Hardware improvements the 2009 iPhone will need to satisfy me! And get me to buy.

in iPhone edited January 2014
I may not be a regular iPhone buyer, in that I would have gladly preferred the new iPhone to be $100 - $150 more with better hardware features. As an owner of the first iPhone I don't feel envious towards owners of the new one. I prefer the shape of the new one, but I prefer the scratch resistant aluminum of my one.

The next iPhone, due out around summer '09 will no doubt have some "hardware" improvements over the current/new iPhone 3G. Here's a short list of what I consider the main hardware improvements needed.

1. A better camera. The current camera is the iPhone's Achilles' heel, no question about that. The next one needs a signifiant boost. It needs a Camera Pro. While I am aware of the mega-pixel myth, I also know other phones take way better pictures than the iPhone. The N95 simply embarrasses the iPhone in that department. A 3.5MP camera (or better) "with a flash" is in my mind, without a shadow of a doubt, needed. The iPhone also needs to be capable of recording 640x480 video through it.

(as for a front facing camera, I'd never use it)

2. An OLED screen. I have looked at a number of iPhones, including several iPhone 3Gs. They do not handle blacks great, not worse really than other phones, but not great. It's particularly noticeable when watching a dark movie, or a dark scene in a video or movie. Negative blacks are quite common. And the fact that iPhone is perfect for watching movies while traveling etc. is especially why the way it displays blacks is crucial if you ask me. A no brainer.

3. Better battery life. An OLED screen will help greatly, as will a better battery and OS optimizations. Apple needs to work their heart out to squeeze all the battery life they possibly can out of this next iPhone. I would like to see a very noticeable improvement.

4. 32GB of storage, or more. I want more than 16GB.

(while not a major issue) An even faster 3G chip would be nice.

Add to this list if you want, but try to leave stuff like Copy & Paste out, as they are software features which could be added to any version iPhone. I'm trying to focus hardware in this one.

Stay cool kids.


  • Reply 1 of 63
    OLED, yeah right.
  • Reply 2 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by wonderbread View Post

    OLED, yeah right.

    That's deep bro, deep.
  • Reply 3 of 63
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Turn-by-turn GPS standard (on the iPod touch also)...
  • Reply 4 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Turn-by-turn GPS standard (on the iPod touch also)...

    That's software Spam.
  • Reply 5 of 63
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    That's deep bro, deep.

    Ok let me go a little deeper although I elected to spare you with my brevity.

    11 inch sony OLED is the only OLED on the mark right now. It is $2,500. No manufacturer plans to deploy mass production of OLED until 2010. A 3.5 in OLED made for the mobile iPhone market in 2009 would likely cost about $1,000 for the screen alone. LED back lighting, which current iPhones use is a realistic way to cut down on power usage with an affordable solution. I don't need to be deep since it should be such a non-sense suggestion on its face to almost anyone. If this thread is about fantastical speculation that's one thing but if you are being realistic in your feature requests OLED is about as realistic as quad core for the next iPhone.
  • Reply 6 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by wonderbread View Post

    Ok let me go a little deeper although I elected to spare you with my brevity.

    11 inch sony OLED is the only OLED on the mark right now. It is $2,500. No manufacturer plans to deploy mass production of OLED until 2010. A 3.5 in OLED made for the mobile iPhone market in 2009 would likely cost about $1,000 for the screen alone.

    As far as I can tell you just picked that $1000 figure out of the air. I have looked into OLED quite a lot. That figure is waaay off.

    Besides, the cost will go down a lot in 12 months (and it's not $1000 now). Sony showed off a 3.5" OLED display last month. I don't expect it, but i want it.
  • Reply 7 of 63
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    That's software Spam.

    Unless there is a hardware upgrade needed to achieve it. We've heard conflicting statements from Apple. Anyhoo...
  • Reply 8 of 63
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Enjoy your wait....

