Briefly: Mac OS X 10.5.5 to address AirPort glitch

in macOS edited January 2014
Development of Apple's upcoming Mac OS X 10.5.5 Update appears to be winding down, with only a couple of new fixes making their way into recent builds, including one aimed at wireless issues.

This past week saw two new pre-release distributions of the 320MB Leopard update fall into developers' hands. The first arrived mid week as Mac OS X 10.5.5 build 9F25, but contained no noticeable changes from the build the preceded it.

More recently, developers were treated to build 9F29. That build tacked on a pair of fixes, one of which tackles an issue between Macs and previously joined AirPort networks, people familiar with the software say. The second fix was related to a graphics framework.

Seemingly at the tail end of its development cycle, Mac OS X 10.5.5 is reportedly hindered by a single known bug that prevents emails from being searched properly in Apple's Mail application.

The fifth maintenance and security update for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard now stands to deliver 125 bug fixes when it's released later this month.


  • Reply 1 of 29
    I have to speculate that 10.5.5 will most likely be released just prior to the release of new Mac computers. It's widely expected that Apple will be updating the portable lines as well as the iMac.
  • Reply 2 of 29
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by amac4me View Post

    It's widely expected that Apple will be updating the portable lines as well as the iMac.

    I'm going to have to disagree. The iPods and notebooks are due for an upgrade right now and that is more than enough to cover the special event, especially if the MB an MBPs are getting new cases. The iMac was updated only 4 months ago to a special Santa Rosa chip with Montevina characteristics. The average update cycle is 211 days; we are only at 127 days.
  • Reply 3 of 29
    Is the airport issue mentioned related to the notorious MacBook dropped wireless issue (although also seen in MBPs I believe)? Hundreds of posts over in the support forums for that one dating back well over a year. Symptoms - flaky wireless connection that drops randomly, signal strength that seems to jump up and down for no apparent reason, resistant to s/w upgrades, fresh OS installs, changing router wireless channels etc. etc. Booting the machines into Windows reveals that the hardware works fine and the problem is strictly OS X related ...
  • Reply 4 of 29
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    The average update cycle is 211 days; we are only at 127 days.

    Imagine what would happen to Apple's stock if all user's were on the same update cycle...
  • Reply 5 of 29
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by ByronVanArsdale View Post

    Imagine what would happen to Apple's stock if all user's were on the same update cycle...

    I imagine it would go down
  • Reply 6 of 29
    Originally Posted by mycatsnameis View Post

    Is the airport issue mentioned related to the notorious MacBook dropped wireless issue (although also seen in MBPs I believe)? Hundreds of posts over in the support forums for that one dating back well over a year. Symptoms - flaky wireless connection that drops randomly, signal strength that seems to jump up and down for no apparent reason, resistant to s/w upgrades, fresh OS installs, changing router wireless channels etc. etc. Booting the machines into Windows reveals that the hardware works fine and the problem is strictly OS X related ...

    I haven't seen that on my girlfriend's Macbook, but my old Powerbook has had problems with forgetting network passwords (OK for home but murder at work with their 26 random character password).

    It also isn't consistent - OK for a few weeks and then flakes out.
  • Reply 7 of 29
    Well, Im guessing we wont see any big updates from Apple until MacWorld 09, why?

    Here is my reasons:

    1. Apple bought PA Semicon, no one have any idea what are they going to use PA Semicon for, except for low powered high performance processor but we are not sure how will that fit into Apples product lineup except for the iPhone.

    2. Apple decided not to use Intel latest chipset. So another why and who is going to update or make their chipset now?

    3. Psycrap and OpenComputer is starting to sell OSX on generic ugly pcs, so Im quite sure Apple is going to find a way to address this and make sure it never happen again.

    4. They are busy with getting iPhone 3G global.

    5. SnowLeopard has a lot of nifty features that people are skeptical whether if apple could deliver.

    So overall, there is alot of stuffs goin on within Apple. The only product update that I expect is the MacBook to aluminum. Maybe MBP and Apple Cinema HD display during Apple WWDC, it make sense wont it? Release and update for 2 professional products in a developers conference. Or maybe they would release a whole new updated lineup of their notebooks during MacWorld and release SnowLeopard on WWDC. So by MW10, Steve could boasts about how successful (or not) their Snow Leopard OS.

