iPhone 3G now all but sold out in 38 states



  • Reply 81 of 103
    merdheadmerdhead Posts: 587member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    the investors need to have a little faith. just because we don't know the succession plan doesn't mean there isn't one. or that the company is suddenly going to go to hell because Steve isn't at the helm. Apple is not just Steve Jobs

    I'm not so sure, you might recall that APple was in free-fall before Jobs came back and his unique approach brought the company to where it is now. They tried many different CEOs before him.

    If SJ gets very sick or dies I imagine Apple stock would get cut in half or worse.
  • Reply 82 of 103
    merdheadmerdhead Posts: 587member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Funny you think you're addressing 'all of America' when you make a statement like that? Are you representing the views of your country? Are you an ambassador of some stripe?

    How do you know I'm not American?
  • Reply 83 of 103
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    You're not allowed to talk about Africa because you're white. It's the white devil that has caused Africa's problem.

    I've always pointed my finger at the Dutch. I am caucasian, but I consider my roots to be Africa, too. Though obviously not as recent as some folk.
  • Reply 84 of 103
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    How do you know I'm not American?

    Uh, "American" is not a nationality. American IS a general location, but then again, are we talking about North or South America?
  • Reply 85 of 103
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    Uh, "American" is not a nationality. American IS a general location, but then again, are we talking about North or South America?

    Don't forget Central America. There are plenty of people who think Central America is it's own continent, not a sub-continent.
  • Reply 86 of 103
    merdheadmerdhead Posts: 587member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Don't forget Central America. There are plenty of people who think Central America is it's own continent, not a sub-continent.

    Yeah, great. This is about as intelligent as complaining about people's spelling or grammar. Can we stick to the point, or maybe you just don't have anything to contribute except something trite and irrelevant?
  • Reply 87 of 103
    merdheadmerdhead Posts: 587member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I've always pointed my finger at the Dutch. I am caucasian, but I consider my roots to be Africa, too. Though obviously not as recent as some folk.

    Hey I'm blacker than you are, my skin is quite olive coloured when it actually sees the sun and I'm descended from Arab peoples.
  • Reply 88 of 103
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    Yeah, great. This is about as intelligent as complaining about people's spelling or grammar. Can we stick to the point, or maybe you just don't have anything to contribute except something trite and irrelevant?

    I wasn't complaining, I find the blatantly incorrect posts of Central America being a continent and Austiralia not being an island quite enjoyable to read. A short, humourous reprieve from all this technical stuff.

    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    Hey I'm blacker than you are, my skin is quite olive coloured when it actually sees the sun and I'm descended from Arab peoples.

    Anti-American feelings, defensive posture when I mention C. America is not a continent, Arab decent, mentioning that you've visited the US, and the French word merde as part of your forum alias. I'm guessing you are are from the Americas, but I can't think of any contiguous countries that speak French. There is always parts of Canada and Haiti that come to mind, but neither is jumping out at me. What country are you from/do you reside?
  • Reply 89 of 103
    merdheadmerdhead Posts: 587member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I wasn't complaining, I find the blatantly incorrect posts of Central America being a continent and Austiralia not being an island quite enjoyable to read. A short, humourous reprieve from all this technical stuff.

    Anti-American feelings, defensive posture when I mention C. America is not a continent, Arab decent, mentioning that you've visited the US, and the French word merde as part of your forum alias. I'm guessing you are are from the Americas, but I can't think of any contiguous countries that speak French. There is always parts of Canada and Haiti that come to mind, but neither is jumping out at me. What country are you from/do you reside?

    Sorry I was really referring to the original poster who was less light hearted about that.

    As far as my nationalities, I'm not at liberty to disclose them for national security reasons, but lets just say I'm not French or French speaking, although I did study the language at school a little. I'm not Canadian (thank you very much).

    And I'm not anti-American. This is the point I'm trying to make. It's OK to criticise the US. The country of one of my passports is an very good friend of America (we've had people die in American wars), and it's people, including me, support the alliance. But America is not perfect.

    As far as where I live, I tend to spend time in North America and two other continents each year, mainly to avoid winters. If you guys are in SF later this year maybe we can all meet up and I can criticise you in person! That would be fun!
  • Reply 90 of 103
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    Uh, "American" is not a nationality. American IS a general location, but then again, are we talking about North or South America?

    American is a nationality, as citizens of the nation of the United States of America are considered Americans. America is a location. I think you meant American isn't an ethnicity or a racial group.
  • Reply 91 of 103
    Come on people, get your heads out of your mac-holes. People are people, regardless of their ethnicity or nationallity.

    I've been reading this forum for only a few weeks, and this useless finger-pointing is just pointless (get it-finger pointing is pointless). I'll break it down for you all: MOST people in power are greed driven, those without power are driven to assist and achieve for the greater good of their family and community.


    this message brought to you by a Greek-American-Detroit resident.

    Also, i love my 3g iPhone, much better than my blackberry pearl, I got it at the apple store after waiting in line for 2 hrs June 12 at the mall, and it took them only 10 minutes to port my t-mobile account, sync with MobileMe, pay and walk out the door. I have a few crashes due to 3rd party apps, but everything seems ok now after a few regualr shutdowns at the end of the day
  • Reply 92 of 103
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    But America is not perfect.

