Apple sets new standard in customer satisfaction



  • Reply 21 of 77
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I agree totally. Also, people that bought the original iPhones were given new ones multiple times over whenver they had a problem, even if they busted them obviously themselves, to insure it's initial success.

    Anyone who remembers Apple from over 3-5 years ago remembers when AppleCare wasn't outsource to India (no offense) and you could actually talk to someone with a .Mac question. And the genius bar was actually a pleasant experience.

    Now that was when Apple had great customer service

    What the hell are you talking about, I've never once had a problem with Genius Bar, or phone support for that matter. If I got a person of Hindi nationality, I sure as hell didn't hear an accent. That's one of the things my 62 year old father praises most about Apple, whenever he has to call he can easily understand the person on the other end of the line.
  • Reply 22 of 77
    hoganhogan Posts: 94member
    Originally Posted by skottichan View Post

    Of course you're not alone, but siting blogs doesn't change the fact that at maximum, only 3% (or less) of iPhones are having these problems, well within accepted tolerances for personal electronics. As Vinita said, with the internet as it is, you create a microcosm where you get the same group of people complaining about their dissatisfaction (instead of y'know, using the support system Apple offers) over and over. It's like when people talk about the "vast number" of complaints on Apple's support boards, when you look at said complaints, you see the same names posting over and over and over. They have every possible problem known to the system, it almost makes you wonder why they continue to buy Apple products if they have all these problems (or if they own the products at all).

    So where did this "at a maximum, only 3% or less" number? There hasn't been anything from Apple on this, so are you just pulling number out of the air?

    For the record, I know of 3 people who have returned an iPhone 3G in Manhattan. It's a statistically irrelevent sample size, I know, but I will not be surprised if the true numbers bear substantial disatisfaction. 3 of us own Macs, and our recent experience has certainly soured us on buying Apple products.
  • Reply 23 of 77
    awmawmawmawm Posts: 67member
    I still do not have any Apple products but plenty of friends and colleagues who do. Even though they also had the experience of failed hardware, none of them ever had a complaint about customer service once they needed it. Treating customers like customers in case of a problem goes a long way...
  • Reply 24 of 77
    Originally Posted by Hogan View Post

    So where did this "at a maximum, only 3% or less" number? There hasn't been anything from Apple on this, so are you just pulling number out of the air?

    For the record, I know of 3 people who have returned an iPhone 3G in Manhattan. It's a statistically irrelevent sample size, I know, but I will not be surprised if the true numbers bear substantial disatisfaction. 3 of us own Macs, and our recent experience has certainly soured us on buying Apple products.

    I love when I have to do research for people like you. If you actually read some of the articles posted here, instead of only coming on to complain, you'd know where I got the numbers from. With that said, I'll throw you a bone.

    "An article on the iPhone 3G by BusinessWeek cited unnamed sources to report, "the problem is affecting 2% to 3% of iPhone traffic, the people say. That compares with a dropped-call rate of around 1% for all traffic for AT&T." A source for the dropped call rate at AT&T wasn't given.


    And here's where I got it, for more context.

    Secondly, oh noes, you know 3 whole people who've had the problem in a city of roughly 10 million. I am amazed at how many people seem to think that all tech devices have to be perfect. As automated things are, there is still this wonderful thing called "human error", you should really look it up.

    Seriously though, this has to do with their customer support, and it's rating. This has nothing to do with your assumed slights Hogan. You need to realize, the sun doesn't rise or set on your command. If you don't like your Apple experience, take your business elsewhere and eat a big jar of STFU. In the four short years I've owned my big pile of Apple products, my parents' 2 years, my girlfriend's 12 years, my little brother's 15 years and his girlfriend's 2 years, none of us have had a single problem with Apple Support. We give them 5 stars.
  • Reply 25 of 77
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Whatever thread we're on, you are always negative. Most people don't find these "problems" to be true, and the rising level of satisfaction supports that. You seem to be riding into the wind.

    Man are you clueless.

    "the rising level of satisfaction"- have you read any of the threads in the last 2 days re MobileMe and iPhone connection problems? And I never even mentioned those.

