NBC at iTunes UK; Caris ups outlook; new '3G iPhone' photo



  • Reply 41 of 48
    pg4gpg4g Posts: 383member
    3G is coming.

    AT&T has said so.

    Apple said that they were working on it, at the initial release.

    Vodafone is only a 3G carrier in Australia (it doesn't even have access to the 2.5G EDGE network - only Telstra does because it needs backwards compatibility for businesses)

    European Countries (the ones really bucking for 3G) have sold off mass quantities at a substancially lower price, probably at slight loss, getting ready for this.

    It is coming, and the AT&T memo being sent to all their stores makes it clear that this is not simply rumor, its happening...

    But Jobs' won't let this one get out. No one who can't be trusted will see it, till it is released. I mean, AT&T never saw the real one until a fortnight before MacWorld 07', so what makes you think that anybody will get a photo of it?

    The anticipation over iPhone 2 is palpable at the moment.

    Job's isn't going to let go of that

    Expect the announcement at WWDC, I say. No earlier, and certainly no later.
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  • Reply 42 of 48
    apple1234apple1234 Posts: 1member
    Personally I think this is just another case. Eventhough this one does look good I think this is just a case for the iPod Touch.
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  • Reply 43 of 48
    shogunshogun Posts: 362member
    Photoshop genius, you rule!
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  • Reply 44 of 48
    eggman90eggman90 Posts: 24member
    The picture is a fake.

    Here's my evidence:

    Looking at the EXIF data, the photo was taken with:

    Image Description: MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA

    Make: Minolta Co., Ltd.

    Model: DiMAGE Xt

    Looking up the camera, the reflection does not match the camera I found.

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  • Reply 45 of 48
    bushlerbushler Posts: 1member
    It looks like the "Home" button is off center quite a bit.
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  • Reply 46 of 48
    It's real, I think. The image isn't, but that design is real. I think it was edited heavily to reduce Apple's ability to trace the leak, or more likely, it was leaked from Apple as viral marketing, diliberately edited to make it not 100% believable.

    Remember the squat-square nano mockups everyone declared were fake?
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  • Reply 47 of 48
    esxxiesxxi Posts: 75member
    Originally Posted by darwiniandude View Post

    It's real, I think. The image isn't, but that design is real. I think it was edited heavily to reduce Apple's ability to trace the leak, or more likely, it was leaked from Apple as viral marketing, diliberately (sic) edited to make it not 100% believable.

    Remember the squat-square nano mockups everyone declared were fake?

    1) If it were viral marketing they would be showing us ugly fakes so that when it was announced it would look more amazing. Leaking a even mostly accurate image would spoil the surprise.

    2) Why on earth would someone - for the sake of argument - actually had access to a real next-gen iPhone edit them in to a bad quality image and then 'shop reflections on? How world it reduce Apple's ability to trace it in the slightest? It's not like there's some watermark on each pre-production model and only one person handles each.

    3) The mockups were explained to be just that, used to demonstrate what they'd look like. The fact mocks like that get removed is an obvious sign they're very close to the mark.
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  • Reply 48 of 48
    allancookallancook Posts: 12member
    I certainly hope the 3G iPhone looks like this and the iPod Touch. Very classy.
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