iMac rumored for next week; new iPhone SDK; Apple updates



  • Reply 121 of 128
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    He was right, but that corner it's just around, is still several blocks away.

    A corner in another city perhaps.
  • Reply 122 of 128
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    A corner in another city perhaps.

    Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be MY city.
  • Reply 123 of 128
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post


    Granted, more people will be 'forced' into upgrading their sets thanks to our upcoming switchover to digital broadcast, but many, many more will keep their current sets and just buy a converter box... AND they'll stick with the cheaper format of DVD.

    Many more of use won't be forced into anything. It is a sad comment on society that we think people have to have television or more so HDTV. Personally I have no intention of upgrading a set I hardly use anymore just so I can say I'm compatible with HD content.

    That attitude has a lot to do with the reality that I don't particularly like the attitude of the media companies. It is one thing to offer up quality entertainment to your customers, it is another thing to treat them like the most repulsive criminal imaginable.


    I give Blue Ray a minimum 5 year widespread adoption curve, much like DVD.

    Frankly I see Blue Ray as a difficult sell for the studios. Basically they have to convince the consumer the supposed quality is worth the imposition of draconian controls and assumptions of guilt. For many of us it simply isn't worth the grief to buy into this dream land the studios have fabricated. Further I do believe in five years we will be looking at alternative distribution methods. Blue Rays continued success simply isn't a given.

  • Reply 124 of 128
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Many more of use won't be forced into anything. It is a sad comment on society that we think people have to have television or more so HDTV. Personally I have no intention of upgrading a set I hardly use anymore just so I can say I'm compatible with HD content.

    That attitude has a lot to do with the reality that I don't particularly like the attitude of the media companies. It is one thing to offer up quality entertainment to your customers, it is another thing to treat them like the most repulsive criminal imaginable.

    Mostly, this is just entertainment. I, and most others, really don't care about the philosophical arguments, assuming there is any real meaning in them. for myself, as well as most others, its a simple matter. we pay our money for entertainment. If it costs too much, we pay less for less.

    It's really not a matter of us against them.


    Frankly I see Blue Ray as a difficult sell for the studios. Basically they have to convince the consumer the supposed quality is worth the imposition of draconian controls and assumptions of guilt. For many of us it simply isn't worth the grief to buy into this dream land the studios have fabricated. Further I do believe in five years we will be looking at alternative distribution methods. Blue Rays continued success simply isn't a given.


    I don't see that. I see that sales are jumping more than a whole lot. Many people dowant this. You may not find the whole thing interesting, but your view is likely not universal.

    People couldn't care one whit about DRM. That's one of the biggest myths I've ever seen told. DVD is just about as strongly DRM'd and has even more zones around the world than BD does. But, almost no one cares.

    It's like the myth about music DRM. Even with Amazon, Apple's iTunes sales went up 35% last quarter. People just don't care. It's a few with very big mouths who do (er, not referring to you there), and they don't buy music anyway.

    So, its not many of you, it's a few of you.
  • Reply 125 of 128
    Not wanting to fall into the trap of ordering a new Mac Pro tomorrow and then finding out next week that Apple has or plans to update that line of computers, have there been any recent rumors that there will be new Mac pros say coming out before September?
  • Reply 126 of 128
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by DJJCarroll View Post

    Not wanting to fall into the trap of ordering a new Mac Pro tomorrow and then finding out next week that Apple has or plans to update that line of computers, have there been any recent rumors that there will be new Mac pros say coming out before September?

    The Mac Pro was just updated Jan 8th (113 days ago), with an average update cycle of around 217 days. Can you wait 4-5 months?
  • Reply 127 of 128
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by DJJCarroll View Post

    Not wanting to fall into the trap of ordering a new Mac Pro tomorrow and then finding out next week that Apple has or plans to update that line of computers, have there been any recent rumors that there will be new Mac pros say coming out before September?

    I'm waiting as well. I wouldn't worry about that just yet. They may make a small speed bump a while from now, but the big move will be the one to Nehalem later this year.

    The expectation, from Intel's statements is that we will see that in the fourth quarter this year. We don't know when in the forth quarter But Intel has been running early on benchmarks progress with the Nehalem line. I expect that there will even be a chance that a Nehalem machine might be announced at the ADC, mid June, possiblt for a July release.

    But, that's just a guess, based on a number of factors.
  • Reply 128 of 128
    coreycorey Posts: 165member
    Originally Posted by View Post

    I want Blu Ray in my iMac.....

    I fail to see the attraction:

    -Blu Ray can only do 50gb,

    -Blanks are crazy expensive,

    -If viewing on your Mac's screen the difference is barely perceptible,

    -The dragged out format war make investing in Blu Ray technology a bad call because the product is already midway through its life cycle.


    -External hard drives make more sense for backups right now,

    -Said hard drives are cheaper and WAY faster,

    -Blu Ray movies will be a passing fad like laser disks,

    -Memory widgets or holographic disks will be the next (and last) major format.

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