Coming to iPhone: Instant Messenger, EA's Spore, SEGA games

in iPhone edited January 2014
During its iPhone Software Roadmap event on Thursday, Apple invited several developers on stage to demonstrate work-in-progress versions of some of the first third-party native iPhone applications that included Instant Messenger (AOL), Spore (EA Games), and Super Monkey Ball (SEGA).

AIM for iPhone

One of the most warmly received announcements came from AOL, which managed to develop a working version of its Instant Messenger software for the iPhone after having been provided with a beta of the iPhone SDK just two weeks ago.

The application includes a full featured Buddy List that integrates with Address Book and the iPhone's contact list, displaying the name, status and icon of each buddy. It also supports multiple simultaneous conversations. Switching between them requires just a 'swipe' across the iPhone's touch-screen.

"No question the powerful tools and APIs in the iPhone SDK made it easy to develop a feature-rich mobile application for the iPhone," said Kevin Conroy, executive vice president, AOL. "The rapid development cycle for this application was very intuitive, and when you add the App Store, it?s an unbeatable combination for development and distribution of mobile applications."

Via a new application programming interface (API) offered as part of the iPhone SDK, applications like the AIM client are able to interface with the iPhone's Photo Library. As such, users can select custom buddy list icons from their iPhone's Photo Library or create one on the spot via the handset's built-in camera.

EA's Spore and SEGA's Super Monkey Ball

On another front, it became clear that the iPhone's built-in three-axis accelerometer is going to unleash a new chapter in handheld gaming unparalleled by anything in the industry thus far. Apple began by demonstrating a Photo editing application that lets users "undo" changes simply by shaking the iPhone like an "etch a sketch." EA Games' Travis Boatman was then introduced to perform a demo of "Spore" on the iPhone, also ported to iPhone in just two weeks. Like the photo editing app, game-play is based purely on tilting and maneuvering the orientation of the handset.

"The animation technology in the iPhone OS enables us to build awesome games,? said EA chief executive John Riccitiello. "I think iPhone consumers are going to be blown away by the games we create for this platform."

Similarly, SEGA's Ethan Einhorn showed off a version of his firm's Super Monkey Ball title that leveraged the iPhone's Accelerometer, and like Spore was also ported to the handset within two weeks. To move the monkey around the screen, all players have to do is tilt the iPhone.

"It's gonna be really hard to go back to a traditional game controller," he said. and Epocrates

Also demonstrating applications at the SDK event were representatives from and PDA medical software developer Epocrates.

Salesforce demonstrated an application -- written by a single developer in less than two weeks -- that will allow sales representatives to view graphical representations of their monthly sales goals on the iPhone. Chuck Dietrich, who spoke on behalf of the company, said the iPhone SDK will allow his firm to repurpose data for the iPhone, which could then be distributed wirelessly to those sales reps.

Shortly after, Glenn Keighley of Epocrates demonstrated a new medical reference application for the iPhone that will allow physicians to reference and identify various different kinds of medicines (pills).

"By putting so much computing power into such an elegant mobile device, Apple has opened up tremendous opportunities for application developers,? said Kirk Loevner, Epocrates's chairman and CEO. ?The technology and software in the iPhone OS will allow us to create new and innovative applications that help improve patient safety and provide healthcare professionals with an unsurpassed user experience."

Available only on the Apple App Store

All these applications and hundreds more will be distributed exclusively via Apple's new App Store beginning in June. The App Store application will ship as part of iPhone Software 2.0 and allow users to download and install applications and games wirelessly over EDGE or WiFI, Apple said, or via iTunes on a Mac or PC.

The store's landing page will feature the Top 50 most popular applications and include a search function for the remainder of the offerings. Developers must register with Apple ($99 fee) to obtain a digital certificate and the right to publish their games on the store. Developers will set the price of there applications and see 70 percent of the proceeds from sales while Apple will garner the remaining 30 percent to cover server, marketing and other costs.

There will be a slight vesting period between the time developers submit their applications to Apple for inclusion on the App Store and when they are actually made available for download, said Apple Vice President of Worldwide Marketing, Phil Schiller, who declined to elaborate further.

More news from today's Apple event

Apple's iPhone takes on the Enterprise

Apple posts iPhone Software Roadmap event stream

Apple announces iPhone 2.0 software and SDK beta

Notes from Apple's iPhone Software Roadmap event



  • Reply 1 of 22
    spindriftspindrift Posts: 674member
    Now if only the ADC servers weren't down we could download the SDK and start writing apps!
  • Reply 2 of 22
    yamayama Posts: 427member
    I knew Super Monkey Ball was coming - that game was made for the iPhone.

    Overall it's great to have Sega on board. Hopefully we'll also get stuff like Chu Chu Rocket further down the road.
  • Reply 3 of 22
    eduardoeduardo Posts: 181member
    This is really cool. I can't wait for the iPhone V2.0!
  • Reply 4 of 22
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    I'm 3/4 done with the download. FINALY got in.
  • Reply 5 of 22
    axc51axc51 Posts: 99member
    Originally Posted by Outsider View Post

    I'm 3/4 done with the download. FINALY got in.

    I can definitely host a mirror if you can send it to me (fast speeds)? PM me if you can.
  • Reply 6 of 22
    Will all of this stuff like AIM and the two new games work on the iPod touch too?
  • Reply 7 of 22
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by macs_finest View Post

    Will all of this stuff like AIM and the two new games work on the iPod touch too?

