Apple notebook lines to see major design changes, sources say



  • Reply 101 of 189
    wheelhotwheelhot Posts: 465member
    Wow, nice mock up Ireland, I prefer the bottom picture, it looks like an ideal MBP replacement, thinner . Oh yeah and remove the latch, make it magnetic

    Well doesn't matter to me though cause Im getting a SR w/ Penryn MBP after they release Montevina MBP because its much cheaper
  • Reply 102 of 189
    crasscrass Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by doemel View Post

    Good decision. No need to be unhappy. You got a great computer that is going to make you happy for years to come. Don't bother about newer, faster Macs coming out in the meantime because if you do, you'll never be happy.

    doemel makes a good point.

    I own the previous iMac (White C2D) which I bought second hand for a great price. I do not feel "left behind" because of the new aluminum one. Nor do I experience this "superficial" feeling of owning an obsolete machine. My Mac is great, does everything I want to do, on par with today's performance standards. I has a fantastic design and has two small features that the new one is lacking: the pulsating light designating stand-by status and the ability to magnetically attach the remote on the side of the Mac.

    I am also waiting for the new macbooks, since I am contemplating of ditching my WinXP laptop. That does not necessarily mean that I will be buying that. I may as well buy the current version, since it meets my needs 100%. The only reason I am waiting is because I have no *real* need to get a laptop. I just suffer from the "buy-everything-Apple" disease. If I actually needed one today, I would simply get the current one without having second thoughts.

    I just wish they include a card reader in the new ones. Every lame pc one has one. And it is a very convenient feature. It is such a drag to carry an additional card reader, given that today most of us own a pda or a digital camera.
  • Reply 103 of 189
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    I wish they'd add more options of screen sizes. A 15" macbook would be great, it doesn't make any sense that you have to go to the premium machine just to get a bigger screen. Plenty of people want a laptop with a big screen just to do basic things like internet stuff and word processing, where more advanced features aren't necessary.

    My wife's PC laptop is due for replacement soon, and it's a 15 that cost less than the base macbook costs now. I'd love to switch her to a mac but the only options are downgrading to a smaller screen or paying twice (or more) what a basic 15" PC laptop costs. I'd love to go the mac route, but with the current lineup, it's practically impossible for me to justify a huge cost increase or a smaller screen.

    I agree. The 13" MacBook is too small and the 15" MacBook Pro is too expensive for many people - especially PC switchers who are used to reasonably priced/spec'd 15" laptops as standard. I would like to see 15" and 17" MacBooks, preferably with some colour options.

    I would also like to see Apple change it's policy of linking form factor to specification. Why can't we have an iMac Pro for those who want an all-in-one computer but need a top-end spec for say video editing or gaming.
  • Reply 104 of 189
    x2008x2008 Posts: 1member
    The new cases will be made of Hybrix laminated steel, not aluminium. Hybrix steel is easier and cheaper to use in production than aluminium.
  • Reply 105 of 189
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    It would entertaining, in a morbid way, if all conversations were like that:

    "Hey, y'know, universal health care might be a good idea."


    "I like the car, but I wish it came with the 16" tires standard."


    "Could I have fruit instead of Fries, please?"



    You know my dad?
  • Reply 106 of 189
    wheelhotwheelhot Posts: 465member

    The new cases will be made of Hybrix laminated steel, not aluminium. Hybrix steel is easier and cheaper to use in production than aluminium.

    Where you get this info from? So is it as strong or stronger then aluminium?


    I would like to see 15" and 17" MacBooks, preferably with some colour options

    Okay, I understand a 15" MB but not a 17" MB (just my opinion). Honestly, I dont understand whats the big deal about different color option, for me different color option makes an Apple look the same as a Sony or a Dell, I prefer Apple stick with their classy colors as usual. Silver, White and Black are classy. Red, Blue, Green are just hippie .

    Not trying to trash anyone, just giving my opinion
  • Reply 107 of 189
    emerge3demerge3d Posts: 16member
    My first laptop was a last generation Ti-Book, then went through 17" PowerBooks, last gen 15" PB and now on 17" Core 2 Duo and while the basic design has not changed much, it is functional and works pretty well. However it would be good to update to the internals such as faster FSB, RAM etc to keep up with the PeeCee competition.
  • Reply 108 of 189
    amac4meamac4me Posts: 282member
    I for one wouldn't want a first generation "new design" as I'd like Apple to work out any kinks which are most likely to occur with new models once they hit the market.

    I'm happy with my 15" MBP (Penryn).
  • Reply 109 of 189
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by Sonadow View Post


    i dont give a hoot about any major case redesigns.

    What i expect from them, no, demand, is that the new Macbooks and Macbook Pros sport user-replaceable hard disks.

