Apple filing places iPhone networks at restaurants, zoos, concerts



  • Reply 41 of 50
    hypermarkhypermark Posts: 152member
    Originally Posted by esiat View Post

    Agreed. It is nice that they have implemented the mechanism for pushing the contextual data to their device. The question is will their implementation be available for license so that such data can be pushed to other platforms(Blackberry and Symbian based devices). I hope it will be a standard available to everyone.

    Somewhat depends on whether Google or another ad network aspirant comes in with a subsidized solution. If it was free the network provider would want as broad of reach as possible.

  • Reply 42 of 50
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by dasein View Post

    How would you figure the tip??

    Ask a mohel (moil).
  • Reply 43 of 50
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    apple is developing a platform and out doing MS or others this is the new frontier and apple will be the dominant player
  • Reply 44 of 50
    davidwdavidw Posts: 2,100member
    Here in San Francisco, ATT Park (home of the Giants) has been a WiFi hotspot since 2004. Any device that is WiFi capable (with a browser) can access the internet, maps of the park and the "Digital Dugout" (with team stats) while at the park (during a game). For free.

    I always thought how cool it would be if ATT and Apple (and MBL) worked together and offer a digital deck of cards of the teams that can be viewed on iTunes, like cover art. Anyone attending the game will get the digital deck of the home and away team for free. But any team can be purchased at the iTunes Store for say $2.99/team.

    While you can view your "cards" on a laptop with iTunes (while at the game). Imagine using cover flow on an iPhone or iTouch to view the "cards" and being able to stop at any player and with a tap on the screen, see all the stats for that player.
  • Reply 45 of 50
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by DavidW View Post

    Here in San Francisco, ATT Park (home of the Giants) has been a WiFi hotspot since 2004. Any device that is WiFi capable (with a browser) can access the internet, maps of the park and the "Digital Dugout" (with team stats) while at the park (during a game). For free.

    I always thought how cool it would be if ATT and Apple (and MBL) worked together and offer a digital deck of cards of the teams that can be viewed on iTunes, like cover art. Anyone attending the game will get the digital deck of the home and away team for free. But any team can be purchased at the iTunes Store for say $2.99/team.

    While you can view your "cards" on a laptop with iTunes (while at the game). Imagine using cover flow on an iPhone or iTouch to view the "cards" and being able to stop at any player and with a tap on the screen, see all the stats for that player.

    And it would be even cooler if you could trade cards. Not just share cards, or get a copy of someone's cards. Actually digitally trade them. So once the card left your iTunes/iPhone/iPod, you'd get the card of someone you were swapping with... just like real cards. Then they'd have some real value.
  • Reply 46 of 50
    hezekiahbhezekiahb Posts: 448member
    Originally Posted by battiato1981 View Post

    Is this not akin to what happens when you enter a Starbucks and view the iTunes store on your iPhone ... I thought it was pretty trick when the mermaid magically appeared in the bottom bar of icons.

    So, the same thing could happen when you enter say, MOMA in New York and you get a paperless guide to the exhibits. Or you're at the zoo and looking for more info on the creatures. Or when you're wandering a grocery store or other big box, and they have a list of todays sale items or specials. I think I'd skip it at a restaurant, but it could be handy at those late night places where the only light is a tiny candle on your table that is about to go out.

    When the critical mass of iPhones is out there, this will hopefully get adopted in a big way. Huge way to, <ahem>, monetize the device.

    And if the iPhone had a tiny printer you could print out advertised coupons while at the grocery! My wife would go crazy over that.
  • Reply 47 of 50
    hezekiahbhezekiahb Posts: 448member
    Originally Posted by tmheffer View Post

    On one hand, with no specific mention of GPS, this may imply that the new phone will not have GPS. However, this system is applicable to the current iphone and ipod touch or anything with SKyhook.

    On the other hand, how can you move towards these location based services and not move towards a better way of locating the device?

    Has anyone seen Sprints website where they compare the iphone to their current iphone want to be? They really make fun of the lack of GPS

    When you get into WiFi & networks there just as accurate ways to track location on well designed WiFi networks vs a GPS device.

    I think everyone is overlooking that this seems to target use on WiFi networks, not over your AT&T network.
  • Reply 48 of 50
    Originally Posted by hezekiahb View Post

    And if the iPhone had a tiny printer you could print out advertised coupons while at the grocery! My wife would go crazy over that.

    Why print anything, just hold the iPhone up to the scanner. It will probably interface with the checkout device anyway.

    I hope Apple deploys some sort of pro web design application. I would hate to have to design sites in iWeb. Everything talked about is perfect for Apollo or Flex. But no no to Flash in iPhone.

    Trying to learn anything from the Apple Dev site is a chore. Especially when it's not updated fast enough. Apple needs to get the dev. information out to everyone in plain english.

    I think the iPhone is going to change allot, especially with interactive web design. Nobody else is close, except Adobe. I would hate, as a web designer, to have to design one site for the Blackberry 9000 ( Flash Lite 3 ) and another site for the iPhone ( Ajax ? ). It would be nice to combine technologies.

  • Reply 49 of 50
    -td--td- Posts: 2member
    Wouldn't this technology also assist the prevention of terrorist attacks and missing children?
  • Reply 50 of 50
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by -TD- View Post

    Wouldn't this technology also assist the prevention of terrorist attacks and missing children?

    As long as you leave the RFID chip embedded in their forehead or under the skin on the right hand.
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