    It sounds like it will. Because of the iPhone being a subscription-based accounting thing and the iPod Touch not, the 2.0 update will cost money. Probably not much. People will howl anyway, nevertheless
  • Reply 8 of 22
    Sounds like we're going to have our selves a WiiPhone...

    ha ha ha... that's funny...
  • Reply 9 of 22
    tmedia1tmedia1 Posts: 104member
    Amazing! Apple has done it again.... I have no doubt the 3rd party apps will cement the iPhone as THE mobile platform. I love my Palm Treo, but once the 3rd party ecosystem is up and healthy, I'm off to buy my iPhone. Well done Mr. Jobs! AND Monkeyball to boot, man that does it for me, I'm on board. June can't come soon enough!
  • Reply 10 of 22
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by shutterrelease View Post

    Sounds like we're going to have our selves a WiiPhone...

    ha ha ha... that's funny...

    Y'know, I jokingly mentioned Wii a few days ago... now it came true! I better go buy some Lotto tickets.
  • Reply 11 of 22
    aria505aria505 Posts: 10member
    Originally Posted by tmedia1 View Post

    Amazing! Apple has done it again.... I have no doubt the 3rd party apps will cement the iPhone as THE mobile platform. I love my Palm Treo, but once the 3rd party ecosystem is up and healthy, I'm off to buy my iPhone. Well done Mr. Jobs! AND Monkeyball to boot, man that does it for me, I'm on board. June can't come soon enough!

    That is exactly what I believe 100%. Up til this point I thought the iPhone was a great device, but that it could never truly compete with other smartphones on a large level with its current feature set.

    It now has an enterprise Exchange experience that I personally think blows away the experience of interacting with Exchange data on Windows Mobile devices, plus the limitless possibilities of 3rd party Business and Entertainment apps.

    I agree fully. The iPhone has cemented its place in becoming THE mobile device that most everyone has because what other device can be a full-fledged mobile gaming platform that is integrated with cell/photo/web/IM/etc for the youth/entertainment consumer and also be a complete enterprise/Exchange/limitless business app device for the enterprise/business consumer?

    Apple has done it. They have created the first mobile device that is truly 100% flexible in how how it is perceived and used by its owner through the use of a completely versatile mobile software platform and interaction system.

    I am stunned.
  • Reply 12 of 22
    I am wondering if MSN messenger will become available? It's not my favorite messenging service, by any means, but most of my friends and colleagues use it.

    What do you guys think? Is this something that Microsnot will want to provide quickly to this platform?
  • Reply 13 of 22
    aria505aria505 Posts: 10member
    Originally Posted by joseph_went_south View Post

    I am wondering if MSN messenger will become available? It's not my favorite messenging service, by any means, but most of my friends and colleagues use it.

    What do you guys think? Is this something that Microsnot will want to provide quickly to this platform?

    I wouldn't be surprised if Adium comes out with an iPhone app which would support IM across Yahoo/MSN/AIM/etc.
  • Reply 14 of 22
    msnlymsnly Posts: 378member
    Originally Posted by aria505 View Post

    I wouldn't be surprised if Adium comes out with an iPhone app which would support IM across Yahoo/MSN/AIM/etc.

    That would be sweet, I love Adium

    only if I had and iPhone or and iTouch...
  • Reply 15 of 22
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Living in a country where there is no official iPhone, this sounds like iPod touchy might be in my pocket soon... To bring me back to the PDA heydays of Palm and Handspring. Before all this Windows Mobile garbage. Then I get super slim mobile phone.

    Duct tape mobile phone to iPod touch ala flamethrower+assault rifle (Aliens2: in the future, Duct tape is still the most essential technological tool....)
  • Reply 16 of 22
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Originally Posted by tmedia1 View Post

    Amazing! Apple has done it again.... I have no doubt the 3rd party apps will cement the iPhone as THE mobile platform. I love my Palm Treo, but once the 3rd party ecosystem is up and healthy, I'm off to buy my iPhone. Well done Mr. Jobs! AND Monkeyball to boot, man that does it for me, I'm on board. June can't come soon enough!

    Just the enterprise features had me, but with the SDK and all the possibilities I'm left wanting an iPhone like never before.
  • Reply 17 of 22
    forefunforefun Posts: 6member
    Why doesn't Apple just release iChat?
  • Reply 18 of 22
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Originally Posted by forefun View Post

    Why doesn't Apple just release iChat?

    Maybe they are trying to encourage 3rd party development. I mean Adium for the iPhone is almost a certainty. We saw AOL with the AIM client yesterday. Apple should just sit back and let 3rd party developers do their magic.
  • Reply 19 of 22
    msnlymsnly Posts: 378member
    Originally Posted by Outsider View Post

    Maybe they are trying to encourage 3rd party development. I mean Adium for the iPhone is almost a certainty. We saw AOL with the AIM client yesterday. Apple should just sit back and let 3rd party developers do their magic.

    I wonder if this will prompt AOL to update aim for mac

    Thats why I switched to Adium, because AIM sucked.
  • Reply 20 of 22
    tazznbtazznb Posts: 54member
    Looks like even the iPHONE WILL SURPASS APPLE DESKTOPS for games. Who wudda thunk it.

    Please Steve! Give us gooood games, and not about one year after they are released on Windows.

    We could also use more choice, plus power for graphics cards too. My 2007 Q-core PMac is a graphic weakling.

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