More MacBook details: battery life claims, enviro push, more



  • Reply 41 of 78
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    How do you know people don't use the remotes? Show me the stats on this - a link perhaps?

    I don't have a link, but I sure never use a remote on portable stuff. It amazes me every time I see a remote packaged with a portable DVD player or even a car stereo. Seems to me that the remotes are being packaged because they can, not because they have any use. I'm glad to see them being left off. Every time I buy something, I have to store the remote somewhere (just in case I sell it and want to include all the components). It's just an incredible waste.
  • Reply 42 of 78
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    If Apple is that environmentally conscious then they should include a prepaid envelope to mail back the remote if you don't want it. There should also be a toll free number to return those that already exist if this is such an environmental issue. This is only about making more money.

    What a ridiculous idea. So Apple goes to the trouble of manufacturing a remote and shipping it two directions just to make you happy? I have personally NEVER witnessed someone using a remote with a laptop computer. Why should Apple do this to satisfy the 0.001% of users who would use it?
  • Reply 43 of 78
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Originally Posted by mzaslove View Post

    I've written 9 tv scripts, three features. half a novel and lots of pitches and bibles since August when I got my 15" MBP with an LED. If that constitutes being a "creative professional," then the LED's work just fine.

    I hope one of those scripts wasn't the recent Knight Rider movie. Otherwise that might explain a lot.
  • Reply 44 of 78
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    I hope one of those scripts wasn't the recent Knight Rider movie. Otherwise that might explain a lot.

    Naw, not my cup of tea... but I never kick work out of bed.
  • Reply 45 of 78
    I hope so, because that's the only justification I can think of for wasting the bandwidth with our sniveling.

    I have been wanting to purchase a replacement for my ancient iBook for quite some time. So far Apple has not produced anything compelling enough to make me pull out the plastic. I had high hopes when I saw today's introductions, but scanning the specs dashed them.

    I really prefer the look and compactness of the (black) MacBook to that of the Pro, in addition to the lower price, although price is not a major consideration. I want the LED backlit display, and I also fail to see why S.J. didn't put the 2.1 iteration of Bluetooth in the MacBook.

    Guess I'll just have to cross my fingers and wait for the next rev.
  • Reply 46 of 78
    ytvytv Posts: 109member
    Originally Posted by rosstheboss View Post

    if only Apple took all environmental issues so seriously...

    WHY does the packing for third-party Apple Licensed products (e.g. cases, iTrips, software etc) have to be so excessive?

    Does a rubber ipod case need to be contained in thick cardboard and plastic packaging yet the ipod itself comes in a tiny cardboard box?!

    Apple has the power to dictate to the third party manufacturers (which it licenses) to ensure that they comply with Apple's own environmental policy. And if they don't comply, they shouldn't stock it. The manufacturers will soon full their fingers out...


    Apple has absolutely no control over what 3rd party companies make for their products nor their packaging methods.
  • Reply 47 of 78
    Originally Posted by DCJ001 View Post

    For AppleInsiders readers only:

    5% off the $20 price for the remote if you buy one in the next 24 hours for the low price of $19 !!!

    Actually, an unused remote is a paperweight!

    But, I agree that most of the remotes that came with MacBooks are not used and Apple can adjust profitability slightly by not giving them away.

    do you think they will buy mine back, new in package, for 19 bucks since I didn't plan on using mine anyway?
  • Reply 48 of 78
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    That's funny - I get over 4 hours on my MacBook Pro 17". What are you doing that you only get 2 hours? Have you tried calibrating the battery as you're supposed to and possibly dimming the screen a bit? What could you possibly be doing to get 1.5 hours of battery life?

    Well first of all my cicle count is at 174, battery health "good." 4213 ah full charge capacity.

    I find that running Safari, Parallels, Windows XP, SAS, Adium, Transmission, etc requires the machine to use roughly 50% CPU power, with hard drive spinning and Wifi working (what good is a MBP without wifi anyway LOL)

    Using the machine at around 50% power, it will drain in about 90 minutes. It just did so again. It's simple physics. These machines use 4,200 mah in under 2 hours if you are actually USING some of the firepower contained in these machines.

    If the machine is almost entirely dormant, yeah I can see 3 hours maybe. 5, no.
  • Reply 49 of 78
    Originally Posted by mzaslove

    I've written 9 tv scripts, three features. half a novel and lots of pitches and bibles since August when I got my 15" MBP with an LED. If that constitutes being a "creative professional," then the LED's work just fine.

    I think he meant in the visual arts sense (Photoshop, Final Cut Pro), not the literary sense.

    Originally Posted by regan View Post

    I for one wouldn't use a remote with a laptop.

    First of all, a laptop is mostly on YOUR LAP. Hello! LOL...who on earth would use a remote when its on their lap?

    The proper term is actually "notebook" now since most notebook computers run too hot for one to actually use them on their lap comfortably.


    Come on. Thats ridiculous. And then the rest of the time the laptop is on your desk...again...who would use a remote?

    Gee, perhaps business users giving presentations? Let me guess, you think they hook their MacBook Pro up to the projector and then stand next to it so they can hit the "next" button whenever they need to. Or perhaps always bring an assistant with them to do it.

    I know, business users don't like notebook computers at all do they?


    Only those using the laptop for keynotes would need one.

    Oh, you are familiar with it then?

    How about people *cough*college students*cough* who use their notebook to play DVDs or other digital media? I'm sure they don't want to always be arm's length from their machine to control it.