    ... while the "Rest of Us" enjoy our new iPhones.
  • Reply 9 of 63
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    Enjoy your wait....

    ... while the "Rest of Us" enjoy our new iPhones.

    I thank you.
  • Reply 10 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    Enjoy your wait....

    ... while the "Rest of Us" enjoy our new iPhones.

    I'll enjoy your momma!
  • Reply 11 of 63
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I may not be a regular iPhone buyer, in that I would have gladly preferred the new iPhone to be $100 - $150 more with better hardware features. As an owner of the first iPhone I don't feel envious towards owners of the new one. I prefer the shape of the new one, but I prefer the scratch resistant aluminum of my one.

    The next iPhone, due out around summer '09 will no doubt have some "hardware" improvements over the current/new iPhone 3G. Here's a short list of what I consider the main hardware improvements it required.

    1. A better camera.

    I've seen pictures from the original iphone's camera, and they are not bad at all. They are far better than standard cell phone pictures, and better than stills on my 2006 Canon camcorder. It's no 5MP or greater stand alone, but they are good...even in moderate indoor light.


    The current camera is the iPhone's Achilles' heel, no question about that. The next one needs a signifiant boost. It needs a Camera Pro. While I am aware of the mega-pixel myth, I also know other phones take way better pictures than the iPhone. The N95 simply embarrasses the iPhone in that department. A 3.5MP camera (or better) "with a flash" is in my mind, without a shadow of a doubt, needed. The iPhone also needs to be capable of recording 640x480 video through it.

    I really don't see the point in having video. Really...this is a "must have" for you? It might be nice, but it's far from essential.


    (as for a front facing camera, I'd never use it)

    2. An OLED screen. I have looked at a number of iPhones, including several iPhone 3Gs. They do not handle blacks great, not worse really than other phone, but not great. It's particularly noticeable when watching a dark movie, or a dark scene in a video or movie. Negative blacks are quite common. And the fact that iPhone is perfect for watching movies while traveling etc. is especially why the way it displays blacks is crucial if you ask me. A no brainer.

    If it's as good as my iPod video (5G), it's more than adequate. As good as a full sized LCD? No. But unless it's worse, I'm fine with it. My iPod gets some blockiness, but I'm sure that it's been improved over the past five years. Again...is this really a must have for you? And as for the price factor, you're dreaming right now.


    3. Better battery life. An OLED screen will help greatly, as will a better battery and OS optimizations. Apple needs to work their heart out to squeeze all the battery life they possibly can out of this next iPhone. I would like to see a very noticeable improvement.

    This one I don't get at all. The battery life is as good or better than any other smart phone. So what you're really asking for is a quantum leap in technology. Fine...it would be great...I agree. But it shouldn't be a deal breaker considering what else is on the market.


    4. 32GB of storage, or more. I want more than 16GB.

    OK, I can give that one to you. I don't think 16GB should be a deal breaker, but I agree more storage would be nice.


    (while not a major issue) An even faster 3G chip would be nice.

    I don't even know if that is technically feasible. It's not much the chip as it is the network, anyway.


    Add to this list if you want, but try to leave stuff like Copy & Paste out, as they are software features which could be added to any version iPhone. I'm trying to focus hardware in this one.

    Stay cool kids.

    I just think you should step back and look at what you really need to have, as well what is possible to bring to market at this price point.
  • Reply 12 of 63
    contegnicontegni Posts: 34member
    I also WON'T buy the iPhone until the iPhone can:

    Launch ICBMs

    Teleport people

    Stop global warming

    Give me free gas

    Walk my dog

    Make me rich

    AND Cook gourmet meals

    Dude you're ridiculous if you want all those features for $199. Even if they raise the price you're ridiculous if you think Apple will upgrade the phone that much in only a year. You must be very hard to please.
  • Reply 13 of 63
    phizzphizz Posts: 142member
    Originally Posted by wonderbread View Post

    ... OLED is about as realistic as quad core for the next iPhone.

