Hardware improvements the 2009 iPhone will need to satisfy me! And get me to buy.



  • Reply 21 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    So buy an original iPhone on ebay. Or, turn off 3G access. Given what's available elsewhere, this is a stupid complaint.

    I have an original iPhone.
  • Reply 22 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Phizz

    One problem with this "only upgrade enough so people will buy" system is there will always be unsatisfied customers, like Ireland here. So next year, when Apple put in the 3.2 MP camera, but Nokia's top-of-the-line phone has a 5MP with glass lens, flash, and quality digital processing, there will be a lot of complaining all over again.

    Well to be fair I did mention that they should add a flash too. It's not about it being as good as a Nokia, it's about it being good enough to leave your real camera behind, and by no means it that possible now. And when it comes to night time at a bar, no flash means no camera. I think it's that simple, hope you do to. It would never be a pro camera, well make in 10 years that's possible, "maybe". It needs improvement though. They had 12 months and just added the same damn camera. Sure they wanted to reduce price, but if this new iPhone had a 3.5MP camera with a flash if would be at a maximum, $100 more, but likely not even that much more. And my point is I would have gladly paid it. And most people would have I suspect.

    This next iPhone is Apples chance to do just that, which is why I am listing it among the things the next iPhone needs.
  • Reply 23 of 63
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I have an original iPhone.

    Then I'm really confused. You're asking for something that is not possible at this time. If another manufacturer had it, I'd understand. But they don't. It's like asking for a car that gets 80MPG with 400 BHP.

    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Well to be fair I did mention that they should add a flash too. It's not about it being as good as a Nokia, it's about it being good enough to leave your real camera behind, and by no means it that possible now.

    I don't think that's possible with any phone. I haven't seen the Nokia, but I can't imagine it's that good. Again...I know your current phone takes pictures far better than my digital camcorder does. Neither is made for the job, of course.


    And when it comes to night time at a bar, no flash means no camera. I think it's that simple, hope you do to.

    I agree with that.


    It would never be a pro camera, well make in 10 years that's possible, "maybe". It needs improvement though. They had 12 months and just added the same damn camera. Sure they wanted to reduce price, but if this new iPhone had a 3.5MP camera with a flash if would be at a maximum, $100 more, but likely not even that much more. And my point is I would have gladly paid it. And most people would have I suspect.

    This next iPhone is Apples chance to do just that, which is why I am listing it among the things the next iPhone needs.

    OK, fair enough. I agree they could have made the camera better. I still can't see why it's a deal breaker. Then again, perhaps I was confused because you didn't indicate you had a current iphone.
  • Reply 24 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001

    Then I'm really confused. You're asking for something that is not possible at this time. If another manufacturer had it, I'd understand. But they don't. It's like asking for a car that gets 80MPG with 400 BHP.

    The next iPhone is due out in about 12 months. They have 1 year to work on this.

    Originally Posted by SDW2001

    I don't think that's possible with any phone. I haven't seen the Nokia, but I can't imagine it's that good.

    The camera on the N95 is actually that good. And it has a flash.

    Originally Posted by SDW2001

    OK, fair enough. I agree they could have made the camera better. I still can't see why it's a deal breaker. Then again, perhaps I was confused because you didn't indicate you had a current iphone.

    I think you should re-read my mother post again, especially the first paragraph.
  • Reply 25 of 63
    thttht Posts: 5,605member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    1. A better camera. The current camera is the iPhone's Achilles' heel, no question about that. The next one needs a signifiant boost. It needs a Camera Pro. While I am aware of the mega-pixel myth, I also know other phones take way better pictures than the iPhone. The N95 simply embarrasses the iPhone in that department. A 3.5MP camera (or better) "with a flash" is in my mind, without a shadow of a doubt, needed. The iPhone also needs to be capable of recording 640x480 video through it.

    H.264 480p or DVD resolution recording should be doable in a very small package in a shipping smartphone in 2009. I can see Apple doing it for the Youtube generation. If only H.264 M4V was the native Youtube format. This is where it hurts. If video recording is a great feature on the iPhone (easy to use, good performance), it could end up perpetuating Flash FLV formats instead, which is currently on Apple's no-no list.

    Not sure where Apple is headed with Flash. They'll need to be convince they've lost the video format war first before producing something good. If Apple doesn't convince and make agreements with other flash video sites about providing H.264 M4V content within a year, then they've lost that battle. This should move on and support FLV at least.

