Carmack: iPhone more powerful than Nintendo DS, PSP combined



  • Reply 41 of 44
    guinnessguinness Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by walkerdarin2003 View Post

    I would have to call console games noob gamers. They get frustrated with service packs and drivers so they poor there cash into a console hoping to make their lives easier. Plan and simple, you compare any console gamer to a pc gamer and the pc gamer wins hands down. Has anyone ever tried play a console game on pc servers? I have it was Quake 3 on dreamcast. There was no contest, and that was WITH using a mouse and keyboard on the dreamcast. If only Xbox 360 would actually use those usb ports to their full functionality.


    They cater to different markets. Always have. Consoles are great, because you don't have to worry about HD space (well, not so much with the 360/PS3), or if your video card will run the game smoothly. Consoles are a closed system, with set requirements. Look at how almost no current PC system can run Crysis for shit. But on the 360/PS3, they would be forced to work within the specs, or end up with a really choppy, sluggish game.

    No, you pour your cash into a gaming PC. A console you just buy, along with the games and extra accesories.
  • Reply 42 of 44
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    They don't need to add profit margins onto the media as they make the money on the game. It's different selling flash media on its own for consumer use. It is added cost though.

    In setting a price for products, a margin is added for every expense needed to make the product.
  • Reply 43 of 44
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    They don't need to add profit margins onto the media as they make the money on the game. It's different selling flash media on its own for consumer use. It is added cost though.

    That's incorrect. Business must do the same thing to every part of their expenses when pricing a product.

    All physical components are subject to the same costing. It doesn't matter whether it is the gaming machine, or the game cartridges. If they simply pass on their costs on the hardware, they will lose money overall.

    What you are doing is the same thing people always do when they aren't familiar with manufacturing. You forget that there are many costs involved with a product. In the end, the parts only account for some fraction of the overall expenses. Those expenses must be recovered, and there must be margins on top of that for a profit to be made.

    It isn't arbitrary. The way to do this is well known. If I, as a manufacturer, pay $1 for a part, it will cost you, the consumer, at least $2 for that part in the finished product, and very possibly $3, and in some cases, even more.

    No one simply passes costs through as a matter of good will.
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