Apple pulls support note recommending antivirus software



  • Reply 21 of 59
    Originally Posted by Shaun, UK View Post

    Talk about hedging your bets.

    What Apple is saying is 'we don't think you'll get a virus but if you do don't blame us'.

    As Kolchak says above - why not provide an anti-virus product as part of the MobileMe subscription.

    I suspect that Anti-virus software is more of an issue for PC switchers who have been bombarded with threats over the years. Is not that easy to change your mindset to believe that OSX is totally secure and therefore you don't need that safety net. Personally I don't have a problem with installing anti-virus software on the Mac. It's not exactly a major cost.

    That's not what they are saying. They are saying that any system is susceptable to viruses, and you can use an Anti-Virus product at your own descretion. Apple did include free Anti-Virus with .Mac, and it ended up being more problems with conflicts, so they dropped it.

    The problem with anti-virus software is that it slows down the system and causes more problems than they actually fix.
  • Reply 22 of 59
    Originally Posted by hillstones

    The phone does have full email capability.

    Not really. I still can't send and save attachments properly unless they're images. Would be nice to see "real attachments" either from Apple or from a third party if Apple allows.
  • Reply 23 of 59
    Originally Posted by lilgto64 View Post

    Did the Apple KB article indicate where the anti virus software should be installed? Seems that everyone is assuming that when Apple advocates the use of anti-viral software that they meant to use it on Mac OS - maybe the statement was a recommendation for those with Windows OS in their environment - including boot camp and virtual PCs.

    Not really...the KB was simply old. It was a KB written in the late OS 9, early OS X days.

    Is everyone incapable of reading?
  • Reply 24 of 59
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by dougelo7 View Post

    I totally agree. I think Apple has been pretty stupid of late when it comes to money making strategies:

    1) Why is there still no MacBook Air 3G add-on to iPhone subscription plans? (MBA would have its own 3G chip)

    2) How come there is not yet an iTunes 3G Music Store? Apple would get a lot more business.

    3) Come on Apple! Finish updating all your products instead of having some of them hanging out to dry!!! (MobileMe iDisk link emailing, Mac desktop Mini DisplayPort, iPhone compatibility with the new Apple Headsets, 802.11n on iPhone and iPod touch, new Mac mini, Snow Leopard, etc)

    4) Allow people to buy ALL VIDEOS on iTunes in HD!!! Stop limiting it to movie rentals and TV shows!!! I want HD music videos and movies on my Mac!

    5) No mike on iPod touch; also no camera.

    6) They have turned the iPod touch from sophisticated iPod-for-the-gods into cheap little touchscreen device by changing its packaging and its price. Having one used to make one considered elite in many social groups; now, everybody has bought the $230 8GB iPod touch (which, to my annoyance, looks identical to the much higher-priced 32GB model) and therefore it has lost most of its cool factor, IMO. That's why I bought a white iPhone 3G.

    7) No iPhone MMS. They could use this to woo AT&T to allow tethering with the extra income from customers' MMS messages, but, no.

    I am a devoted Apple fanboy, but their recent omissions and oversights have peeved me. You see, whenever Apple makes a big mistake like leaving MMS out of iPhone, the PC people who know me enjoy teasing me about it (of course, there is the double standard that any Microsoft-bashing I do is irrelevant because its products are "not as ridiculously priced as Apple devices"). The worst part of all is that I can see their point.

    Most of you wrote is not even worth responding to.
  • Reply 25 of 59
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by DimMok View Post

    Hopefully Microshit doesnt get wind of this little fiasco......

    What are they going to do? Use them in their useless I'm a PC commericals or maybe go and set up booths outside Apple stores.
  • Reply 26 of 59
    As I've seen the "the bigger the Mac OS X market share, the more threats will come" again in this article, I will give a link to an article named "The Mac OS X Malware Myth Continues", providing information about why that market share argument is a little old in the teeth.
  • Reply 27 of 59
    Originally Posted by DimMok View Post

    Hopefully Microshit doesnt get wind of this little fiasco......

    It won't be the first time Microsoft has misrepresented the security of Apples, it won't be the first time they've taken someone else's work, misrepresenting the security of Apples, and run with it.



  • Reply 28 of 59
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    What are they going to do? Use them in their useless I'm a PC commericals or maybe go and set up booths outside Apple stores.

    I saw the latest. People in one of the Vista [oh sorry, Windows] tents. Oh wow, look I can create a panoramic view with my pics if I use Vista...that's definitely worth the $300 upgrade from XP to Vista...
  • Reply 29 of 59
    Apple pulling and/or changing any references to the use of Antivirus software is nothing new. In prior Get a Mac pages, they used to call out using such software on Mac OS X as follows:

    "A Mac running with factory settings will protect you from viruses much better than a PC, but it?s never a bad idea to run extra virus and security software."

    That page has been changed and no longer makes that statement but you can see the old page:

    So Apple's attempts to change their stance on the use of antivirus software is nothing new.
  • Reply 30 of 59
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Here's a nutty idea. Instead of recommending third party software, how about issuing security updates faster? Or if they can't do that, make their own antivirus software. They can even include the antivirus subscription in MobileMe if they want to make money off it.

    • How does one make a vaccine to prevent a non-existent virus?

    • How does one make an antivirus software for a computer that has been impervious to viruses?

    • How would one prove that an antivirus software works if you don't have a computer with the virus to test it on?

    • How would one be able to justify any price for something that does nothing for nothing?

    • And who would buy it?

  • Reply 31 of 59
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    The REAL fiasco will be if anyone on planet earth can name ONE OS X virus or worm that is out in the wild now and is successfully spreading itself via the Internet.