    I'm all for a 3.2 MP camera with auto-focus, flash and some neat video recording capabilities (high frame rate, etc). Incremental improvements should be expected.


    2. An OLED screen. I have looked at a number of iPhones, including several iPhone 3Gs. They do not handle blacks great, not worse really than other phones, but not great. It's particularly noticeable when watching a dark movie, or a dark scene in a video or movie. Negative blacks are quite common. And the fact that iPhone is perfect for watching movies while traveling etc. is especially why the way it displays blacks is crucial if you ask me. A no brainer.

    Probably 2010, not 2009.


    3. Better battery life. An OLED screen will help greatly, as will a better battery and OS optimizations. Apple needs to work their heart out to squeeze all the battery life they possibly can out of this next iPhone. I would like to see a very noticeable improvement.

    They can do that now by making the device thicker.

    Anyways, their target seems to be 5-6 hours of talk time, web-browsing, video. I think they'll balance device size, new features, and battery size to achieve 5-6 hours for the foreseeable features as there lots of things to add.


    4. 32GB of storage, or more. I want more than 16GB.

    This is a no-brainer. Probably in January like this did this year.


    (while not a major issue) An even faster 3G chip would be nice.

    No-brainer too. Both an increase in download and upload speeds.

    Your list is so short too. Things I'd like to see:

    Larger screen. See the larger bezel on the iPhone 3G? Well, use the room to increase the screen size to 3.8" or so. That'll be a nice 18% increase in screen area to enjoy. It'll allow the virtual QWERTY to be more usable, other onscreen buttons to be easier to hit.

    720x480 resolution. They should also increase the resolution too! This will make smaller text more legible allowing for less pan-n-zoom while web-browsing. Also will make everything crisper and nicer to look at.

    Better CPU. Current one is running at 400 MHz or so. Well in 2009, the current one can be manufactured on a better process and should allow it to run at 600 MHz. Either that or go the dual-core route at 400 MHz

    Better Graphics. Add faster, better than the PSP graphics for even more Core Animation, Image, Video and Game performance. They'll need it too because the screen resolution is going to 720x480.

    256 MB RAM. Better yet, 512 MB of DDR SDRAM. This can change Apple's current policy of no background processes for 3rd party apps.

    Stereo speakers. Can't enjoy a good game without it. It'll louder alarms, ringers, etc.

    Better microphone. Pick up people's voices for better speakerphone calling.

    Front facing camera. Don't care for the video conferencing as provided for by the carriers/operators; however, Skype/Yahoo Messenger video chats, we use that all of the time. Also can be used as an orientation sensor relative to the users face/body and help determine what orientation it should be while horizontal.

    There's also a bunch of far out stuff too, but that could be another thread...
  • Reply 26 of 63
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I don't like it rough.

    Maybe you SHOULD wait another year. That way you might get the phone you are looking for and me mum will be 90. So both should be gentler by then.
  • Reply 27 of 63
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    I've seen pictures from the original iphone's camera, and they are not bad at all. They are far better than standard cell phone pictures, and better than stills on my 2006 Canon camcorder. It's no 5MP or greater stand alone, but they are good...even in moderate indoor light.

    This would be fine if all the Apple competitors were just standing still like Apple happens to be doing but they aren't. My new phone has a 3.2 MP camera and VGA video ability. Plenty of others are either here already or are rushing down the pipe and will be here before Apple takes another year to update the iPhone again.


    I really don't see the point in having video. Really...this is a "must have" for you? It might be nice, but it's far from essential.

    It is becoming very nice when you do have it. It stinks at some low resolution but VGA resolution is basically NTSC/camcorder resolution. So it is like carrying around and getting a free camcorder. Is it perfect yet? No but Apple is behind while everyone else is rushing forward. Apple is ahead on wi-fi for example which everyone else should be rushing to include.

    You might want to capture your son jumping off a diving board.

    Or you might want to make fun of some iPhone owners who wonder about the need for video...


    This one I don't get at all. The battery life is as good or better than any other smart phone. So what you're really asking for is a quantum leap in technology. Fine...it would be great...I agree. But it shouldn't be a deal breaker considering what else is on the market.

    The real problem is Apple is sort of straddling the smartphone/feature phone line. The features phones like mine have battery life that is kicking the hell out of the iPhone. The smart phones all have the same or lower battery life, but all have improvements wandering in soon for the Christmas holiday. It doesn't mean that Apple stinks, but it certainly isn't a leadership position.


