Most apps no longer work on my iPhone..!

in iPhone edited January 2014
Sorry if this has been asked before but I don't come to these forums often and a quick scan didn't come up with any useful answers.

Well I got my shiny new iPhone 3G 16gb a few days back and all was well, brilliant even (this little device really is a wonder), but now most of my downloaded apps no longer work. They attempt to run, showing their loading screens, but then crash back to the dashboard/desktop. The core stuff such as iPod and Safari work, but the likes of Monkeyball, Critter Crunch and other games all crash on loading now. A few other third party apps, like Last FM and Tuner still work though.

I did a Google on this and found some people saying I 'just' had to reinstall all my apps to make them work again, but they would probably break within a few days again. To me, this sounds like a farce and I hope this is something Apple are going to fix very, very quickly. When I pay for an app I expect it work.

Please tell me there is some other, easier fix which will get my apps back and make them stay back permanently?



  • Reply 1 of 2 Posts: 255member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Sorry if this has been asked before but I don't come to these forums often and a quick scan didn't come up with any useful answers.

    Well I got my shiny new iPhone 3G 16gb a few days back and all was well, brilliant even (this little device really is a wonder), but now most of my downloaded apps no longer work. They attempt to run, showing their loading screens, but then crash back to the dashboard/desktop. The core stuff such as iPod and Safari work, but the likes of Monkeyball, Critter Crunch and other games all crash on loading now. A few other third party apps, like Last FM and Tuner still work though.

    I did a Google on this and found some people saying I 'just' had to reinstall all my apps to make them work again, but they would probably break within a few days again. To me, this sounds like a farce and I hope this is something Apple are going to fix very, very quickly. When I pay for an app I expect it work.

    Please tell me there is some other, easier fix which will get my apps back and make them stay back permanently?


    Did you download the AOL/AIM for some reason I think it was buggy and some how will mess up "root" settings used by other Apps

    Version 1.2 is out and might make AOL/AIM more stable

    Of note: Sorry to 'slander' AOL/AIM if it is NOT the cause of the problem *Just going from my own experience / guess on the issue
  • Reply 2 of 2
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Nope, I'd never touch anything AOL related.

    Good News though, I installed a new app (AirMe) and as if by magic my other apps all started working again. How long for I have no idea...
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