    I'm not negative but you're delusional.
  • Reply 26 of 77
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by Hogan View Post

    Very true, but to be quite fair, Apple has not only failed to resolve obvious problems, it has failed to even admit of their existence. Their wall of silence does little to assure anyone.

    If you are referencing the 3G issue as Apple's failure to resolve problems. Do you feel that 5 weeks is beyond enough time to reasonably resolve the issue?

    The wall of silence is just par of the course with Apple. Issuing 2 bug updates since the launch of 2.0 shows they are working on resolving the issues.
  • Reply 27 of 77
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Man are you clueless.

    "the rising level of satisfaction"- have you read any of the threads in the last 2 days re MobileMe and iPhone connection problems? And I never even mentioned those.

    I'm not negative but you're delusional.

    Internet lists are not really a credible source. Their is no way to realistically gauge the number of people a problem effects. The people having no problems are not going to complain. Their is no way to know the number of trolls who simply hate Apple and are motivated to spread misinformation.
  • Reply 28 of 77
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Man are you clueless.

    "the rising level of satisfaction"- have you read any of the threads in the last 2 days re MobileMe and iPhone connection problems? And I never even mentioned those.

    I'm not negative but you're delusional.

    No, you're the one with the problems. You are NEVER anything but negative. Well, maybe you've written a couple of positive posts somewhere.

    You also don't understand what satisfaction means. It DOESN'T mean that companies aren't having problems. It means that their customers, by a wide margin, are satisfied with the products in the main. not that they are 100% happy. No one is ever 100% happy.

    Apple is working on these problems. I would imagine, that despite some people who will always get out of control about it, most people will understand that, and are willing to cut them some slack.

    You won't, because you never do.
  • Reply 29 of 77
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    I see that the "forever dissatisfied" are at it already trying to explain away any good survey results for Apple. The gloom-and doom crowd just can't get it through their depressed heads that the user discussion forums, blogs and such are a microcosm of the vocal minority. Every time I read some rant about some show-stopping, deal-breaking "bug" that just everyone HAS to be experiencing I look at my machine and can't seem to find it.

    This sentiment has reared its foul head one too many times. Forums are an excellent place (and sometimes the ONLY place) for us to discuss software/hardware problems we encounter. The hope is that if someone else out there has been through the same thing, then we can combine our efforts to find a solution. Forums are also an excellent place to call out companies (like Apple) when they do something stupid (like leaving users in the dark during the mobileme meltdown).

    It's not important whether it's 1% or 90% of others that experience the same issue. If 10 people out there encounter problems, they should be silent because the rest of us are fine?

    I read these forums in part to see what problems people encounter. That helps me make informed purchases. If I encounter problems myself, these forums can be invaluable for finding out if others are having similar problems and what they are doing to solve them.

    The last thing I need to weed through are the apologist posts from the brigades of Apple cheerleaders out there. They say "Apple can do no wrong." They say "Stop whining." They say "It's probably your own fault that your phone is cracked." ENOUGH. The so-called 'whiners' have legitimate concerns and they CAN and WILL voice them in these forums.

    Apple is not your girlfriend. It's a corporation, and when it craps on the rug, it needs to have its nose rubbed in it.

    I vehemently encourage all of you 'whiners' to proceed to air your grievances. This is how we help each other out, and if that's not possible, then our combined voices - just maybe - can make the mighty Apple help us all.
  • Reply 30 of 77
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by manfrommars View Post

    This sentiment has reared its foul head one too many times. Forums are an excellent place (and sometimes the ONLY place) for us to discuss software/hardware problems we encounter. The hope is that if someone else out there has been through the same thing, then we can combine our efforts to find a solution. Forums are also an excellent place to call out companies (like Apple) when they do something stupid (like leaving users in the dark during the mobileme meltdown).

    It's not important whether it's 1% or 90% of others that experience the same issue. If 10 people out there encounter problems, they should be silent because the rest of us are fine?

    I vehemently encourage all of you 'whiners' to proceed to air your grievances. This is how we help each other out, and if that's not possible, then our combined voices - just maybe - can make the mighty Apple help us all.

    I can agree that these forums can be a good place to actually find helpful information to problems. And it is good to know that you are not the only one that is suffering from some certain problem.

