Apple stores now open at 8 A.M. to handle iPhone 3G demand



  • Reply 21 of 49
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    But nobody is MAKING these people wait in line. I want an iPhone too. Maybe I'll get it next week. Maybe another month. I won't perish either way, and I won't wait in lines. Apple's availability tracker is all I need to judge when the rush is ending.

    Exactly! Who knows, in another few weeks, they may even have figured out some online way to do it..... OK, OK, I guess I am dreaming.....
  • Reply 22 of 49
    sahsah Posts: 3member
    I finally got an Iphone last Friday. When I finally got in the store to sign up I found out there were just two guys handling the phone work. It took at least 15 mins per person and there were about twenty people waiting in line to buy a phone. No wonder it takes so long.
  • Reply 23 of 49
    farkussfarkuss Posts: 4member
    A pre-qualified process should be done on line, including selecting a store to buy the phone at. When a phone is available for you an email telling you to come in to pick it up is sent.

    I'll wait until I can walk in and out in 15 minutes or less.
  • Reply 24 of 49
    iphone91iphone91 Posts: 98member
    Originally Posted by Timon View Post

    I've got a better idea. Giving out the tickets is fine but how about letting them SMS you when they get close to your number. At that point as soon as you get there you go straight to the front of the line.


    Use similar process that Disney uses in their "FastPass" system. You get a pass which specifies the phone your getting and a one hour window, you can ask for a given window if it's open, to show up.

    When you arrive you get in the "FastPass" line. If there is no one "FastPass" then someone in the main line can go in. If you get there late you loose your place in line, after all you had an hour.

    So no one can complain about incorrect time cell phone time should be use since it tied to the atomic clocks.

    So far, that is the best idea yet. They could use a sign up process like when you make a Genius Bar Appointment. That would be easy, fast and so much simpler than the other ways. It would cut back on waiting and would alleviate the stress on the Apple Employees to rush through customers so that the line would move faster. I think it would improve the experience dramatically.

  • Reply 25 of 49
    robogoborobogobo Posts: 378member
    or they could just take orders online, and qualify everyone online, the way AT&T does with other phones. what a brilliant f***ing idea that would be.
  • Reply 26 of 49
    eaieai Posts: 417member
    The queue at the Regents Street (flagship) store in London was shorter today than it has been the other times I've been in - down to 8 or so people from the 24-40 it was a week ago... Maybe that was just chance - I've got better things to do than sit and watch the iPhone queue all day

    Anyway, I'm waiting till I don't have to queue, though I'm tempted to go to an O2 store as they all seem to have them in stock.
  • Reply 27 of 49
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Thank god. I don't know why no one ever considered the idea of taking a number or keeping a list, but eventually, the glory of waiting in line for 4 hours wears off. Why not let people take a number and then come back at an estimated time, so they don't have to sit and do nothing for 4 hours?

    Originally Posted by Timon View Post

    I've got a better idea. Giving out the tickets is fine but how about letting them SMS you when they get close to your number. At that point as soon as you get there you go straight to the front of the line.

    OR Use similar process that Disney uses in their "FastPass" system...

    I agree, this is absolutely ridiculous! The whole line thing may be good for launch day marketing, but after that it is just stupid. For god sakes, we are talking about one of the world's foremost software companies, and they don't offer a simple pre-order or reservation system???? I can't even believe it.

    Why not just do the sales process over the internet? Fill out an online order form depending on your current AT&T status, input your credit card data (which is the only way to pay anyways) and you're done! Apple corporate would then assign your order to your chosen/local Apple retail store. When they receive new inventory, the system would email you a confirmation number and tell you it's ready to pick up! At the Apple store, they confirm the order (which charges your card), activate the iPhone, and off you go!

    Can anyone come up with a single reason why that idea wouldn't work?
  • Reply 28 of 49
    Originally Posted by winterspan View Post

    I agree, this is absolutely ridiculous! The whole line thing may be good for launch day marketing, but after that it is just stupid. For god sakes, we are talking about one of the world's foremost software companies, and they don't offer a simple pre-order or reservation system???? I can't even believe it.

    Why not just do the sales process over the internet? Fill out an online order form depending on your current AT&T status, input your credit card data (which is the only way to pay anyways) and you're done! Apple corporate would then assign your order to your chosen/local Apple retail store. When they receive new inventory, the system would email you a confirmation number and tell you it's ready to pick up! At the Apple store, they confirm the order (which charges your card), activate the iPhone, and off you go!

    Can anyone come up with a single reason why that idea wouldn't work?

    because Apple doesn't have enough engineers to get their current systems working correctly (app store, MobileMe, iPhone 2.0 software).

    However, I do love that idea.
  • Reply 29 of 49
    johnqhjohnqh Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by purpleshorts View Post

    A: "We've run out of iPhones."

    B: "I've got the solution..."

    A: "Produce more phones, and get them in the stores?"

    B: "No. How about we open an hour earlier?"

    A: "What good will THAT do?"

    B: "You're right. How about two hours earlier?"

    Have you ever been to any of the Apple Stores? The one in Stonestown (SF) is always crowded, even during the pre-launch days when Apple had no iPhones to sell.

    A store, with X sqft area, with Y employees, can handle only Z customers per day. With the iPhone launch, it is quite possible the traffic through Apple Store is over the capacity. That means the staff has to either cut the service and rush the customers, or customers (whether buying an iPhone or a 30" cinema display) will be turned away.

    Having the store open for 15% longer hours is a quick way to increase the capacity instantly, without opening 15% more Apple Stores overnight.
  • Reply 30 of 49
    johnqhjohnqh Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by Timon View Post

    I've got a better idea. Giving out the tickets is fine but how about letting them SMS you when they get close to your number. At that point as soon as you get there you go straight to the front of the line.


