Fortune: Jobs hid cancer for nine months



  • Reply 41 of 94
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Maybe not Perceptive Pixel... using a fully multi-touch computer is a huge energy waster. With a keyboard and mouse your movement is minimal and largely efficient. Spend 30 minutes using one of Jeff Han's computer interfaces and you'll need a gallon of Gatorade.

    Luckily with MS Surface we'll have a "big ass table" to set out energy drinks on.
  • Reply 42 of 94
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by ronn View Post

    Jobs had every right to keep his health problem private for as long as he did. In fact, it was best for the stock holders in the end to not cause a panic and resulting stock collapse.

    Every person is entitled to their privacy, first and foremost. Especially when you find out your days can be numbered prematurely.
  • Reply 43 of 94
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Luckily with MS Surface we'll have a "big ass table" to set out energy drinks on.

    Then the dirty glasses will be placed into the Internet-enabled MS Dishwasher.
  • Reply 44 of 94
    surfratsurfrat Posts: 341member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    I disagree. Ive has none of the business experience and company-building experience Jobs has. He is first and foremost an designer. Those two functions have no comparison.

    Probably not much business sense, agreed. But Ive understands what it is at the root level that makes this company tick. It really would be tough to replace Jobs with just one man, I think a tag team CEO of Cook and Ive would be exactly what this company would need to continue on successfully.
  • Reply 45 of 94
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post


    Macs made from recycled corrugated paper would be great!

    Haven't you noticed the crappy blue Leopard folders already have a recyclable look upon close examination.
  • Reply 46 of 94
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by freethinker View Post

    I just can't see Apple being Apple if anything happens to Jobs. He is the heart and soul of the company, not to mention the brains.

    Even Disney eventually lost Walt. These things happen and we simply must accept them. Maybe Eisner could run Apple. Sorry- that's not even funny.
  • Reply 47 of 94
    achieverachiever Posts: 23member
    Originally Posted by freethinker View Post

    I find it appalling that the head of a company that depends totally on science and reason would even consider abandoning it for unproven (AKA "alternative") methods

    No one would want toxic levels of poisons coursing through their bodies if there was an alternative that could help.[/QUOTE]

    Since when is surgery a "toxic level of poison coursing through [his] bod[y]?"
  • Reply 48 of 94
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    "Originally Posted by stevepeck

    Come on Guys don't think he's a God just because he owns Apple.

    He's a Crook just as Bill Gates, there both ripping the world off.

    Anyone who makes massive profits like them two don't deserve any praise.

    Apple is good but its never ever gonna catch up with Microsoft and if it was Bill Gates who had Cancer you wouldn't give a shit."

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Who peed in your Cheerios?

    Self-inflicted. It would have to be to do that much damage.
  • Reply 49 of 94
    Originally Posted by Mitch1984 View Post

    They don't but they'd panic and the share/stock price would go down.

    Don't you think it is interesting that for all the private life Jobs may have, he's getting a whole lot of attention now for it? Shareholders would definitely have panicked, especially if they are the same people who read AppleInsider.
  • Reply 50 of 94
    Originally Posted by Messiah View Post

    It just dawned on me the other day that nothing has really changed since I first started using a Mac.

    It's still a W.I.M.P. environment, and I still have to wade through nested folders that are presented in exactly the same way as they were in System 7. Okay there is a lot more eye-candy, the icons now bounce and there's now a neat little sidebar running down the side of the Finder window, but in the years that have passed since System 7 there haven't been any fundamental breakthroughs – no paradigm shifts.

    I don't believe that the future of computing lies with Apple. Yes they are the best of a bad bunch, and yes SJ has had an incredible impact on the industry whilst it was his turn to run with the baton. But it's almost time for him to hand on the baton, and I suspect that it'll be a company like Perceptive Pixel that picks it up... if Apple go round the track for another lap we'll only end up with another generation of machines that do exactly what the previous generation of machines did.

