Beatles strike video game deal ahead of iTunes distribution



  • Reply 21 of 26
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by Kasper View Post

    It's borderline ridiculous at this point, I agree, but piracy really isn't the answer =P


    While piracy may not be the answer, it certainly will be a consequence.

  • Reply 22 of 26
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    Bah who cares. If someone really wants The Beatles in digital format, just buy the CDs and rip them to MP3s or AAC or whatever using iTunes or whichever ripping program you prefer.

    Problem solved.

    A lot of people these days don't want to pay for a complete album of songs... even if that album is chock full of Beatles classics. These folks will want a la carte versions and will get them by ripping friends' CDs or by PSP methods (i.e. piracy). So... no... problem not solved.

  • Reply 23 of 26
    davidwdavidw Posts: 2,100member
    It a good move by Apple Studios. By introducing Beatles music into a video game (and a popular one at that) that is mainly play by the younger generation, there'll be a more likely chance that they will buy Beatles music when it does finally come out online. Right now, it's mainly the older music listeners among us that is waiting to buy the re-mastered Beatles music online. First expose the younger generation to their music by way of a video game and then release the Beatle music online. This way there'll be a greater audience interested in buying the music when it's first released.
  • Reply 24 of 26
    Originally Posted by thompr View Post

    A lot of people these days don't want to pay for a complete album of songs... even if that album is chock full of Beatles classics. These folks will want a la carte versions and will get them by ripping friends' CDs or by PSP methods (i.e. piracy). So... no... problem not solved.


    The Beatles are a bit different. Their Albums are meant to be looked at as a whole. Sure single songs will work, but nothing is the same as listening to the whole White Album.

    Oh and:

    Yes, I would travel Across The Universe to allow my family and friends to Come Together over the game.

    I would even go Back To The USSR.

    I hope they are also making this game for the Benefit of Mr. Kite.

    Even though it may cost a lot, what good is Money since It Can't Buy Me Love.

    Once the doors open for this game, the sellers will say, "Come and Get It."

    You know when push comes to shove, I would Drive My Car Eight Days A Week to buy it.

    I feel like A Fool On The Hill over this news.

    When I do Get Back with the game, I'll tell my GF it's From Me To You

    I really hope it Don't Let Me Down.

    I left pleanty of other songs out there for you. And I feel like I just wrote one of those notes at the end of a SPAM message.
  • Reply 25 of 26
    Originally Posted by DavidW View Post

    It a good move by Apple Studios. By introducing Beatles music into a video game (and a popular one at that) that is mainly play by the younger generation, there'll be a more likely chance that they will buy Beatles music when it does finally come out online. Right now, it's mainly the older music listeners among us that is waiting to buy the re-mastered Beatles music online. First expose the younger generation to their music by way of a video game and then release the Beatle music online. This way there'll be a greater audience interested in buying the music when it's first released.

    No it's not.

    In fact, one has nothing to do with the other.

    They could've released this stuff a long time ago.

    Doing it for the game is NOT some master genious plan of capturing the hearts and minds of teenagers.

    It's a game.

    They will make money on it.

    Enough that they will do it.

    These people are just not that smart, to think about a plan of withholding their releases and then a video game gives them the path to do it is just wrong.

    We'll see a Beatles album set online for 99 bucks a piece when someone finally agrees to it.

    Until then, you can buy your Beatles one performer at a time and pirate the band.
  • Reply 26 of 26
    Originally Posted by wbrasington View Post

    Until then, you can buy your Beatles one performer at a time and pirate the band.

    In fairness, one should consider that they may very well recognize this, and not care. All you?re really saying is that they could make more money if they released their stuff online. If that was all they cared about, I am sure their stuff would have showed up on iTunes years ago.
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