    Use similar process that Disney uses in their "FastPass" system. You get a pass which specifies the phone your getting and a one hour window, you can ask for a given window if it's open, to show up.

    When you arrive you get in the "FastPass" line. If there is no one "FastPass" then someone in the main line can go in. If you get there late you loose your place in line, after all you had an hour.

    So no one can complain about incorrect time cell phone time should be use since it tied to the atomic clocks.

    SMS is not exactly reliable. Sometimes it arrives instantly. Sometimes it arrives X hours later.
  • Reply 31 of 49
    Originally Posted by Timon View Post

    I've got a better idea. Giving out the tickets is fine but how about letting them SMS you when they get close to your number. At that point as soon as you get there you go straight to the front of the line.


    Use similar process that Disney uses in their "FastPass" system. You get a pass which specifies the phone your getting and a one hour window, you can ask for a given window if it's open, to show up.

    When you arrive you get in the "FastPass" line. If there is no one "FastPass" then someone in the main line can go in. If you get there late you loose your place in line, after all you had an hour.

    So no one can complain about incorrect time cell phone time should be use since it tied to the atomic clocks.

    Yup - reminded me a little of Godin's ideas on the subject:
  • Reply 32 of 49
    macchadmacchad Posts: 13member
    I arrived at 7:30am to get in line at the Apple Store after told me the night before that they would have stock of the new iPhone 3g. There were about 50 people in line when I got there. At 8am, apple store employee came out and informed us of the new voucher system and he said he had enough for everyone in line. So, FINALLY I was "assured" of getting my new iPhone. Another 20 minutes or so and I had voucher in hand! I left because he said all I needed to do then was come back to the store before 6pm to redeem it for my new phone. I had some things to do that morning because I was going out of town that day. Arrived back at around 11:30 only to find the line just as long. People that had been in line with me were still in line (even after getting vouchers) to get into the store and actually "redeem" them. I was told that I would have to wait at the back of the line to get in the store to redeem my "voucher". Unfortunately I had to leave town in about an hour so basically had no choice but to turn in my voucher so hopefully someone else could use it! Ridiculous!

    The voucher system sounds like a great idea (I thought so too when it was first explained that morning), but unfortunately it doesn't help with the whole "activation-in-store" process. This is the real problem.

    Apple needs to fix this. they have totally botched this whole rollout. How much more successful could it have been if only they had thought it through? I own(ed) an iPhone 2g (sold it this past week to pay for the new one). A faithful customer (fanboy :-) ) and this is how we are treated??? Come on Apple!!!

    Anyway, long story short (too late, I know), I drove over to the AT&T store and placed an order there. It might take 10-21 days but at least I won't have to put up the waiting in line only to be disappointed. Now, I'm off to unlock an old Razr I had lying around so I have a cell phone over the next couple weeks! ;-)
  • Reply 33 of 49
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by MacChad View Post

    I arrived at 7:30am to get in line at my told me the night before that they would have stock of the new iPhone 3g.

    Well, there's your problem... you waited in line for the web site! Problem solved! Next customer!
  • Reply 34 of 49
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    I don't mind the speculative chatter about what could/should have done to handle the 3G surge better, but when it comes to actually buying a phone I'm surprised by how many people on these forums are waiting for hours in line so long after the launch when they could have pre-paid at an AT&T store. The percentage of people that are closer to an Apple Store than an AT&T store has got to be fairly minute, so are there other reasons that I'm missing as to why people in the know are waiting for hours at an Apple Store to get an iPhone?
  • Reply 35 of 49
    macchadmacchad Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Well, there's your problem... you waited in line for the web site! Problem solved! Next customer!

    Waited in line at the Apple STORE after ;-)
  • Reply 36 of 49
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    i went to buy iPhone in Portland, apple store at pioneer place about almost 30 in line waiting, then skipped that plan (figured out it will take more than an hour), went to AT&T near pioneer place, system not working so can not pre-order iPhone, returned empty handed ... sigh ...

    bring back the old system of activating at home or hurry up and do SOMETHING about this unnecessary mess...

    sorry to say this this is tooooooo much hassle for a phone, will wait until when there is no quere

    and one more thing, this is very UNAPPLE way of doing things....


    long time apple fanboy
  • Reply 37 of 49
    macaloymacaloy Posts: 104member
    Many friends of mine tried getting iPhones the first few days and just about everyone struck out because lines were too long or the stores ran out

    I have an original iPhone that I am completely happy with but I do want to upgrade

    I called every AT&T store within 20-25 miles for my house (like 20 stores) the other day thinking that I had waited long enough for some new stock shipments to be in and not one single store had any iPhones. WOW

    The only Apple Store near me is an hour and a half away and they have sold out every morning within an hour so not a chance in hell I make that drive

    I don't feel like doing direct fulfillment so I figure I will happily wait until AT&T stores start getting them in stock
  • Reply 38 of 49
    Well done! Thank you for your suggestion. The same Apple iPhones are popular here.


    jewelry store
  • Reply 39 of 49
    Since Apple is so concerned about people pilfering their phones without activating them, why not sell them for $600, and then have people activate them at home through iTunes just like the first one. Upon a succesful activation of your at&t account, $400 will be restored to your credit account.
  • Reply 40 of 49
    logantlogant Posts: 60member
    Originally Posted by Tamerlane View Post

    Since Apple is so concerned about people pilfering their phones without activating them, why not sell them for $600, and then have people activate them at home through iTunes just like the first one. Upon a succesful activation of your at&t account, $400 will be restored to your credit account.

    Great idea. They could even sell it online.
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