    OK, I can give that one to you. I don't think 16GB should be a deal breaker, but I agree more storage would be nice.

    Apple is getting by well here but removable storage has some advantages and over the long run, this could start to work against them.
  • Reply 28 of 63
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    The next iPhone is due out in about 12 months. They have 1 year to work on this.

    So does everyone else. I don't think you're going to see huge gains. I think if you saw 20% it would be a lot. With a car charger, it shouldn't be a big deal. Hell, my RAZR only has a few hours of talk time. It lasts a while on standby, of course.


    The camera on the N95 is actually that good. And it has a flash.

    It's also not an iphone. It looks like a camera with a phone built in. Again, I can see your point here.


    I think you should re-read my mother post again, especially the first paragraph.

    Fair enough....I did miss it. I still think you are overreacting. The 3G is a very nice upgrade from last year's iPhone. I do think you'll see a better camera next time around, and 16/32GB models. You're not going to see the OLED screen, nor much better battery life. That's my guess. So the question is, if the storage and camera were better, would that do it for you?
  • Reply 29 of 63
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by trumptman View Post

    This would be fine if all the Apple competitors were just standing still like Apple happens to be doing but they aren't. My new phone has a 3.2 MP camera and VGA video ability. Plenty of others are either here already or are rushing down the pipe and will be here before Apple takes another year to update the iPhone again.

    That's true. Again, I agree it needs a better camera. I just don't think it's something that's a deal breaker.


    It is becoming very nice when you do have it. It stinks at some low resolution but VGA resolution is basically NTSC/camcorder resolution. So it is like carrying around and getting a free camcorder. Is it perfect yet? No but Apple is behind while everyone else is rushing forward. Apple is ahead on wi-fi for example which everyone else should be rushing to include.

    You might want to capture your son jumping off a diving board.

    Or you might want to make fun of some iPhone owners who wonder about the need for video...

    Or, Apple may leapfrog the competition next time by upgrading the camera and providing better video than they offer. Also, I agree it would be nice..but it's certainly no deal breaker for me.


    The real problem is Apple is sort of straddling the smartphone/feature phone line. The features phones like mine have battery life that is kicking the hell out of the iPhone. The smart phones all have the same or lower battery life, but all have improvements wandering in soon for the Christmas holiday. It doesn't mean that Apple stinks, but it certainly isn't a leadership position.

    I totally disagree. The iPhone is more than the sum of its parts. Yes, it has some small technical flaws, but it's features/interface in total clearly attract buyers over the competition. The battery life is a wash compared to others, so it's not a factor. The camera is not great, but good enough. It's only a small negative. Lack of video is another negative, but it's obviously not affecting sales at this point. In other words, the final value is higher than other phones in its class. This is supported by the insane first week sales figures.


    Apple is getting by well here but removable storage has some advantages and over the long run, this could start to work against them.

    I disagree here; not from a consumer's standpoint, but from a business one. By not providing removable storage, Apple can have customers "upgrade" their entire phone every few years. And really, one has to ask if this one feature is going to prevent someone from buying. So far it hasn't. If they determine its hurting sales, I'm sure they'll include it.
  • Reply 30 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    So does everyone else.

    I don't get your point. I don't care what everyone else does. I want Apple to make the next iPhone's battery life better, that is all.
  • Reply 31 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001

    So the question is, if the storage and camera were better, would that do it for you?

    That depends how much better the camera is. If the camera was a 4MP with a flash then I would jump straight on it. Even without my other needs met. And that camera would also record decent video too, making nice use if that 32GB Flash chip. Still, an OLED screen would be hella sweet, and would increase battery life to boot.

    To be clear; I would pay up to $499 for the iPhone I desire.
  • Reply 32 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    That's true. Again, I agree it needs a better camera. I just don't think it's something that's a deal breaker.

    It is if you own the last iPhone.
  • Reply 33 of 63
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    I've seen pictures from the original iphone's camera, and they are not bad at all. They are far better than standard cell phone pictures, and better than stills on my 2006 Canon camcorder. It's no 5MP or greater stand alone, but they are good...even in moderate indoor light.

    i've seen some decent photos as well, which means i'm not fussed about the camera either. though for the sake of the spec whores and ppl that rely on numbers to make purchasing decisions, it probably would have been wiser to give it a slight bump upwards in MP, if at all possible.