    Complaining for the sake of complaining doesn't really help anyone. Whenever the topic of MobileMe comes up their comes the same chorus of people complaining that Mobile Me is crap and should have never been released. Saying that over and over again does nothing to help anyone with problems. As Apple has openly acknowledged the flaws of MobileMe, have given user 3 months of free service, and have pledged to fix the issues. People still go on with the same repetitive and ultimately useless rants about how bad it is. At this point what purpose does complaining with no useful information serve?
  • Reply 31 of 77
    Originally Posted by manfrommars View Post

    This sentiment has reared its foul head one too many times. Forums are an excellent place (and sometimes the ONLY place) for us to discuss software/hardware problems we encounter. The hope is that if someone else out there has been through the same thing, then we can combine our efforts to find a solution. Forums are also an excellent place to call out companies (like Apple) when they do something stupid (like leaving users in the dark during the mobileme meltdown).

    It's not important whether it's 1% or 90% of others that experience the same issue. If 10 people out there encounter problems, they should be silent because the rest of us are fine?

    I read these forums in part to see what problems people encounter. That helps me make informed purchases. If I encounter problems myself, these forums can be invaluable for finding out if others are having similar problems and what they are doing to solve them.

    The last thing I need to weed through are the apologist posts from the brigades of Apple cheerleaders out there. They say "Apple can do no wrong." They say "Stop whining." They say "It's probably your own fault that your phone is cracked." ENOUGH. The so-called 'whiners' have legitimate concerns and they CAN and WILL voice them in these forums.

    Apple is not your girlfriend. It's a corporation, and when it craps on the rug, it needs to have its nose rubbed in it.

    I vehemently encourage all of you 'whiners' to proceed to air your grievances. This is how we help each other out, and if that's not possible, then our combined voices - just maybe - can make the mighty Apple help us all.

    I'm sorry, there is a HUGE difference between; elaborating a problem and helping those who've had similar, and the inane whining that goes on around most forums.

    I'd be a lot more sympathetic if it wasn't a group of people going on about how Apple is a horrible company because they (the person) had a problem. Instead of going to the source and getting the problem fixed, no, they come here and whine about how Apple is this terrible company for "releasing substandard products". Even if you were to count up every individual person whining (even after fixes have been explained), it's never a widespread problem. Even with all the "me toos" that show up out of the woodwork.

    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I can agree that these forums can be a good place to actually find helpful information to problems. And it is good to know that you are not the only one that is suffering from some certain problem.

    Complaining for the sake of complaining doesn't really help anyone. Whenever the topic of MobileMe comes up their comes the same chorus of people complaining that Mobile Me is crap and should have never been released. Saying that over and over again does nothing to help anyone with problems. As Apple has openly acknowledged the flaws of MobileMe, have given user 3 months of free service, and have pledged to fix the issues. People still go on with the same repetitive and ultimately useless rants about how bad it is. At this point what purpose does complaining with no useful information serve?

    And you made the point far more eloquently than I ever could.
  • Reply 32 of 77
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    No, you're the one with the problems. You are NEVER anything but negative. Well, maybe you've written a couple of positive posts somewhere.

    You also don't understand what satisfaction means. It DOESN'T mean that companies aren't having problems. It means that their customers, by a wide margin, are satisfied with the products in the main. not that they are 100% happy. No one is ever 100% happy.

    Apple is working on these problems. I would imagine, that despite some people who will always get out of control about it, most people will understand that, and are willing to cut them some slack.

    You won't, because you never do.

    Did you read what you just wrote because you like totally just contradicted yourself in your first paragraph.

    Who's talking about satisfaction with products? Companies aren't having problems??- I only mentioned customer service. ????
  • Reply 33 of 77
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by manfrommars View Post

    I read these forums in part to see what problems people encounter. That helps me make informed purchases. If I encounter problems myself, these forums can be invaluable for finding out if others are having similar problems and what they are doing to solve them.

    Most of us agree with that. We all mention our problems as well as our triumphs. That's not the problem with some posters.


    The last thing I need to weed through are the apologist posts from the brigades of Apple cheerleaders out there. They say "Apple can do no wrong." They say "Stop whining." They say "It's probably your own fault that your phone is cracked." ENOUGH. The so-called 'whiners' have legitimate concerns and they CAN and WILL voice them in these forums.

