Briefly: Snow Leopard Finder icons support QuickLook



  • Reply 21 of 42
    I'm very disappointed to hear this. Snow Leopard is not suppose to have any new features. It's suppose to be a spit'n image of Leopard, just faster and advanced technologies under the hood.
  • Reply 22 of 42
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    Also, why don't finder previews of audio and video files show durations?

    They do if you check the checkbox 'show item info' in the folder view options, if that's what you meant.
  • Reply 23 of 42
    ouraganouragan Posts: 437member
    With quad-core Centrino 2 mobile processors available on October 15, 2008, Apple could have a bonanza of a Christmas season with quad-core iMacs, MacBooks and MacBook Pros. The big question then becomes:

    When is Snow Leopard going to be ready?

    If Snow Leopard could be ready by MacWorld 2009, then it would be reason enough to postpone buying a brand new Mac until Snow Leopard is launched. But if Snow Leopard is delayed until next June, then the decision becomes more difficult to make.

  • Reply 24 of 42
    ak1808ak1808 Posts: 108member

    Separately, it's reported that another change in Snow Leopard will require users to enter their administrative password twice as part of any software install process: once when the installer application launches, and again right before the actual install process begins.

    Isn't it getting time for a "Mac OS X App Store"?

    One place to shop, automatic install and automatic updates... the iPhone shows the way.

    Could be optional, for developers who dislike the 70% deal.
  • Reply 25 of 42
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by bobmarleypeople View Post

    I'm Peter Shillito, director of Desu Enterprises and game reviewer, news writer and advertising manager for I'm also the person who reported this little feature.

    I'm a little miffed they didn't put my name down anywhere in the article ¬_¬ but ah well.

    I think they were trying to save you from the wrath of Steve - revealing unannounced features is not nice (if you're a developer under the NDA).
  • Reply 26 of 42
    crees!crees! Posts: 501member

    Separately, it's reported that another change in Snow Leopard will require users to enter their administrative password twice as part of any software install process: once when the installer application launches, and again right before the actual install process begins.

    I had to do just this yesterday when installing the HP Printer Drivers update from Software Update.
  • Reply 27 of 42
    hezekiahbhezekiahb Posts: 448member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I'm starting to really dislike icon previews. I prefer the old application icons because I find that I am constantly looking around the desktop to find a file I just saved, be it a PDF or JPG - they all start to look the same after awhile and are mostly too small to be useful in identifying the content anyway.

    I really like the idea of icon preview if it also displayed a tiny overlay of the file type icon.
  • Reply 28 of 42
    dagamer34dagamer34 Posts: 494member
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    With quad-core Centrino 2 mobile processors available on October 15, 2008, Apple could have a bonanza of a Christmas season with quad-core iMacs, MacBooks and MacBook Pros. The big question then becomes:

    When is Snow Leopard going to be ready?

    If Snow Leopard could be ready by MacWorld 2009, then it would be reason enough to postpone buying a brand new Mac until Snow Leopard is launched. But if Snow Leopard is delayed until next June, then the decision becomes more difficult to make.

    Delayed until next June? What made you think it was coming out during MacWorld in the first place? Apple is going to launch Snow Leopard around WWDC 2009. At WWDC 2008, they said that the release would be ready in about a year.

    There's no way they're releasing an OS in January if the first developer preview was in June. That's setting yourself up for a Vista, my friend!
  • Reply 29 of 42
    minderbinderminderbinder Posts: 1,703member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    They do if you check the checkbox 'show item info' in the folder view options, if that's what you meant.

    Where is that, I can't find it? You don't mean "show view options", do you?
  • Reply 30 of 42
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by probably View Post

    what's the justifiable rationale for two password prompts?

  • Reply 31 of 42
    Originally Posted by elroth View Post

    I think they were trying to save you from the wrath of Steve - revealing unannounced features is not nice (if you're a developer under the NDA).

    I'm a developer who doesn't know how to develop (if that makes sense, give yourself a pat on the back).

    It's not particularly that big of a feature, so it's unlikely they'll kick up a fuss about it. They're probably too busy trying to destroy Psystar (
  • Reply 32 of 42
    mr squidmr squid Posts: 58member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Thanks for the tip. Perhaps you didn't realize that the desktop is a folder.

    True, but that is a dangerous way to think of the desktop. Each item in the desktop directory is rendered as a window, so it consumes a lot of resources. It is better to use subdirectories to organize rather than just let the clutter build on the desktop.
  • Reply 33 of 42
    Originally Posted by Mr Squid View Post

    True, but that is a dangerous way to think of the desktop. Each item in the desktop directory is rendered as a window, so it consumes a lot of resources. It is better to use subdirectories to organize rather than just let the clutter build on the desktop.

