Inside iPhone 2.0 review series: the new iPhone 3G hardware



  • Reply 41 of 49
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by WidnowsGuy View Post

    Remember the battery has to be replaced by Apple. If Apple had a removable battery; than I could just swap out my battery when I ran into a low battery situation like I have with every other phone I?ve owned.

    It's a bad design & has been since first Gen iPhone. I love my iPhone but what was Apple smoking when they put out a 2nd Gen phone and kept the same battery design that an end user can?t swap out on the fly in a 3G Phone?

    It's been discussed many times, very few people actually carry spare batteries with them. After that argument was doused the next issue was having to send your phone away for several days to have the battery replaced, even though very few will keep their phone long enough to warrant a battery replacement.

    However, iPhone 3G battery can be accessed by screws and the battery is no longer soldered in so local, on-the-spot replacements will be possible if and when that time comes.
  • Reply 42 of 49
    gregalexandergregalexander Posts: 1,401member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    If your 3G is borderline just turn it off and you'll have your GSM calls and WiFi internet when at home.

    We do, I'd just like it to be automated. As it is we'll probably end up leaving 3G off, and turn it on when required outside of wireless areas.
  • Reply 43 of 49
    gregalexandergregalexander Posts: 1,401member
    Originally Posted by WidnowsGuy View Post

    I love my iPhone but what was Apple smoking when they put out a 2nd Gen phone and kept the same battery design that an end user can?t swap out on the fly in a 3G Phone?

    They knew through testing that this would be the situation

    Absolutely. They would have tested a bulkier iPhone that could replace the battery as you want, versus the slimmer iPhone that didn't. Unfortunately for you, they chose the slimmer one. I'm quite please myself, though I am interested in buying a mophie when they're released.

    For now I need to go down the mall and buy a generic car USB port (that plugs into the lighter) so I can charge the iPhone if necessary.
  • Reply 44 of 49
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post

    We do, I'd just like it to be automated. As it is we'll probably end up leaving 3G off, and turn it on when required outside of wireless areas.

    Me too! But I do under the complications behind it so I hope that Apple puts the 3G On/Off switch under Settings with the Airplane Mode and WiFi switches instead of having to go to Setting » General » Network to get to it.
  • Reply 45 of 49
    physguyphysguy Posts: 920member
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post

    Absolutely. They would have tested a bulkier iPhone that could replace the battery as you want, versus the slimmer iPhone that didn't. Unfortunately for you, they chose the slimmer one. I'm quite please myself, though I am interested in buying a mophie when they're released.

    For now I need to go down the mall and buy a generic car USB port (that plugs into the lighter) so I can charge the iPhone if necessary.

    Be careful with these that they have enough current to charge the iphone. My old phone charger would not work and when I measured the voltage it would drop below 2V when plugged into the iPhone because too much current was required. Just make sure you get a heft enough one. (I don't know what the requirements are as, in the end, I've never needed the car charger. The iPhone last more than long enough as I only charge it either every day or every other day.)
  • Reply 46 of 49

    Long-time Mac users might see the cheaper new iPhone 3G as the latest version of Apple's early 90s move away from motorized floppy disks to the cheap manual eject drives used by PCs

    My memory of the new, cheaper floppy drives is that they were still power eject - but they were not power inject, like the old Macs - you had to shove them in with a fingertip, but a motor still booted them out, unlike a PC of the era which had a button for ejecting.
  • Reply 47 of 49
    macaloymacaloy Posts: 104member
    I have an original iPhone and plan on getting 3G but honestly, until they show up in stores near me, I won't actually get it.

    I am very happy with my iPhone at the moment. I have Wifi at home and the phone has a good battery with very few app/safari crashes at the moment

    But, I could use the space upgrade, I could use 3G when at another office needing info on the net and have no access to Wifi, and I could use the increase in volume (BIG TIME I might add)

    I have several friends with the 3G and it does seem to shock me how hit or miss 3G is when I really expected it to be a lot more stable (I guess because of my ignorance with 3G technology). Many around me say they will be walking and have great 3G service then cross the block and have nothing. Different parts of town have fantastic 3G while others have zero (all within the supposive 3G area per AT&T maps) and this comes from almost everyone I know with 3G phones here so not just 1 phone.
  • Reply 48 of 49
    I am not sure that I am having the 'exact' same problems as you are, but I can say that if my phone reads 3G when I take a call in the two most common places that I always do (signal is weak 3G - almost Full bars when it isn't exact same spots) I drop calls continually. I've called Both AT&T and Apple. Each blames the other - AT&T says defunct phone - Apple says bad SIM card.

    Funny thing is - I still have My T-Mobile Service and an Unlocked HTC Herald Phone (Apples-n-oranges I know) I can use the HTC with the AT&T SIM in the same areas and NEVER have an issue. I never had an issue using the HTC with T-Mobile in the same areas (And I am talking stationary no movement as the areas are at my desk work&home and near a window)

    I concur I believe the issue is it dead-ends on trying to hold on to 3G and doesn't know how to happily pass the ball instead of going in for a touch-down.

    Originally Posted by gimletmaker View Post

    Kasper, I wish that were the case, but it just isn't, at least for me. I travel the *exact* same route on my commute every day, and spend most of that time on calls on my iPhone. I can stay on a call the entire trip when I turn off 3G on my new dropped calls ever. If I start the trip with 3G on and make a call, it always drops at the same 3 places every time. I have even stopped the car dead on the spot where the call drops and switched off 3G, and then I have good GSM reception, and can make calls. I have even gone to extreme of carrying my daughter's cheap Samsung slider with me at the same time, and have had two simultaneous calls going during the entire commute (one call on the iPhone with 3G, and one call on the Samsung). I bet you can guess what happens...the Samsung switches over to GSM and maintains the call throughout the commute, the iPhone 3G clings to 3G until the call drops. If this isn't the experience that others are having, then I guess I need to take my iPhone back and exchange it, but I'm afraid this is the norm.

  • Reply 49 of 49
    Originally Posted by QuadWhoreGalore View Post

    I am not sure that I am having the 'exact' same problems as you are, but I can say that if my phone reads 3G when I take a call in the two most common places that I always do (signal is weak 3G - almost Full bars when it isn't exact same spots) I drop calls continually. I've called Both AT&T and Apple. Each blames the other - AT&T says defunct phone - Apple says bad SIM card.

    Funny thing is - I still have My T-Mobile Service and an Unlocked HTC Herald Phone (Apples-n-oranges I know) I can use the HTC with the AT&T SIM in the same areas and NEVER have an issue. I never had an issue using the HTC with T-Mobile in the same areas (And I am talking stationary no movement as the areas are at my desk work&home and near a window)

    I concur I believe the issue is it dead-ends on trying to hold on to 3G and doesn't know how to happily pass the ball instead of going in for a touch-down.

    Firmware 2.01 is out!

    Meanwhile. So far I've noticed that the update has fixed the issue I was having a problem with Dropped calls in specific spots. Problem before was that at my desk (home & Work) I'd have 1 bar 3G coverage, if I made or took a call - it'd drop the call and switch to 5 bars Edge Coverage. As long as I made or took a call with Edge Icon up - I was ok, but if I did so with Low bars of 3g - and it needed to change-over - I'd drop a call. I seem to stay 3g now - I just vigorously tested while on a call where it usually happens and I had Absolutle NO problem where I have been since I got the phone. Not to mention I've noticed I've been getting better 3G reception than I was previously - as someone pointed out earlier - seems to be that the signal response is much more responsive now too.

    So far so good . . . .
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