    The only reason you think you're not on the path to the future, is you haven't been saddled with tons of virus problems, spyware popping up on your machine, blue screens of death, and of course the drive spinning up like crazy while a trojan runs away with your machine.

    Consider yourseld lucky and look around at how others are living.

    You may be right that Apple isn't the future of computing, but whatever it will be will not involve re-installing the operating system every 30 days to wipe out all the trash that invades just by surfing the net......
  • Reply 51 of 94
    Originally Posted by stevepeck View Post

    Come on Guys don't think he's a God just because he owns Apple.

    He's a Crook just as Bill Gates, there both ripping the world off.

    Anyone who makes massive profits like them two don't deserve any praise.

    Apple is good but its never ever gonna catch up with Microsoft and if it was Bill Gates who had Cancer you wouldn't give a shit.

    Ok, so nobody can make any profit now... even if they come up with something you want/need? Everything should be free. If you have money, even if you earned it, you are evil.


    I'm sure you live off the land and only take in as much as you absolutely need in order to survive, 'cause that would be hypocritical on your part if it were not so, unless you are unpraiseworthy yourself.

    Wait a sec, you posted on an internet forum, so you have access to these crook's products - which means you are supporting their evil behavior!

    Bad stevepeck, bad.

    /takes stevepeck off of the Christmas list.
  • Reply 52 of 94
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member

    Self-inflicted. It would have to be to do that much damage./QUOTE]

    Obviously you would only know from your own past experience.
  • Reply 53 of 94
    hattighattig Posts: 860member
    A person's privacy, especially when it comes to things like this, is far more important than shareholders' right to know certain things.

    If you're investing in Apple, you are investing in an entire company - from the CEO down to the person that makes the awesome coffee in the morning that wakes the programmers up. If one part leaves, the company is still 99% there.
  • Reply 54 of 94
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Hattig View Post

    A person's privacy, especially when it comes to things like this, is far more important than shareholders' right to know certain things.

    If you're investing in Apple, you are investing in an entire company - from the CEO down to the person that makes the awesome coffee in the morning that wakes the programmers up. If one part leaves, the company is still 99% there.

    I don't know- a lot of us feel entitled to know where Steve buys those "Sprockets" outfits.
  • Reply 56 of 94
    tmedia1tmedia1 Posts: 104member
    Nothing wrong with ego!
  • Reply 57 of 94
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by e1618978 View Post

    That would be craptastic.

    There is only one good choice

    Ah, the way it's all heading with hero worship on the political front, why not BHO?

  • Reply 58 of 94
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Imagine the turmoil if the SEC required that every publically traded company post the health status of its CEO or for that matter any of its board, management or employees .

    And if they attempted to do so, I would think that it would be in direct contravention of the federal privacy laws, i.e., the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, which would contravene any such action.

    If you haven't read the full article, it is pretty good. But on a lighter side, here is a really great response to a somewhat related subject,…
  • Reply 59 of 94
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Wally View Post

    Excellent point. I too have seen several family member go through the hell-on-earth that is our current "scientific" treatment for cancer. Modern medicine considers a lot of homeopathic regimens to be barbaric - but the same could be said of bombarding the body with slightly less-than-lethal amounts of radiation.

    We don't know what Steve tried.

    But once you get cancer, I don't think there is any alternative medicine that can fix it. Poisoning, nuking,or whatever, it's often the best option, if you want to live longer than the prognosis, because if they chose that route, then it's a safe bet that they consider the cancer to be deadlier than the cure.

    BTW: I wouldn't consider homeopathy to be directly barbaric, just plain delusional. The indirect results of that delusion can be barbaric though, if they never go get treatment that actually has a real chance to delay death for a meaningful amount of time.
  • Reply 60 of 94
    jdavyjdavy Posts: 66member
    As a big fan of Apple products, I can not see Apple anywhere what is today with out Jobs. He is the heart, soul and number one salesperson for the company. His tight controls on information and his hype keep apple where they are today. I just hope the cancer is behind him but now that they are talking successor at Apple I wonder.
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