    (In other words, I'm not talking about LAN-only exploits, ones that have been patched, lab experiments, or ones that require the user to be persuaded to install something manually--a Trojan. I'm talking about a real-world threat, that my Mac today might get if I don't have anti-virus software.)

    In fact, I'd even be interested in hearing of one OS X virus/worm that had real-world widespread success in the PAST, or on un-patched Macs. That wouldn't threaten me today, but it would be interesting to note. Windows devotees could at least have a real, successful malware attack to point to by name.

    I don't criticize those who install AV software out of extra paranoia--it makes some sense, because the first successful OS X virus might well come along some day. But I can't help thinking two things:

    1. In the past, some AV software has CREATED security holes, leaving your machine less secure.

    2. If a new virus comes along, you'll probably also need to download new virus definitions for it anyway, or you're not protected. So I figure I may as well wait until then--and download the AV software WITH the new definitions when and if such a threat emerges. (It's nice to have that done automatically, but I suspect if there's a real Mac virus or worm, it will get so much press that I'll know about it! Thank of all the press NON-threats get, like that old iChat trojan that couldn't even travel over the Internet, only LAN--not that most articles mentioned such a fact.)
  • Reply 32 of 59
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Doesn't anyone remember that clamav is already included with OS X Server. All they have to do is add it to the client version and slap a GUI on it (sorry about that ClamXav developer).

    See It is a modern Mac OS X GUI to clamav. I've tried it and it works well.
  • Reply 33 of 59
    rnp1rnp1 Posts: 175member
    Anyone who has a Mac knows that the AntiVirus campaign directed toward Macs is just like DC lobbyists who use Obamas and Phil Gramms to steer their agendas. If someone somewhere at Apple says that AntiViral software needs to protect Leopard, they are probably paid by one of the suppliers. First, if you screw with Unix, the DEPT OF Defence will fly helicopters over your house and rope drop black suited SWAT teams to remove you. Secondly, who but the writers of AntiVirus software would be better at creating dangerous bugs than ex Sumantec guys? Might the companies even be letting Viruses slip onto the web just to stay profitable? ( I mean, what if Dick Cheney or Don Rumsfeld ran at Windows product company? Talk about ADD-Abuse, Deception and Denial.)

    Adding AntiVIRUS software slows everything you do down to Windows speeds. Remember. the reason we have such blazing speed processors available from Intel, is that to do anything in Windows required a lot of heat from a processor. For those of us who had our Macs in 84 and run Word from a 400k floppy at 128K, see that Microsofts whole approach has been a botch job of bloated code and an obscene waste of processor speed.

    But when you run Parallels and XP or V...V..Visa on your MAC, you do need AntiVirus software-which is provided free, as it should be.

    Thank God Apple retracted that stupid, unneeded recommendation!!! And send an email to Doug Englebart and thank him for creating everything we are able to do on our machines!
  • Reply 34 of 59
    jimzipjimzip Posts: 446member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Here's a nutty idea. Instead of recommending third party software, how about issuing security updates faster? Or if they can't do that, make their own antivirus software. They can even include the antivirus subscription in MobileMe if they want to make money off it.

    Ok y'know what, that is a nutty idea .

    I couldn't stand paying more to install some bloated CPU hog for viruses that are currently borderline non-existent, especially on top of my .mac/mm subscription.

    And just in case I'm wrong here, don't Apple security updates come out often enough? I seem to get one every few weeks, that's more than fast enough for me. Apple seems to be amazingly fast in their response to threats.

    This virus thing at the moment is just being blown out of proportion.

    Edit: Hey I just remembered, the old .mac subscription used to come with the ever (un)useful 'Virex', did it not?

  • Reply 35 of 59
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post
    • How does one make a vaccine to prevent a non-existent virus?

    • How does one make an antivirus software for a computer that has been impervious to viruses?

    • How would one prove that an antivirus software works if you don't have a computer with the virus to test it on?

    • How would one be able to justify any price for something that does nothing for nothing?

    • And who would buy it?

    I bow to you Zen Master Abster2core
  • Reply 36 of 59
    cubertcubert Posts: 728member
    Apple just walked into the whore house, tore up the condom, and slapped the madam across the face - I'll let you figure out with what.
  • Reply 37 of 59
    robb01robb01 Posts: 148member
    Originally Posted by Cubert View Post

    Apple just walked into the whore house, tore up the condom, and slapped the madam across the face - I'll let you figure out with what.


  • Reply 38 of 59
    Originally Posted by lilgto64 View Post

    Did the Apple KB article indicate where the anti virus software should be installed? Seems that everyone is assuming that when Apple advocates the use of anti-viral software that they meant to use it on Mac OS - maybe the statement was a recommendation for those with Windows OS in their environment - including boot camp and virtual PCs.

    Haha. This is funny. They meant for windows. Lol
  • Reply 39 of 59
    yamayama Posts: 427member
    What's up with the recent influx of posters who all love to add some kind of little disclaimer like:

    "You know I'm the biggest MAC fan around and I love my I-PHONE but you know Apple is really lame yada yada yada."?

    I mean really, no one gives a shit how much of a fan you are and any why that somehow justifies your latest crazy rant about how everything Steve Jobs does is just to offend you personally.
  • Reply 40 of 59
    l008coml008com Posts: 163member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Here's a nutty idea. Instead of recommending third party software, how about issuing security updates faster?

    I've never had a virus or any sort of malware or even hack on my Mac. I'd say the speed of security updates is adequate.
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