  • Reply 8 of 29
    I know this is an automated posting, but what a waste of time.

    The link says the article is about a patch being released that addresses a wireless issue. Then we click and wait ... and the entire article pretty much just says the same thing. No word on *what* wireless issue, and followed by at least a couple of posts asking (essentially) "what wireless issue?"

    These kinds of articles are a complete waste of space. If you haven't got the time to even write a paragraph or two of explanation, is this really an "article" at all? What's the point? To generate a lot of comments by being purposely obtuse?
  • Reply 9 of 29
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by wheelhot View Post

    Well, Im guessing we wont see any big updates from Apple until MacWorld 09, why?

    Here is my reasons:

    1. Apple bought PA Semicon, no one have any idea what are they going to use PA Semicon for, except for low powered high performance processor but we are not sure how will that fit into Apples product lineup except for the iPhone.

    2. Apple decided not to use Intel latest chipset. So another why and who is going to update or make their chipset now?

    3. Psycrap and OpenComputer is starting to sell OSX on generic ugly pcs, so Im quite sure Apple is going to find a way to address this and make sure it never happen again.

    4. They are busy with getting iPhone 3G global.

    5. SnowLeopard has a lot of nifty features that people are skeptical whether if apple could deliver.

    So overall, there is alot of stuffs goin on within Apple. The only product update that I expect is the MacBook to aluminum. Maybe MBP and Apple Cinema HD display during Apple WWDC, it make sense wont it? Release and update for 2 professional products in a developers conference. Or maybe they would release a whole new updated lineup of their notebooks during MacWorld and release SnowLeopard on WWDC. So by MW10, Steve could boasts about how successful (or not) their Snow Leopard OS.D

    I think we'll see major revisions of the MB and MBPs with some new tech on these notebooks that hasn't been used at large or well before by other OEMs.

    1. The P.A. Semi issue is tough since we don't know what they were working on or when they started, we only know when Apple bought them out.

    2. I thought this was defunct as very improbable. Intel has spent billions on R&D in this area. I don't see what Apple could do better by taking Penryn and slapping it on their own chipset. I certainly wouldn't buy a new Mac with an Apple-branded chipset being used in lieu of Montevina.

    3. I think this is what Apple may be working on with P.A. Semi. The Mac clone issue was growing well before Psystar came on the scene. I know if I were Apple I'd want some sort of HW authentication.

    4. They are, but they have released to over 40 countries and I don't think there are any major countries, in terms of potential sales, that need to target this year. The notebooks are due for an upgrade and a complete overhaul, and Montevina/Penryn is offering a perfect time with the lower TPD and smaller package size.

    5. They still haven't released a proper Beta of SL. They could offer one next week, but I think that MacWorld will focus on SL functionality.

    As stated, I think the MB and MBP will be completely overhauled, the MBA will get Montevina and will get considerably more juice for the same speed, and the iPods will get a price drop and/or capacity increase (maybe a colour change). Except the Nano being revamped to look more Zune-like, but with a dynamic click-wheel that changes with the orientation used.
  • Reply 10 of 29
    Originally Posted by mycatsnameis View Post

    Is the airport issue mentioned related to the notorious MacBook dropped wireless issue (although also seen in MBPs I believe)? Hundreds of posts over in the support forums for that one dating back well over a year. Symptoms - flaky wireless connection that drops randomly, signal strength that seems to jump up and down for no apparent reason, resistant to s/w upgrades, fresh OS installs, changing router wireless channels etc. etc. Booting the machines into Windows reveals that the hardware works fine and the problem is strictly OS X related ...

    I hope so, Wi-Fi has pretty much sucked on my MacBook since I installed the initial retail version of Leopard. I have all of the issues you mention above. Reverting back to Tiger (wipe and re-install) didn't fix the problem either so I'm assuming it was a firmware fix that Leopard applied to the wireless card. I don't have a dual-boot system with Windows so I didn't try that though. I'm not sure I'd buy another MacBook now, especially where I can get a fully loaded 17" AMD 64 X2 notebook for $750 through OfficeMax. I'd probably buy an iMac if I got another Apple machine.
  • Reply 11 of 29
    mcarlingmcarling Posts: 1,106member
    My guess is that new iMacs will be released at MWSF.
  • Reply 12 of 29
    Let's hope after five massive patches, Leopard is finally worthy of the Apple name.