    I think Apple should build a slot into the side of the case to store the remote in when you're not using it.
  • Reply 50 of 78
    There is an easy solution to the whole remote argument. When you go online to the Apple store to buy your MB or MBP, click to customize, and there should be an option if you want the remote or not. And honestly if came with the notebooks before then they shouldn't charge for them now. So it should be a free option. And for those of you who are "all about the money" I remember reading on one of the apple blogs that they have a few billion sitting in the bank. So I think they can afford to offer it without charge.
  • Reply 51 of 78
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    What do you think of the LED displays?

    When I was looking at the macbook air a few days ago, I noticed it has about a 3 degree view angle??? Move your head a few inches left or right, especially up and down, and the color/brightness shifts big time.

    That is just a feature of glossy displays and the main reason why graphic professionals overwhelmingly prefer matte displays (and cried foul and murder when the iMacs with the glossy screens came out).

    [And yes, some graphic professionals are happy with an iMac.]
  • Reply 52 of 78
    Originally Posted by YTV View Post

    Apple has absolutely no control over what 3rd party companies make for their products nor their packaging methods.

    I think the point was and is that Apple has COMPLETE control over the 3rd party products stocked in their online and brick and mortar stores.

    You want your product to be included in those lucrative places? Comply with minimum packaging standards.

    Enough said.
  • Reply 53 of 78
    Originally Posted by bwik View Post

    I find that running Safari, Parallels, Windows XP, SAS, Adium, Transmission, etc requires the machine to use roughly 50% CPU power, with hard drive spinning and Wifi working (what good is a MBP without wifi anyway LOL)

    Using the machine at around 50% power, it will drain in about 90 minutes. It just did so again. It's simple physics. These machines use 4,200 mah in under 2 hours if you are actually USING some of the firepower contained in these machines.

    If the machine is almost entirely dormant, yeah I can see 3 hours maybe. 5, no.

    I don't see myself using all this stuff on batteries. At most a browser, chat and mail client. You won't very often sit down somewhere without power outlet (e.g. outside or at an airport) running parallels with windows xp, a torrent client running at full speed, etc.

    We'll see how the new macbook pro's will do. I'm pretty sure 4+ hours is possible without too many heavy duty applications running.
  • Reply 54 of 78
    wircwirc Posts: 302member
    Originally Posted by SeaFox View Post

    How about people *cough*college students*cough* who use their notebook to play DVDs or other digital media? I'm sure they don't want to always be arm's length from their machine to control it.

    I think Apple should build a slot into the side of the case to store the remote in when you're not using it.

    A large number of people I know, who don't watch TV, either because of time or lack of interest, such as myself, do not have TVs. Buying a TV is not financially responsible for me, so when I want media, my computer is the only option. A remote makes that easy, and easy when friends are over. There is a large set of people who are like me (creative professionals) and I doubt that Apple's profitability is really suffering from producing $5 worth of plastic and silicon.
  • Reply 55 of 78
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Who sells a product and it's remote separately? Please name names. Thank you.

    Sony PS3 uses an optional remote to control the Blu-Ray DVD for watching movies. Yes you can use the game controller, but you can also buy an optional remote from Sony for this purpose. It's not included.

    You can do everything the MB/MBP remote does by some other means on the machines (keyboard, touchpad, mouse), but the remote is now an option.

    It's the way of things. They don't include a remote in the Mac Pro either, and will likely not include it in future versions of the iMac if they haven't stopped already.

    Move on.
  • Reply 56 of 78
    hattighattig Posts: 860member
    Well, with Intel's chipset refresh coming in June, and offering a 2x increase in graphics performance, as well as 1066MHz FSB CPU support for mobile CPUs, and a new Socket B connection for these CPUs, I think I'll wait until July to get a new MacBook.
  • Reply 57 of 78
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by YTV View Post

    Apple has absolutely no control over what 3rd party companies make for their products nor their packaging methods.

    You didn't read the rest of that guy's post, did you? Apple has plenty of control over it - they are in a position where they could put a lot of pressure on 3rd parties to change their packaging methods.

    Trying to work out why companies don't use minimal packaging anyway is tricky. Not only is it more environmentally friendly, it saves money too, on materials and shipping costs.
  • Reply 58 of 78
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Who sells a product and it's remote separately? Please name names. Thank you.


    P.S. "it's" means "it is"; the apostrophe represents the missing "i". You should use "its" to mean "belonging to it".
  • Reply 59 of 78
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by TheFatWookie View Post

    Sony PS3 uses an optional remote to control the Blu-Ray DVD for watching movies. Yes you can use the game controller, but you can also buy an optional remote from Sony for this purpose. It's not included.

    It's the way of things. They don't include a remote in the Mac Pro either, and will likely not include it in future versions of the iMac if they haven't stopped already.

    Move on.

    Why should I? It's reasoning like yours that gives up on things being taken away until you wind up paying for everything ala carte. What's next -an optional battery. You can use it with the AC cord - that should be sufficient by your reasoning! And your Sony PS3 example make no sense because you get a remote via the game controller. Apple should remove the IR receiver from the product if it wants you to use key strokes and save the environment. This is all about making more money- period.
  • Reply 60 of 78
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post


    P.S. "it's" means "it is"; the apostrophe represents the missing "i". You should use "its" to mean "belonging to it".

    Thank you for the correction. Don't sentences usually begin with a capital letter?
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