    Indeed. I have my drives (of course) and aliases to Applications, Movies, Music, Pictures and Documents. I rarely have folders on my desktop at all unless it's a temporary place to put something while i move stuff around. I like having my desktop nice and clutter free (unfortunately, the same can't be said with my dock. I've found a program called Dock Spaces that allow multiple Docks, so that might help me unclutter my dock).
  • Reply 34 of 42
    Originally Posted by probably View Post

    That doesn't answer anything. None of those things - if touched in any given installer - are visible. The OP describes it as if it asks twice always now, whether it's a pointless installer moving a *.app to /Applications for you or something more extensive.

    This would significantly cut down on the chances of an exploit causing real damage. If an exploit was found to bypass the system installer, for example, it would bypass the first prompt, but would then be caught by the second. At least that is how I interpret it. I'm not too concerned about this as it would be while installing programs and that doesn't happen too often.

    I chuckle when people compare it to Vista's UAC and wonder how much experience the people who make these comparisons have with both systems. UAC is ready to frustrate you whenever you breathe funny in its direction (or if you snub it by breathing in another direction). Its annoyance extends well beyond the realm of passwords, too. Microsoft is gradually making it a little more user friendly, though.

    I'm not sure what to think of the feature described in this article -- I have actually come to love quicklook but I'd have to experience this to see how it worked out. I don't think it will matter anyway since nearly all of my browsing is done through columns. I just hope the big feature of Snow Leopard is optimization. That's wonderful enough in and of itself, if it happens on a grand scale!
  • Reply 35 of 42
    Originally Posted by Xian Zhu Xuande View Post

    I just hope the big feature of Snow Leopard is optimization. That's wonderful enough in and of itself, if it happens on a grand scale!

    To be honest, I'm hoping they do actually put features in unless they're actually willing to distribute it either for free or at a much lower price than Leopard because I don't want to pay the full amount just for essentially a bugfix and performance release.
  • Reply 36 of 42
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by bobmarleypeople View Post

    To be honest, I'm hoping they do actually put features in unless they're actually willing to distribute it either for free or at a much lower price than Leopard because I don't want to pay the full amount just for essentially a bugfix and performance release.

    There are major features being introduced. OpenCL and Grand Central are not simple bug fixes or simple code optimizations, these are complex enhancements to OS X. There is no reason why Apple would give this away for free; just like there is no reason you have to move from Leopard to Snow Leopard.
  • Reply 37 of 42
    eluardeluard Posts: 319member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    There are major features being introduced. OpenCL and Grand Central are not simple bug fixes or simple code optimizations, these are complex enhancements to OS X. There is no reason why Apple would give this away for free; just like there is no reason you have to move from Leopard to Snow Leopard.

    Completely agree. I'm a little tired of hearing people whine that "Apple better not charge for this!". This is a major step forward for the operating system. Personally I don't need more superficial bling ? I need them to ready OS X for the future. This is what they are doing. Snow Leopard promises to be a bigger step forward than Leopard was over Tiger or Tiger was over Panther.
  • Reply 38 of 42
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by internetworld7 View Post

    I'm very disappointed to hear this. Snow Leopard is not suppose to have any new features. It's suppose to be a spit'n image of Leopard, just faster and advanced technologies under the hood.

    Advanced technologies under the hood are new features and functionality.

    Features aren't predicated on changes to the behavior of the GUI.
  • Reply 39 of 42
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by probably View Post

    That doesn't answer anything. None of those things - if touched in any given installer - are visible. The OP describes it as if it asks twice always now, whether it's a pointless installer moving a *.app to /Applications for you or something more extensive.

    Firstly, it's "reported' to exhibit this behavior from AI's original post which shows poor journalism skills--get a copy of Leopard and test it out.

    Secondly, stop thinking with your single dektop/laptop/workstation end-to-end view. The Installer is evolving to be more Network ready and be capable of having to work around exported Applications network folders that require different layers of security and more.

    Thirdly, this is NDA software that is going through improvements, under-the-hood to be ready for not just Joe Six Pack or Susie Cosmo to Phil Metro, but to Will of Wall Street and Ward of the DoD, etc.

    You have software that should have been evolved long before Snow Leopard finally getting the workover it so richly deserves.

    If you want to know more about Leopard I suggest you get an ADC Premiere account, respect the NDA and build software.
  • Reply 40 of 42
    freenyfreeny Posts: 128member
    Originally Posted by -cj- View Post

    we've been able to preview audio and video files without opening anything for years now if you are viewing your finder in column view. i have too many files to use icon view so i will probably never use this feature.

    Yes, but they removed the video scrubbing feature with 10.5. you can now only "play"

    They need to bring this back as well as audio feature...

    This was one of the most useful features for me and working with video. then it just disappeared...
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