Back to the Future - Apple bring back the CUBE!



  • Reply 21 of 27
    jcgjcg Posts: 777member
    Apple would be better served by releasing a lower end ($1299-1499) tower than re-releasing the Cube. Dont get me wrong, I love the design of the Cube, and would like one. However, Apple would save R&D cost, and cover that "Missing Link" market between the tower and the iMac with a slower processer and lower cost in the tower. This is especially true with the new LCD iMac.
  • Reply 22 of 27

    BRING BACK THE CUBE'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Reply 23 of 27
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    [quote]Originally posted by RazzFazz:


    Is that true?

    Funny, weren't people in here complaining over and over when the G4s still had 3 PCI slots only?



    I think that a lot of the those complaining were only doing so because it was a perceived shortfall of the design of the computer. "Only 3 PCI slots instead of 6!?! How am I gonna explain that to my wintel friends?" Sure some people use them, but I am still tyring to discover what I need the 3 PCI slots that I have now for. The only thing I can come up with, new sound card (if there was a good aftermarket brand that worked), second display adapter (If I had room on my desk for a second display, or the need for one), SCSI card (If I had SCSI devices or wished to pay a lot of money for one), ATA IDE Upgrade or expansion (This is the most likely as I still have room inthe case for more drives even with the 3 HDD already there. I pulled the ZIP which got 0 use and replaced it with a 100GB WD drive which is much more useful). And last of all, a second ethernet card so i can setup my machine as a firewall/router for the rest of my home network. I am going to do this one, but not soon. So I have found a use for maybe 2 of the slots, and only one of the uses is actually something I will likely do. The Ethernet card.

    What would you use them for? 3 is hard to fill for me...
  • Reply 24 of 27
    kedakeda Posts: 722member
    I am just now going to fill my 3rd and final PCI slot in my beige G3. It took a while, but I realised that, me anyways, the slots become alot more important as the computer gets older.

    Thanks to PCI, I have a USB/FW card, Radeon, and soon an ATA/100. The processor has been upgraded and the machine is running smoothly.

    The story is the same for the Macs at my job. We only have 1 that used PCI cards for anything but life expansion.

    For me, 3 slots seems fine. Lately I have done my expnsion thru FW or USB anyways.
  • Reply 25 of 27
    serranoserrano Posts: 1,806member
    well i have 4 slots... b&w g3 so my graphics card is in a 66mhz pci slot

    1.radeon (main display)

    2.rage128 (second display)

    3.5 port usb, one internal (very usefull, hubs are crap)

  • Reply 26 of 27
    majukimajuki Posts: 114member
    The thing you are neglecting is that most PC users need the extra PCI slots. They need one for a sound card and one for a network adapter. They'd also need one if they were going to have any firewire ports (barring them getting the Audigy which is a sound card w/ firewire built in). So, there are three cards used up right there. Some motherboards have sound and such built in, but I haven't seen many people make use of that. Most PC motherboard also only have 5-6 PCI slots max. So, why are people complaining about 1-2 less PCI slots? Their absence is justifiable due to the amount of built-in hardware on the motherboard.
  • Reply 27 of 27
    [quote]Originally posted by Willoughby:

    <strong>Slightly off topic.....was that a Cube I saw on the Real World last night? Didn't catch the whole thing but I sware the 2 seconds that I flipped by it someone was using a cube.

    [ 01-16-2002: Message edited by: Willoughby ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    quite possible. if i remember correctly, they had a cube in one of the earlier seasons (new orleans?). i doubt they would have gotten rid of it.
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