    The regular MacBook already does.
  • Reply 110 of 189
    jimzipjimzip Posts: 446member
    Originally Posted by Hobbes View Post

    Because nothing is perfect - ever..

    Spheres are perfect.

  • Reply 111 of 189
    9secondko9secondko Posts: 929member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    good artwork, but it looks like a step backward to the old ti books to me.

    the current design is far better.

    I am a little worried about the idea to imac-ise the MBPs. the MBA does not look that great. Only its thinness makes it look good. the MBPs are special and should definitely continue the minimilist and clean integrated look they currently provide.

    the imac type look cheapens it.
  • Reply 112 of 189
    thttht Posts: 5,616member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Also paving the way for redesigned enclosures at this time are logic-board changes on the part of Intel that offer Apple the opportunity to reassess and slightly modify the notebooks' internals. Both the MacBook and MacBook Pro are to receive "Montevina"-based processors from the chipmaker's upcoming Centrino 2 platform, which require a new "Socket B" logic-board. The second-gen mobile Penryn chips will boast a 1066MHz front-side bus and clock between 2.26GHz and 2.8GHz.

    Kasper, a major logic board change won't happen until mobile-Nehalem arrives, Spring of 2009. Apple can just use the same logic board designs in the existing MB/MBP/MBA for Montevina as that is all the same architecture: same CPU+NORTHBRIDGE+SOUTHBRIDGE, but with smaller/bigger/faster features. Same FSB, but faster. Uses a Northbridge, but comes with better graphics, it could ship with a WiMAX module if Apple so chooses. Montevina will have a raft of CPU, Northbridge and Soutbridge chip packages that would be direct drop in replacements in the MacBook Air. The MBA's Merom in a smaller chip package is actually just the Montevina small form factor packaging.

    Apple may redo the MB/MBP enclosures, but it won't be because of Montevina. It could be argued that it won't be because of Nehalem either, even though basically everything is changing with the logic board for Nehalem.

    Apple will have to be very careful about MB/MBP enclosure changes. Very very careful. It's their bread and butter right now, selling like gangbusters. Hopefully they'll come up with something good. (Ahem, port replicator port and docking station.)
  • Reply 113 of 189
    macnewbmacnewb Posts: 5member
    The Mac Newb Tube had some ideas on this. the obvious is the Macbook following in the "prosumer" aesthetics.

    I really hope they go this route. My wife wants a new Mac, the ol' 17" Powerbook os just too much and the Air iis beautiful (finally saw one in person) but not practical for our situation.
  • Reply 114 of 189
    macnewbmacnewb Posts: 5member
    Originally Posted by 9secondko View Post

    good artwork, but it looks like a step backward to the old ti books to me.

    the current design is far better.

    I am a little worried about the idea to imac-ise the MBPs. the MBA does not look that great. Only its thinness makes it look good. the MBPs are special and should definitely continue the minimilist and clean integrated look they currently provide.

    the imac type look cheapens it.

    Thats my (The Mac Newb Tube) rendition! Yay!
  • Reply 115 of 189
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by wheelhot View Post

    Silver, White and Black are classy. Red, Blue, Green are just hippie

    Isn't Jobs pretty much a hippie?

    I agree though. Silver, white and black are colors that most ppl like, or at least can live with. 'Electric Atomic Fuschia', not so much.

    That said, is it possible for some aftermarket party to just anodize a metal notebook case to whatever hippie color you'd like?

  • Reply 116 of 189
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    That said, is it possible for some aftermarket party to just anodize a metal notebook case to whatever hippie color you'd like?


    Colorware have been doing this for Macs for yonks.

    Branching into pc's now as well, I see.
  • Reply 117 of 189
    superbasssuperbass Posts: 688member
    Wow, only about the 10th time AI has reported this in the past 5 years, but we still basically have the G4 Powerbook design in the Pro line. I don't see there being much to change physically - the AirBook isn't even a major departure from the the Macbook Pro design other than the sloped top and bottom and consequent removal of parts, and the Macbook hasn't really changed since the ugly clamshell....
  • Reply 118 of 189
    I like my apple ipod
  • Reply 119 of 189
    This Penryn MBP is my first mac. I was debating whether I should wait for a redesign, but I don't care now. I am so much happier technology-wise now because I am not using my old Gateway 800 Mhz Celeron laptop that is strapped to a 17" CRT monitor because of a broken inverter board.

    I don't think I could bear doing another "is it coming this Tuesday?" thing all this summer.
  • Reply 120 of 189
    yvo84yvo84 Posts: 84member
    I can't wait. I've been using an iBook G4 since 2004. My mum has been asking me for it, so i'll give it to her once i get the new 13inch Macbook.
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