    A war we don't agree with, a president with a low approval rating, and the most prolific source for "reality" TV shows. I don't know of any American who think that America is perfect or close to it. but I'd wager that most of us love or country despite it's shortcomings. After all, we did invent spaghetti, art, water and, of course, Jesus.

    Originally Posted by greenbags125 View Post

    American is a nationality, as citizens of the nation of the United States of America are considered Americans. America is a location. I think you meant American isn't an ethnicity or a racial group.

    The context does matter when using the term. I think he was using the general definition relating to the continents, not the colloquial definition referring to the inhabitants of the USandA
  • Reply 93 of 103
    merdheadmerdhead Posts: 587member
    I'm just listening to the call, and its very interesting to note that they refuse to say if SJ's health is good or bad. That's not a good sign.
  • Reply 94 of 103
    Apple had over a year to develop and produce the incrementally advanced 3G - which was in development when the first iPhone was introduced. And they allowed stock of the original phone to run out a month before launch of the 3G. Apple fully knew what the demand would be, particularly in additionally targeting the breadth of the corporate world with Exchange support. Yet, almost all stores are hopelessly sold out every day. Is this a supply problem - or is something else going on?

    If you Google on "iphone 3g reception problems" you will find worldwide reports of substandard and erratic 3G reception on the new phone rendering 3G capability virtually unusable, including an extensive discussion in HowardForums and in Apple's forums. If I were running Apple, and realizing this problem, I would greatly throttle back or even stop shipments pending full identification and resolution of this widespread problem undermining the usability of the phone, where the alternatives include very public dissatisfaction with Apple and the possibility of a major recall, if it is determined that the design or fabrication of the physical hardware is at the heart of the problem.

    I had been intending to acquire an iPhone 3G; but after becoming aware of the mounting reports of problems, I'm staying away until all this is resolved.
  • Reply 95 of 103
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by AppleSince86 View Post

    Apple had over a year to develop and produce the incrementally advanced 3G - which was in development when the first iPhone was introduced. And they allowed stock of the original phone to run out a month before launch of the 3G. Apple fully knew what the demand would be, particularly in additionally targeting the breadth of the corporate world with Exchange support. Yet, almost all stores are hopelessly sold out every day. Is this a supply problem - or is something else going on?

    If you Google on "iphone 3g reception problems" you will find worldwide reports of substandard and erratic 3G reception on the new phone rendering 3G capability virtually unusable, including an extensive discussion in HowardForums and in Apple's forums. If I were running Apple, and realizing this problem, I would greatly throttle back or even stop shipments pending full identification and resolution of this widespread problem undermining the usability of the phone, where the alternatives include very public dissatisfaction with Apple and the possibility of a major recall, if it is determined that the design or fabrication of the physical hardware is at the heart of the problem.

    I had been intending to acquire an iPhone 3G; but after becoming aware of the mounting reports of problems, I'm staying away until all this is resolved.

    To each their own, but it really comes down to what your "use pattern" will be. I use my iPhone mostly in my home or office, and I have Airport Extremes at both. So for me, everything is very fast. Even my call reception is excellent in either of those locations.

    Now out and about in the world? That's a completely different story. Same spotty reception as reported everywhere.

    But, like I said, most of the time I'm using my iPhone 3G in a WiFi environment, so I'm really rather pleased. Your actual results may vary.
  • Reply 96 of 103
    All BUT sold out?

    Don't you mean "iPhone 3G now sold out in 38 states" ?
  • Reply 97 of 103
    For Tuesday, July 22nd, the iPhone will be available at 43 stores across 17 states. It seems like Apple is restocking the iPhone in its biggest markets, like New York, California and Texas before it targets the rest of the country. The shortage lives on, but is may be coming to a close.

  • Reply 98 of 103
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by ThinkAdrian View Post

    All BUT sold out?

    Don't you mean "iPhone 3G now sold out in 38 states" ?

    It's an odd English phrasing that means 'very nearly'.

    Originally Posted by iPhone91 View Post

    For Tuesday, July 22nd, the iPhone will be available at 43 stores across 17 states. It seems like Apple is restocking the iPhone in its biggest markets, like New York, California and Texas before it targets the rest of the country. The shortage lives on, but is may be coming to a close.

    I think the AT&T stores are still quoting 21 days. I think it'll be several weeks before the supplies are shored up.
  • Reply 99 of 103
    aph3xaph3x Posts: 2member
    I spent this weekend in the LA area and was at "The Oaks" mall in the LA area this morning. I've got to say that I don't know exactly what Apple staff are told to do but the are so amazingly vague its not even funny. They made people wait in a long line despite not having enough stock and being aware of it. I was probably about 10th in line and there were several people ahead of me. When it came to me there were only 16GB White's in stock and I preferred a black one so I declined. However the Apple staffers at that store got so in other peoples faces when they would inquire about stock. They want to keep these lines in front of stores as long as they can - its understandable from a marketing standpoint I guess but some of the people around me got really pissed off by it especially when Apple employees got angry that people wanted to know whether they were wasting their time or now. I'm back in Reno now so we'll see what happens in the next few days but WOW - I wasn't expecting that experience.
  • Reply 100 of 103
    winterspanwinterspan Posts: 605member
    Whats up with the use of the word "examples" in this article? Was this written by a non-native speaker? For the most part, it's perfectly fine, but there are certain words and phrases that are used in an odd way given the context.
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