Apple Worldwide Developer's Conference set for June



  • Reply 41 of 42
    You say its 2 bridges coming together????

    But unless you ignore the last thousand years or so of design, its 2 paths separating.

    Most of us look at pictures from left to right not the other way around.

    And why the hell would they say 'In more ways than one' if they are talking about some kind of convergence

    More ways than 1 refers to "colour ways" which is a term that means one object is available in multiple colours or 'ways' (obviously referring to iphone)

    Its also has double meaning referring to ways as directions and hinting at GPS inclusion
  • Reply 42 of 42
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member
    Flip paths converging around into one common starting point, two deployable pathways.
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