What color nano are you getting?



  • Reply 21 of 39
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    The slim red 4G nano for me please.

    I'm with you, I gotta go with the red!!
  • Reply 22 of 39
    I don't mean to mix subjects but its really related....at least to me. Logically, I'm all for the most advanced tech. So logically, knowing me, I would have to buy an ipod touch. However, the new ipod touch did not include gps (for use with maps)...which makes this device useless to me because I'm never really near a wifi spot long enough for me to benefit from the browser or any other wireless feature of the ipod touch.

    *sigh* So, even though I adore the ipod touch for its multi-touch goodness....it is not for me. What I guess would be for me is the iTablet with a 3G only data plan to hold me over until 4G plans start to surface on the market.

    .............so until then that leaves for me an ipod nano 4G. The device would service my needs for a small device to have in the pocket for music and as something I can use with my weekly running. What would have been rad is if the device had also built in nike+ .......but I digress. Back to colors!

    Silver and black for some reason the foul mouthed nerds over at gizmodo didn't seem to like. But I do. I respect the black wheel choice of color along with silver. It is very very cool looking.

    But the colors! I just have to pick one with a bright color and there is so many to choose from this time. For me though that color is......the product red. Gawd its awesome! MUST..........HAVE.........NOW!!!!

  • Reply 23 of 39
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Mav5 View Post

    I'm with you, I gotta go with the red!!

    I have to admit the red looks amazing. Got the silver though, cause it looks all-James Bond.
  • Reply 24 of 39
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    I don't mean to mix subjects but its really related....at least to me. Logically, I'm all for the most advanced tech. So logically, knowing me, I would have to buy an ipod touch. However, the new ipod touch did not include gps (for use with maps)...which makes this device useless to me because I'm never really near a wifi spot long enough for me to benefit from the browser or any other wireless feature of the ipod touch.

    If it had GPS do you mind telling my how you would use it without a "data contract"? And if you were somehow were, magically, able to get a data contract why wouldn't you get the iPhone?

    Originally Posted by Olternaut

    The device would service my needs for a small device to have in the pocket for music and as something I can use with my weekly running. What would have been rad is if the device had also built in nike+ .......but I digress.

    You don't digress. That's a huge, good point. It pissed me off to no end when I came to that realization too.

    Originally Posted by Olternaut

    Silver and black for some reason the foul mouthed nerds over at gizmodo didn't seem to like. But I do.

    Yeah, they're idiots.

    Keep in mind I voted for silver and black, I just chose the wrong option, cause I changed my mind the following day from all-black and bought the silver and black model. The voting in that respect is incorrect, the silver and black has 4 votes really.
  • Reply 25 of 39
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    If it had GPS do you mind telling my how you would use it without a "data contract"? And if you were somehow were, magically, able to get a data contract why wouldn't you get the iPhone?

    You don't digress. That's a huge, good point. It pissed me off to no end when I came to that realization too.

    Yeah, they're idiots.

    Keep in mind I voted for silver and black, I just chose the wrong option, cause I changed my mind the following day from all-black and bought the silver and black model. The voting in that respect is incorrect, the silver and black has 4 votes really.

    Do you pay contract fees with any other GPS device? No. GPS is standalone. And that, along with preloaded maps would have been outstanding on the ipod touch. But Steve does not want it so.

    And why wouldn't I get an iphone?......because its based on primitive tech of yesteryear. Do you really think Steve wanted to come out with a 3G iphone? He initially didn't. He thinks long term and is way more interested in 4G. And so am I. Steve thought he could ride it out till the 4G rollout but it just was not realistic. So now we have the iphone 3G. I don't care about cellular technology and its ridiculous contract pricing for phone calls I wish not to pay for or to make. All I care about is access to data.

    And access to data wirelessly anywhere, any time, any place you can get an analog tv signal. And without having to take out a mortgage to pay out for a 10 year contract. Thats the hope for 4G.

    Oh, and stop confusing me!!! I had my mind all made up for the product red nano 4g and now I'm not so sure. That silver against the black wheel......its so...simple....so....perfect!

    Argh! What do I do now?
  • Reply 26 of 39
    I like sober silver.
  • Reply 27 of 39
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    Do you pay contract fees with any other GPS device? No. GPS is standalone. And that, along with preloaded maps would have been outstanding on the ipod touch.

    What are you talking about?

    How do you plan on sending your GPS data back and fourth from and too the touch with no data connection? I think you may be wrong on this one. Heck, Apple's good, but they aren't "that" good.
  • Reply 28 of 39
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    What are you talking about?

    How do you plan on sending your GPS data back and fourth from and too the touch with no data connection? I think you may be wrong on this one. Heck, Apple's good, but they aren't "that" good.

    As I understand it, GPS connects direct from satellite to the device. The device would have a GPS antenna. GPS data is sent from the satellite for free, without subscription.

    The device doesn't need to "send data back and forth". Other than the satellite, the data originates in the device.

    The TeleNAV you linked to is a service over the phone network for devices that don't have a GPS antenna.
  • Reply 29 of 39
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    What are you talking about?

    How do you plan on sending your GPS data back and fourth from and too the touch with no data connection? I think you may be wrong on this one. Heck, Apple's good, but they aren't "that" good.

    GPS does not require any sort of "data connection", unless you want Google Maps data I guess.
  • Reply 30 of 39
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by FuturePastNow View Post

    GPS does not require any sort of "data connection", unless you want Google Maps data I guess.

    Right, got it.
  • Reply 31 of 39
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    What are you talking about?