    Actually, I don't think a quad-core iPhone in 2009 is very unrealistic at all (though perhaps unlikely). Quad core laptops are already here, there is talk galore of 64 core chips soon being feasible for servers in the next few years, and with Apple's purchase of PA Semi, who knows?

    But in saying that, they'd prob go dual-core first anyway, if only for business and marketing reasons to have something to upgrade to in the future.
  • Reply 14 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    This one I don't get at all. The battery life is as good or better than any other smart phone. So what you're really asking for is a quantum leap in technology. Fine...it would be great...I agree. But it shouldn't be a deal breaker considering what else is on the market.

    Sure, you just don't get it. I'm not comparing it to other phones on the market in that dept., I'm comparing it to the first iPhone. If 3G is going to kill the battery that much than any speed bonus is useless to me.
  • Reply 15 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Contegni View Post

    I also WON'T buy the iPhone until the iPhone can:

    Launch ICBMs

    Teleport people

    Stop global warming

    Give me free gas

    Walk my dog

    Make me rich

    AND Cook gourmet meals

    Get over yourself. I'm asking for a better camera and other things. Even just a way better camera would nearly be enough. Apple came out with a 2MP camera with no flash (don't lecture me on the MP myth, please) on the first iPhone (most people were very surprised it wasn't at least 3MP), they had a year to add better one, they just didn't bother. And don't give me that didn't have the time shit either, they just didn't bother.

    Which brings me to this thread, I started to list the features I would like in the next iPhone. Ending all wars is not a hardware feature for a phone.

    Originally Posted by Contegni

    Dude you're ridiculous if you want all those features for $199..

    The fact that you said that makes me think you never even read my mother post.

    I start off by saying:


    I may not be a regular iPhone buyer, in that I would have gladly preferred the new iPhone to be $100 - $150 more with better hardware features.

    Read that three times if you have to.
  • Reply 16 of 63
    Alright well it still won't happen. Apple is definitely capable of satisfying all of your requests but my theory is that they are intentionally leaving things out. If they make the perfect phone, there won't be anything to upgrade (of course there will be, but not major things.) They are trying to sell as many units as possible.

    And I'm sorry, Sir, for not reading your full post. I skimmed through the text you made red and bold (sorta caught my attention,) and the explanations that came after it.
  • Reply 17 of 63
    phizzphizz Posts: 142member
    Originally Posted by Contegni View Post

    Alright well it still won't happen. Apple is definitely capable of satisfying all of your requests but my theory is that they are intentionally leaving things out. If they make the perfect phone, there won't be anything to upgrade (of course there will be, but not major things.) They are trying to sell as many units as possible.

    I 100% agree with that.

    I think this is the only reason 3G wasn't on the first phone. Steve Jobs' battery excuses were a total cover (battery issues still apply yet they don't mention it now!) How many people bought the first iPhone, and then also bought the second? Tons. Had apple put 3G and GPS in the first phone, and then just given it a plastic back this year would the same volume of people had upgraded? No way. It's all business unfortunately (well, not unfortunate for stockholders).

    One problem with this "only upgrade enough so people will buy" system is there will always be unsatisfied customers, like Ireland here. So next year, when Apple put in the 3.2 MP camera, but Nokia's top-of-the-line phone has a 5MP with glass lens, flash, and quality digital processing, there will be a lot of complaining all over again.
  • Reply 18 of 63
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Sure, you just don't get it. I'm not comparing it to other phones on the market in that dept., I'm comparing it to the first iPhone. If 3G is going to kill the battery that much than any speed bonus is useless to me.

    So buy an original iPhone on ebay. Or, turn off 3G access. Given what's available elsewhere, this is a stupid complaint.
  • Reply 19 of 63
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I'll enjoy your momma!

    My dear old Irish mum could probably kick your Irish iArse!
  • Reply 20 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    My dear old Irish mum could probably kick your Irish iArse!

    I don't like it rough.
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