    Apple is not your girlfriend. It's a corporation, and when it craps on the rug, it needs to have its nose rubbed in it.

    I vehemently encourage all of you 'whiners' to proceed to air your grievances. This is how we help each other out, and if that's not possible, then our combined voices - just maybe - can make the mighty Apple help us all.

    You're lacking the understanding of what it is with what we often call "whiners".

    It's not the discussing of problems?I've been mentioning, and detailing, my problems with my iPhone's reception, for example. It's the negativity in these posts that we object to. we have some people on these forums who rarely have anything good to say. This is even when they don't have the products being discussed. That's often obvious, as what they say can be seen as something they've read, but not experienced themselves.

    What we object to is the "Apple sucks" type of posts, as opposed to the "I'm having this problem" kind of posts.

    This has nothing to do with your Apple as your "girlfriend" remark, which in itself, is silly, as I'm sure you realize.
  • Reply 34 of 77
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Did you read what you just wrote because you like totally just contradicted yourself in your first paragraph.

    Who's talking about satisfaction with products? Companies aren't having problems??- I only mentioned customer service. ????

    Yeah, you're a big joke too.

    I was trying to be kind.

    It's all a part of the same company, products, and customer service. Apple's customer service constantly gets the highest, by a good margin, ratings.

    You actually did refer to "problems" rather than customer service:


    have you read any of the threads in the last 2 days re MobileMe and iPhone connection problems?

    Do you read your own posts?
  • Reply 35 of 77
    amac4meamac4me Posts: 282member
    I like the 10-point difference between #1 Apple and #2 Dell.
  • Reply 36 of 77
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Customer satisfaction in the personal computer industry suffered another series of declines last quarter, though one standout was Apple, Inc., which defied the trend by recording its largest gain ever, according to a new consumer satisfaction survey.

    The American Customer Satisfaction Index second quarter report, released Tuesday from the University of Michigan?s National Quality Research Center, said Apple's score of 85 was not only a company best, but also "a new all-time high for the industry."

    It's a good thing they didn't poll me - Apple's rating would have dropped like a stone.

    While I will continue to buy Apple products because I can't stand Windows, more often than not I've had little more than lame service, stalling and refusals to assist (for a variety of reasons) from Apple customer service each time I have called them.

    For the record, I'm not one of those yelling, screaming, I'm-never-gonna-buy-Apple-again-unless-you-give-me-a-free-Mac types. The poor customer service is particularly frustrating given that their reps can see my buying trends and all my previous calls for help.

    G3 PowerBook - My first Mac and my first hard drive failure ever.

    eMac - Screen issues. Apple refused to help and wouldn't even acknowledge the issue.

    iMac G5 - Power and logic board defect. Apple repaired it under warranty. Several months later the same problem and defect happened again. Apple didn't want to repair it for me at first. After arguing my case for a couple weeks, they agreed to fix it. The exact same problem happened again, for a third time, a few months after the second repair. I asked for a new system at this point because it is unacceptable to have to keep repairing the same unit over and over. Apple refused.

    Airport Express (1st gen) - Was faulty out of the box and had to be replaced.

    Mac mini - No issues (finally!)

    Time Capsule - Bought in March '08 and it hasn't worked from the start. WiFi dropped out all the time, it wouldn't backup ANY of my Macs. It also overheated to the point of giving yourself a burn if you touched it. Apple is only now, after months of calls to them and few callbacks from them when promised, getting around to replacing the unit.

    Black MacBook (1st Gen) - Complete hard drive failure after 18-months (I missed the AppleCare deadline) and the trackpad button has stopped working as well. It took Apple almost two weeks of my repeated calls and requests to escalate to supervisors before they finally agreed to replace the hard drive for me (because the could "see my repeat customer history"), but added that I had to pay for labour. I am also still waiting on them to let me know if they will replace the button for my trackpad. Sigh...

    While I believe this level of hardware failure is a really unfortunate coincidence for me, I also strongly believe that Apple should be way more willing to step-up and help their customers out when clear hardware issues creep up...particularly with such alarmingly frequency for a single customer.
  • Reply 37 of 77
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    The tenor of this thread reminds me of Winston Churchill's statement regarding Democracy.