    How do you plan on sending your GPS data back and fourth from and too the touch with no data connection? I think you may be wrong on this one. Heck, Apple's good, but they aren't "that" good.

    What are YOU talking about? The GPS does not need to send data back any where. With preloaded maps all the gps needs to do is receive a signal about your current location to match up with an onboard map....thats it!

    Have you never used a gps device in your life? I'm not talking about the iphone's aGPS. I'm talking straight up gps in an ipod touch with pre loaded maps. What is not to understand?

    Go to garmin's website if you really don't know what I'm talking about.

    EDIT: Sorry Ireland. It seems that the above posts took care of the explanation. At least you learned something.

    Anyways, now you see why I would have wanted that in the updated ipod touch. It would have been a garmin killer. Oh well.
  • Reply 32 of 39
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    What are YOU talking about? The GPS does not need to send data back any where. With preloaded maps all the gps needs to do is receive a signal about your current location to match up with an onboard map....thats it!

    Have you never used a gps device in your life? I'm not talking about the iphone's aGPS. I'm talking straight up gps in an ipod touch with pre loaded maps. What is not to understand?

    Go to garmin's website if you really don't know what I'm talking about.

    EDIT: Sorry Ireland. It seems that the above posts took care of the explanation. At least you learned something.

    Anyways, now you see why I would have wanted that in the updated ipod touch. It would have been a garmin killer. Oh well.

    Sure deeid!
  • Reply 33 of 39
    I was on one of my weekly 10 mile runs today after work (saves money commuting home lol) and mid way through the trip my friggin zen stone 1 gig died on me. Yup, I'm picking up an ipod nano this week alright. I hear the 16 gigs should be available in Manhattan come Friday.

    And since this will be my first ipod can you guys tell me if I can use the click wheel without having to look at the device for volume control? I'm referring to the ipod nano.

    Perhaps what I should be doing is looking for an ipod shuffle. That might be better for me when I run.

    Or heck, I could treat myself and get both a shuffle and an ipod nano. On a side note, why didn't Steve double the memory in the shuffle? 4 gigs would have been cool.

    Oh well. So, about the click wheel, how does it perform under the stress of a workout? Ideally, one device, the ipod nano should suffice for music playing when working out or just relaxing.

    If not, then I might get two ipods.

  • Reply 34 of 39
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    I was on one of my weekly 10 mile runs today after work (saves money commuting home lol) and mid way through the trip my friggin zen stone 1 gig died on me. Yup, I'm picking up an ipod nano this week alright. I hear the 16 gigs should be available in Manhattan come Friday.

    And since this will be my first ipod can you guys tell me if I can use the click wheel without having to look at the device for volume control? I'm referring to the ipod nano.

    Perhaps what I should be doing is looking for an ipod shuffle. That might be better for me when I run.

    If podcasts aren't that important to you get the shuffle, if they are; get the nano.
  • Reply 35 of 39
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    If podcasts aren't that important to you get the shuffle, if they are; get the nano.

    Logical......but oh man those ipod nano navigation screens are so cool like.......omg help me I can't resist them!
  • Reply 36 of 39
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    Logical......but oh man those ipod nano navigation screens are so cool like.......omg help me I can't resist them!

    Nice enough yeah, have my nano on my lap now. The slimness and look of the device itself exceeds the new UI even though!
  • Reply 37 of 39
    I was in the Apple SoHo store in Manhattan today friday to pick up my product red nano 4G. So I was in there by the nano displays and I picked up the new red nano and played with it a little bit.

    Wouldn't you know it..............actually fiddling with it and seeing it in the light and all........I ended up not liking the red. \

    Despite all my talk about worshipping th red color I started to see myself gravitating toward the silver and black one. Its simpleness.......the black accents.......


    By the way, I also resisted the temptation of ALSO purchasing a 32GB ipod Touch 2G. lol!

    But discipline prevailed. I only spent $200.00 plus tax not $600.00!! haha.

    I don't want an iphone yes....but I also don't want a ipod touch without a wireless connection.

    "But it has wifi olternaut!

    I don't have ready access to wifi at work so its like not having wireless at all. I'm betting that at the next macworld Steve is going to debut a wireless device that will use a 3G only data plan from AT&T. I'm not interested in a cell phone just wireless mobile internet.

    So in the meantime, until Steve wows us again, I will be enjoying my new silver 16GB ipod nano 4G!

  • Reply 38 of 39
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    I also want to examine the indigo version first hand at an apple store. Its a purple that heavily leans toward blue which I find interesting. Wanna see how it looks for real.

    It's royal purple, yes. Calling it "indigo" is a misnomer. It's purple. The photo at the top of the page either suffers from way-off color calibration or the models sold in Ireland do not include the purple model.

    FYI, on GPS:

    GPS is a battery killer. The cost of a GPS chipset isn't too bad, and the size isn't too big, but to be of much use it requires a larger battery than the touch has. Even on the new iPhone, GPS wears it out in about 2 hours.
  • Reply 39 of 39
    Originally Posted by Splinemodel View Post

    It's royal purple, yes. Calling it "indigo" is a misnomer. It's purple. The photo at the top of the page either suffers from way-off color calibration or the models sold in Ireland do not include the purple model.

    FYI, on GPS:

    GPS is a battery killer. The cost of a GPS chipset isn't too bad, and the size isn't too big, but to be of much use it requires a larger battery than the touch has. Even on the new iPhone, GPS wears it out in about 2 hours.

    When I was in the store I examined the purple one as well. I was expecting it to be slightly bluish like all the pics of it. But in person I can say that its definitely purple.....no hint of blue in the color.
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