    Things like iCal, Spaces, and Firewall will still be a mess since their issues are more fundamental than bugs. But hopefully Apple has learned their lesson about shipping beta software--MobileMe, Leopard, Leopard Server, iPhones OS 2.0, etc.--and Snow Leopard will be the polished operating system--it just works and is clever and usable--we expect from Apple.

    Speaking of the iPhone, I just hope for Apple's sake--and mine--it doesn't take 5 massive patches over 6 months--to get this iPhone 3G's not to suck to bad. I love Apple, but the new iPhone software stinks beyond belief.
  • Reply 13 of 29
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    I know this is an automated posting, but what a waste of time.

    The link says the article is about a patch being released that addresses a wireless issue. Then we click and wait ... and the entire article pretty much just says the same thing. No word on *what* wireless issue, and followed by at least a couple of posts asking (essentially) "what wireless issue?"

    These kinds of articles are a complete waste of space. If you haven't got the time to even write a paragraph or two of explanation, is this really an "article" at all? What's the point? To generate a lot of comments by being purposely obtuse?

    I guess you missed the word "briefly" at the heading of the post. There's your first clue that the post would be very succinct. Perhaps there isn't more of an explanation because they don't know anymore? It's not like they are withholding information; they wanted to let the people that have been suffering because of this bug that a fix is perhaps on the way. They are just trying to inform us, not generate comments.
  • Reply 14 of 29
    What I hope they fix is the external Firewire drives not mounting.

    That just about drives me crazy in a school district with several hundred Macs running 10.5.4. Works without a problem in 10.4.11.
  • Reply 15 of 29
    kaiwaikaiwai Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by rjtolman View Post

    What I hope they fix is the external Firewire drives not mounting.

    That just about drives me crazy in a school district with several hundred Macs running 10.5.4. Works without a problem in 10.4.11.

    What happens? I've got an external hard disk/firewire, and it works without fault.

    What brand/model/make are these drives?
  • Reply 16 of 29
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by kaiwai View Post

    What happens? I've got an external hard disk/firewire, and it works without fault.

    What brand/model/make are these drives?

    In my case, I have the latest iMac with a 320GB 2.5" Lacie drive that will not recognize the drive if the machine is rebooted. Sometimes it'll prevent the startup from happening altogether.

    On the other hand, I have 2nd to latest MB with a MyBook 1TB drive that never has any issues.

    Both are using FW400. I haven't tried switching the drives to see if it's the external drive or the Mac since they are rarely ever together.
  • Reply 17 of 29
    I hope so. Connecting to my network has been spotty at best since 10.5.4. A couple tweaks to OGL and better graphics drivers would be better as well.
  • Reply 18 of 29
    I hope they do something with the Time Capsule. I have a Macbook Pro, so I guess I don't get the issues that Macbook owners have.

    Since I've gotten the time machine (regardless of updating its firmware) I keep having problems with dropped connections, the TC disappearing and only reappearing after (sometimes multiple) reboots, and falling off whenever I move big files. I have a long ethernet cable that I can use when I need it, but damn, just transfer over the air... it's like 15 feet away. It's set up on N with wide channels, and I'm getting full speed with no interference, it should be fine. Sorry to gripe.
  • Reply 19 of 29
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The second fix was related to a graphics framework.

    Hmm, let's hope they fix the display corruption issue in portables when scrolling through some PDF files or web browsers.
  • Reply 20 of 29
    I have both a MacBook and a MacBook Pro, and have none of the aforementioned problems. At least, not since installing the various updates. My MacBook is first-gen but with Leopard installed, and the MBP is brand new, also with Leopard.

    I haven't seen wireless network drop issues since I first installed the first versions of Leopard on my MacBook, and I've never had any issues with Firewire drives, 400 or 800.
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