Dual 800 15 days build time...normal?



  • Reply 21 of 40
    Hmm... Crazy stuff.. Out CompUsa has like most of its Mac hardware on clearance.. (Powerbook 667 mhz WITH combo drive, completly new, iBooks, iMacs (duh), but, also their Powermac 733's, and 867 or whatever it is, on clearance.. I am convinced something is going on. And I hope it goes on fast, as I am itching to get my G4 (hopefully G5 though) with a 17" Studio Display....
  • Reply 22 of 40
    mokimoki Posts: 551member
    [quote]Originally posted by MacAgent:

    <strong>Maybe we is getting new G5s February 1. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    2003? sure!
  • Reply 23 of 40
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    PowerMac G4 Build time for stock models now 10 days at US store. That seems a bit long.

    ****. And after I ordered an iBook too. Guess I'll wait till summer or fall for a tower.

    BTW, this is off topic, but what to I need to do to network my Pismo and the new iBook via AirPort and a cable modem with one IP? Any special setup? Can both sahre the conneciton at the same time..

  • Reply 24 of 40
    [quote]Originally posted by SDW2001:


    BTW, this is off topic, but what to I need to do to network my Pismo and the new iBook via AirPort and a cable modem with one IP? Any special setup? Can both sahre the conneciton at the same time..


    You need a router. But if your cable modem has a build in router like the blue terayon cable modems then all you need is a hub with an uplink.
  • Reply 25 of 40
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    In Apple Canada's store. Every PowerMac's ship date is 10 days
  • Reply 26 of 40

    If your Pismo and iBook both have Airport cards, then your Airport Base Station is the only router you need.

    I'm running three machines off an Airport (using a cable modem with a single IP) and the Airport handles this effortlessly. I didn't even have to configure anything: it just went. We can all surf simultaneously without any problem.

    And it's FAR better than my experience with a dedicated router. The one router I bought (can't remember what brand it was) ended up going back to the store the next day because it made such a mess of things.

    I love my Airport.
  • Reply 27 of 40
    In the Austrian AppleStore they increased the price for the 2x800 by 50,- Euro net (62,- Euro incl. tax) after the Expo.
  • Reply 28 of 40
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    What we need to see -- and what will confirm that a new PowerMac is coming -- is to have the store show them as "Temporarily Unavailable" as the Apple Store has done in the past. That will be the key signal.
  • Reply 29 of 40
    gambitgambit Posts: 475member
    Well, the Gay Blade (the most reliable source out there when it comes to rumors) is stating that the new PowerMacs will be announced on the 20th or around then. I believe him. His record is flawless.
  • Reply 30 of 40
    [quote] Well, the Gay Blade (the most reliable source out there when it comes to rumors) is stating that the new PowerMacs will be announced on the 20th or around then. I believe him. His record is flawless. <hr></blockquote>

    Err...once he said that Adobe and Corel were going to merge.
  • Reply 31 of 40
    My girlfriend goes to UCLA...maybe she can buy a new mac for me...but...

    The apple store...store.apple.com, is selling the 733 QS for...$1597. Hardly inexpensive.

  • Reply 32 of 40
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member

    UCLA is out of the 733's and they said they have been told not to expect anymore for at least another week or so (if any 733's at all)
  • Reply 33 of 40
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Any other collegiate spies out there? Any more channel-clearing evidence from Apple stores or other Apple dealers? I'm wondering what would happen if someone ordered an existing PM with the long-delay build times...presumably your card doesn't get billed until the machine is shipped to you, so is this Apple's way of keeping the secret while avoiding the possibility of selling a completely outdated computer to someone?

    In other words, the build date coincides with the announcement date, so someone could just go in there and cancel their order and not have to worry about it?
  • Reply 34 of 40
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    We have almost none left for the 867 and 800DP but a ton of 733 stock. But our last order came in on the 4th of this month and there is no more expected shipments for those models at all. Also the prices end in 4 ($1694, etc.) and that means they are almost EOL.
  • Reply 35 of 40
    Check out <a href="http://www.smalldog.com"; target="_blank">.www.smalldog.com.</a> All current towers are backordered.

    [ 01-14-2002: Message edited by: Bozo the Clown ]</p>
  • Reply 36 of 40
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    [quote]Originally posted by Outsider:

    <strong>We have almost none left for the 867 and 800DP but a ton of 733 stock. But our last order came in on the 4th of this month and there is no more expected shipments for those models at all. Also the prices end in 4 ($1694, etc.) and that means they are almost EOL.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Who is "we"?
  • Reply 37 of 40
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    "We" are a major catalog reseller. We were once featured on a Seinfeld episode.
  • Reply 38 of 40
    msleemslee Posts: 143member
    J. Peterman?
  • Reply 39 of 40
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    [quote]Originally posted by mslee:

    <strong>J. Peterman?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    A nice Powermac swathed in pressed european leather kinda like what an explorer in the yukon might wear....
  • Reply 40 of 40
    Oh this makes me so mad, my 867 just finally went through capital I got it monday

    To answer someone's question about ordering a machine and not getting it shipped do to Apple updating the line. I once ordered a G4 450 and they released the 500 while it was still sitting at Apple. They upgraded me to a 500mhz and gave me free over night shipping.

    I really hope this means faster Power Macs I'm getting a new one for home soon. I sold my Dual G4 500 over 1 year ago and was not to happy with Quicksilvers... I can't stand running OS X on a 400 iMac DV 400mhz even with a gig of memory it's a little choppie at times.
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