    ?Democracy is a terrible form of government...but all the others are so much worse!? ?Churchill

    Apple may not be perfect, but all the others are so much worse!
  • Reply 38 of 77
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by bryankia View Post

    Pay more get more.. kind of simple

    The logic is sound but studies have shown that for the same HW Macs are on par or cheaper than other competitors, especially as you go higher end. It's the cheapest Mac vs. cheapest Dell/HP that throw people off.

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    An example with my new iPhone is that I'm having the reception problems that others are having.

    Did anything change after the update? I'm guessing no, but with 3 iPhones to check you have a better shot as seeing variances.


    Even the 3D performance is mind boggling right now. I don't know of any other phone with accelerated 3D graphics like this.

    I know the iPhone kills the PSP on processing but I wonder if it also beats it on 3D capabilities.
  • Reply 39 of 77
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by VertiGoGo View Post

    It's a good thing they didn't poll me - Apple's rating would have dropped like a stone.

    While I will continue to buy Apple products because I can't stand Windows, more often than not I've had little more than lame service, stalling and refusals to assist (for a variety of reasons) from Apple customer service each time I have called them.

    For the record, I'm not one of those yelling, screaming, I'm-never-gonna-buy-Apple-again-unless-you-give-me-a-free-Mac types. The poor customer service is particularly frustrating given that their reps can see my buying trends and all my previous calls for help.

    G3 PowerBook - My first Mac and my first hard drive failure ever.

    eMac - Screen issues. Apple refused to help and wouldn't even acknowledge the issue.

    iMac G5 - Power and logic board defect. Apple repaired it under warranty. Several months later the same problem and defect happened again. Apple didn't want to repair it for me at first. After arguing my case for a couple weeks, they agreed to fix it. The exact same problem happened again, for a third time, a few months after the second repair. I asked for a new system at this point because it is unacceptable to have to keep repairing the same unit over and over. Apple refused.

    Airport Express (1st gen) - Was faulty out of the box and had to be replaced.

    Mac mini - No issues (finally!)

    Time Capsule - Bought in March '08 and it hasn't worked from the start. WiFi dropped out all the time, it wouldn't backup ANY of my Macs. It also overheated to the point of giving yourself a burn if you touched it. Apple is only now, after months of calls to them and few callbacks from them when promised, getting around to replacing the unit.

    Black MacBook (1st Gen) - Complete hard drive failure after 18-months (I missed the AppleCare deadline) and the trackpad button has stopped working as well. It took Apple almost two weeks of my repeated calls and requests to escalate to supervisors before they finally agreed to replace the hard drive for me (because the could "see my repeat customer history"), but added that I had to pay for labour. I am also still waiting on them to let me know if they will replace the button for my trackpad. Sigh...

    While I believe this level of hardware failure is a really unfortunate coincidence for me, I also strongly believe that Apple should be way more willing to step-up and help their customers out when clear hardware issues creep up...particularly with such alarmingly frequency for a single customer.

    That's very unusual. I've had problems with Apple products, but the consistency with which you seem to have them is amazing.

    There have been a number of problems over the years which turned out to be either design problems, or major part defects. After a while, I suppose when Apple gets enough of these problems in and understands that it is something other than a random failure, they usually offer an extended warrantee on those machines. I you are unlucky enough to be one of the first, you may not get that treatment.

    At least you were able to convince them to do repairs.

    The question here is how would Apple stack up against most other vendors?
  • Reply 40 of 77
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Did anything change after the update? I'm guessing no, but with 3 iPhones to check you have a better shot as seeing variances.

    I tried that number last night with the three phones. Interesting.

    It seems as though each phone responds somewhat differently. This is also true when they are lined up together. They are about the same, but not exactly, or always.

    One may ramp from 5 bars of 3G down to one in a couple of seconds, while one other may be at 2 bars of 3G , and the other at 5 bard of Edge.

    Then it will change.

    But, most of the time, they are about the same.


    I know the iPhone kills the PSP on processing but I wonder if it also beats it on 3D capabilities.

    Well, that is a dedicated gaming platform But John Carmack did say that the iPhone was more powerful. You should try that game. I'm assuming that you have an iPhone, of course.
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