Apple tweaks Software Update for Windows following uproar



  • Reply 41 of 51
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by delreyjones View Post

    Quality and Standards and Free, Oh My!

    It may be standards based, but I certainly can't test that on Windows. I'm not sure if it's "Quality". It collapses on my Windows computer before it finishes rendering a page, so it feels like IE to me. So far it works OK on OS X though.
  • Reply 42 of 51
    superbasssuperbass Posts: 688member
    Come on folks.

    If something from Microsoft like Office or Messenger automatically put Internet Explorer on your computer you'd all be crying bloody murder, so please stop defending every action Apple makes. And yes, Safari for windows is just as crappy as explorer for osx was!
  • Reply 43 of 51
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    I am very weary of installing Apple software on Windows. In the past iTunes has messed up my cd-rom driver. Now it installs a background updater app, and I hate anything that installs a daemon. Quicktime is not secure on Windows.

    Not in general, but on this platform at least, Apple's reputation is shit. And installing an entire browser as a default action? That's just not the way a decent person behaves.
  • Reply 44 of 51
    alanskyalansky Posts: 235member
    I always knew that PC's were for sissies.
  • Reply 45 of 51
    Please, those who are complaining about this are insulting the readers intelligence and feigning some kind of loss or insult at the hand of Apple. Why do we need to see that here? There are plenty of real issues to discuss to argue over issues such as this.

    Safari is listed in the update window, it is displayed with the correct name, the user can unclick it, the user need not use it, if not desired, the user can delete it, it is not made an intergral part of the system which will not be damaged if it is uninstalled. Is this not done elsewhere? Does it affect the user in some dramatic way? Or are those that are complaining crying wolf?

    Microsoft has done this many times, currently, Silverlight is a default, I believe it is even attempting to push SIlverLight onto Mac users. For Apple, iTunes is a default even if it has never been installed on a machine in the past. This is just about the platform issues.

    Finally, the option to disable the automatic update is not new, it has always been there, please do not present inaccurate or unsubstantiated information. It only makes the the writer sound as if they are crying wolf.

    If you want to complain about Apple vs Microsoft issue fine but don't insult the readers intelligence by veiling your complaint in any and every cross platform issue you can find.
  • Reply 46 of 51
    Originally Posted by hezekiahb View Post

    I suspect the people who will talk negative about this though are Windows lovers who don't care about anything except talking bad about Macs.

    Originally Posted by howiethemacguy View Post

    The trouble is that most PC users are sloths who don't pay any attention. Windows users are their own biggest enemy.

    Originally Posted by headwerkn View Post

    Bloody Windows users... don't know what's good for them.

    Really? Windows users don't have anything better to do than talk bad about Macs? As a Vista Ultimate user, let me ask you something hezekiahb. You want to be the pot or the kettle?
  • Reply 47 of 51
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    What a load of crap. Nothing is forced by Apple. Read the information and uncheck the box if you don't want it. Compare that to Microsoft and Internet Explorer 7. Run Windows Update and IE 7 is tagged as a "Critical Update" instead of an optional installation! Your only option is to install the piece of crap browser to get the other updates, then run an uninstaller to remove IE 7! How BS is that? If the Windows Update is set for automatic, it will install and change your browser without your authorization. Windows users and critics complained because they don't know how to read a dialog box giving them an option of what they would like to install!
  • Reply 48 of 51
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    I am very weary of installing Apple software on Windows. In the past iTunes has messed up my cd-rom driver. Now it installs a background updater app, and I hate anything that installs a daemon. Quicktime is not secure on Windows.

    Not in general, but on this platform at least, Apple's reputation is shit. And installing an entire browser as a default action? That's just not the way a decent person behaves.

    That is pretty funny! Complaining about Apple installing an entire browser as a default action! I guess you didn't realize Microsoft installed IE 7 as a "Critical Update" rather than an optional software install? You hate anything that installs a daemon? You are running Windows! Have you run a spyware check recently on your computer? You'll probably be surprised by how much crap was installed on your computer without your knowledge!
  • Reply 49 of 51
    birchrbirchr Posts: 8member
    There will always be whiners.
  • Reply 50 of 51
    It seems to me that this is a perfectly acceptable compromise that ought to satisfy the vast majority of people who initially took issue with Apple's original presentation, while still allowing Apple the opportunity to inform ts existing customers about other products and services they have on affer.

    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    What a load of crap. Nothing is forced by Apple. Read the information and uncheck the box if you don't want it. Compare that to Microsoft and Internet Explorer 7. Run Windows Update and IE 7 is tagged as a "Critical Update" instead of an optional installation!

    On the other hand, unlike the Safari incident, IE7 is not "new software" - it is an "upgrade" to IE6 which was pretty much guaranteed to have already been installed on any computer which would have been eligible to receive IE7.

    Also, it is very much possible in Windows to selectively refuse to install certain "Critical updates" whilst allowing the rest to go through - you just need to know what setting to use in the Critical Updates section of the Windows Control Panel.

    Finally, even if you have chosen to enable Automatic downloading and installation of all Critical Updates without manual confirmation, unlike most other Automatic updates from Microsoft, the IE7 installer still gives you the option to choose not to go ahead with the installation process before it actually begins installing anything.


    Your only option is to install the piece of crap browser to get the other updates, then run an uninstaller to remove IE 7! How BS is that? If the Windows Update is set for automatic, it will install and change your browser without your authorization.

    That was not my experience at all. If it happened to you, then I can only guess that somebody must have clicked the authorize button without consulting you first.
  • Reply 51 of 51
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    That is pretty funny! Complaining about Apple installing an entire browser as a default action! I guess you didn't realize Microsoft installed IE 7 as a "Critical Update" rather than an optional software install?

    What has Microsoft got to do with the price of fish? I am saying Apple are not behaving like decent netizens. What Apple is doing is not a decent thing to do, regardless of whether MS also does it.
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