    I really don't see the point in having video. Really...this is a "must have" for you? It might be nice, but it's far from essential.

    i can see that some ppl might want to have it, but i can't see how video from a mobile phone is worth being a deal breaker.

    re: the screen and OLED, umm yeah...


    The battery life is as good or better than any other smart phone. So what you're really asking for is a quantum leap in technology. Fine...it would be great...I agree. But it shouldn't be a deal breaker considering what else is on the market.



    OK, I can give that one to you. I don't think 16GB should be a deal breaker, but I agree more storage would be nice.

    yes. in terms of longevity, more would be better, of course. i wouldn't contemplate the 8gb version, but 16gb should be adequate for how long i would expect to go before purchasing a new phone, which i expect to be approx 2 years.


    I just think you should step back and look at what you really need to have, as well what is possible to bring to market at this price point.

    alot of ppl need to do that, i think. when it arrived here, our local broadsheet had the headline "Jesusphone arrives!". it's not perfect, nor is it a finished product - it is an evolving product - but it's still a great device.
  • Reply 34 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    i've seen some decent photos as well, which means i'm not fussed about the camera either. though for the sake of the spec whores and ppl that rely on numbers to make purchasing decisions, it probably would have been wiser to give it a slight bump upwards in MP, if at all possible.

    If you knew anything about digital cameras you'd appreciate how much even a single MP can make a difference at this low end. For regular sensors 5-5.5MP seems to be the sweet spot. Making this 3 or 3.5MP is not just a nominal thing, huge differences would be seen.

    I like Apple products, but I never make any excuses when their updates aren't quite enough. This way an Ok update, but I definitely at the very least expected a better camera also.
  • Reply 35 of 63
    joedrcjoedrc Posts: 86member
    Why oh why are people still going on about the camera!

    Its been said before and it'll no doubt be said again. If you want a decent camera go buy a nice compact DSLR!

    iPhone is for quick snaps and to be honest it'll never be amazing, lens size being too small etc.
  • Reply 36 of 63
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I don't get your point. I don't care what everyone else does. I want Apple to make the next iPhone's battery life better, that is all.

    My point is you are complaining about battery life when Apple's battery life is quite good relative to what's possible today, much less the alternatives on the market. What "everyone else does" is quite relevant, because those are your other options. I understand wanting/wishing for an improvement, but calling it a deal breaker just doesn't make sense. As I said, it's like wishing for a car that gets 80MPG, and refusing to upgrade your 35MPG car until you get it.

    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    That depends how much better the camera is. If the camera was a 4MP with a flash then I would jump straight on it. Even without my other needs met.

    So it's really about the camera then. That seems like a silly reason to buy an iphone to begin with. If you want a nice camera, buy a camera. No cell phone is going to take pictures that rival stand alone cameras.


    And that camera would also record decent video too, making nice use if that 32GB Flash chip.

    Why, because other devices have it? I thought you didn't care what everyone else did?


    Still, an OLED screen would be hella sweet, and would increase battery life to boot.

    To be clear; I would pay up to $499 for the iPhone I desire.

    It's not going to happen. Period. OLEDs still cost 1.5X-2x more than LCDs and only last 5,000 hours. LCDs can last 10,000-50,000 hours. $499 isn't going to touch it.

    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    It is if you own the last iPhone.

    Then keep it. Also, I'd like to ask you: Were you one of the people complaining when Apple dropped the price $200 for the last one?
  • Reply 37 of 63
    soulbowsoulbow Posts: 30member
    Originally Posted by Contegni View Post

    I also WON'T buy the iPhone until the iPhone can:

    Launch ICBMs

    Teleport people

    Stop global warming

    Give me free gas

    Walk my dog

    Make me rich

    AND Cook gourmet meals

    Dude you're ridiculous if you want all those features for $199. Even if they raise the price you're ridiculous if you think Apple will upgrade the phone that much in only a year. You must be very hard to please.

    I made this for another website yesterday and it fit too well to not post here:

  • Reply 38 of 63
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Audio recording and the ability to attach a real keyboard a la Newton. That's all.
  • Reply 39 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by JoeDRC View Post

    Why oh why are people still going on about the camera!

    Because it's shit. Well relatively, they could have took a leap here.
  • Reply 40 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Audio recording and the ability to attach a real keyboard a la Newton. That's all.

    Audio recording is software, which is available. And a hardware keyboard is kind of missing the whole point of this device.
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