leave the house?


    - Watch DVDs on those long flights

    Use Handbrake to load up the Air with the videos that you want, and delete them from the hard drive as you finish watching each one. No DVDs to carry and lose, and much better battery life.


    Why or why couldn't they have made a MBP 12" instead of or in addition to the Air?

    Because it wouldn't sell. When the MacBook has a bigger screen and is cheaper... customers would compare the two and scratch their heads - "WTF is this one for? It's smaller and more expensive...?"
  • Reply 32 of 236
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    We will purchase when MacBook Air has:

    - Firewire (Target Disk Mode for repairs is a must)

    _ Ethernet port (Wireless is not everywhere)

    - Video out port (again, Wireless is not everywhere)

    - More USB ports (one is not enough)

    Meanwhile, note that all that and in particular the Firewire port is possible even for tiny devices like the Kanguru Fire Flash (Firewire Flash Drive):


    And one last thing... We also need this with both Firewire and Mac OS X inside:

    OQO Model e2


    And once again, as with most people responding to the shortcomings of the MBA, you're all assuming this notebook is designed for you. It's not. For everyone here b******g that this notebook cannot possibly replace their feature-laden MBP's and desktops, there are the silent majority that will purchase the MBA precisely for what it was designed to provide. A lightweight, minimalist mobile COMPANION to a desktop computer.

    I am in the silent majority. I will probably purchase an MBA once I actually see it in person. As a very mobile individual, this fits the bill quite nicely. If I want more features, I'll use my desktop when I get home.
  • Reply 33 of 236
    The constant complaining is rather unbelievable; many of these people cannot conceive of the fact that Apple might make a product that only a certain number of people will consider and many also don't (can't?) read the specs before babbling on about the short-comings.

    A glance at Apple's Air spec sheets will show you:

    The Air has migration taken care of.


    The Air has ethernet.


    The Air has video out.


    With a hub, you can have all the USB ports you want. However, as a power user and a pre-orderer of the Air, I only use one USB port at a time on my laptop and thus have no need for more, which would be wasted space and weight. If you must have more, the Air was not designed for you; that's life.

    For backup, there are plenty of USB 2 drives that work reasonably fast. I currently use my iPod video. Doesn't need charging from my laptop because it already has better battery life than the computer.

    Please read the specs before bashing the machine; it has most of what you seem to want. It was certainly not designed for everybody. Nor was the MacPro.
  • Reply 34 of 236
    Many great points in this article/review/essay.

    I'm a little tired of people saying they need 6 USB ports and a firewire port and more hard-drives and a replaceable battery and, and...and...more of everything in a LAPTOP!

    The Air is a different kind of product. It's meant to have less, because for most people who want a laptop, they don't need all that stuff. Or at least a percentage of people out there don't need it all. It is a travel PC and really is a new category of machine. It has the minimum of what you would need. Unlike Word, and much of the horrible PC Hardware, this product asks: "What do you really, really need to travel light?"

    It's a smart product and is not made for the special effects director who wants to edit while on a plane. It's a minimal product and needs to be reviewed that way. If you want everything in a computer while traveling, just pack your Tower on your next trip.

    You can't get every bell and whistle and control the size/weight/battery of a device. Compromises are made, and this machine has altered the game a bit it how it arrives at that final list of what's in and what's out.


  • Reply 35 of 236
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Originally Posted by sandau View Post

    syncing? how about sharing the internet connection?

    Well, that would be killer. If it came with a built-in Verizon Wireless card for access to their data network then I'd expect the Air to act as a wireless router for my other devices (iPod, Nintendo DS, etc.).
  • Reply 36 of 236
    Why does this article present the MBPro as The Alternative to the Air, rather than the MB (+ a $50 2GB=>total 2.5GB)?

    Besides, that is, the $1800, the LED and the aluminum.
  • Reply 37 of 236
    My question

    -if you plug in an unpowered USB hub will it have enough power to run the DVD drive as well as one or two other peripherals?

    Except for the lack of a second USB port (usually need 1 for a USB hub and one for a KVM switch) i think it has the perfect amount of ports. I have had a powerbook for the last 3 years and only ever use USB and only use my superdrive to burn the occasional Ubuntu disk or watch a DVD, but honestly most of my videos are on USB hds anyhow.
  • Reply 38 of 236
    I am happy with the overall package of the Air. I think it's a beautiful piece of engineering, and what many have been looking for.

    I also understand the many compromises that were necessary, and for the most part agree with the design choices.

    There is however one point which I just cannot get past. It's unbelievable to me that this device's entire marketing/campaign strategy can revolve around the concept of "wireless" and "air", and yet Apple offers no convenient way to use mobile broadband.

    There are two easy ways to do this:

    1) Offer a built-in mobile broadband chip. Just as Dell and others do it, they could offer a choice during customization between Verizon, AT&T, or Sprint. This would be the best choice for the engineering/design team as they could locate the component where ever they needed to.

    2) The better solution IMO, since it also allows much greater expandability, would be adding a small "34"-size Expresscard slot. This would allow those who wish to use mobile broadband to buy a compatible card after purchase time. Other's would also be able to use the slot for things like a 32GB/64GB flash storage expansion card, eSata or Firewire800/USB card, future Wifi upgrade card, etc.

    An expresscard slot is also a much more pleasant option for mobile broadband because the 3G cards are small and thin, and when inserted, fit nearly all the way inside the laptop. The only other option is the USB dongle that hangs off the side of the laptop.

    Even worse, because the Air's USB port area is recessed, standard USB mobile broadband devices CAN'T EVEN FIT in the USB port. So, in order to use one, you have to use a 3" USB extension cable. Consequently, this restricts you from using it without the laptop being seated on a desk or other surface.

    How was this not foreseen?

    Overall I think the Air is a beautiful and revolutionary piece of hardware, but this is one glaring omission that is bound to have an impact on many potentials buyers.
  • Reply 39 of 236
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    1) If you use an optical drive often then the MBA isn't for you. As it happens to be Apple has not discontinued the rest of their notebook line.

    2) There is Remote Disc. It's not as fast as an internal optical drive, but how many apps are installing anyway. I haven't used an optical drive to install 3rd party apps in years.

    3) Using DVDs will drain your battery much faster than using the HDD. Smart travelers will at least copy the Video_TS folder to the HDD before flying.

    4) I've read that Macs have poor wireless reception but I've been using the 802.11b Airport card since 2000 with different 3rd party wi-fi routers and I've never had a problem with a single dropping. I wonder if I'm lucky or if people who are having problems are doing something to their system.

    1. Very true. I need a portable as a desktop replacement. It is my only machine.

    2. We'll see how this really works and how inconvenient it is to be dependent on other computers.

    3. No good for loading my $.90 DVDs bought on the street when I'm in China. And won't this take up a lot of room on the already quite minimal size HD on the Air?

    4. You have been lucky!

    5. And one for you. How are you planning on starting an Air up if you have a problem and are on the road?
  • Reply 40 of 236
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Urk. Typical day at the AI forums, looks like, with extra spicy hysterical reviews FTW.

    Steve Jobs is like the rat in 'Ratatouille'?! Really now? Oy vey.


    Inner voice: Just go with it.

    Me: Okay. :

    Whaddya mean Euro iPhones sales are slow?!!

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