If JOBS is Healthy, then why the last minute pull out?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I don't buy this.

Apple Macworld was to FANBOYz what Apple Theater USEd to be for Pro's.

Some feel peeved that he has pulled out at the last minute and upset that being the LAST that Steve didn't deliever the LAST KEYNOTE for the audience made up of all the LIFE LONG FANS, not switchers, but FANS and PRESS.

Some feel so hurt and I can only say that for some, you can now feel how some of us PROS have felt for the past few years. As much, we saw the THEATER training go from Final Cut, Logic, Shake, and Aperture never making it, and PRO CARE (which also meant One to One Training), into a consumer based "How To" if you will on how to add email attachments, using iLife, iPhoto, and with Steve pulling out, some feel betrayed.

I can go on to say that PROS were happy when the Macbook was reported to work with PRO APPS and for the first year, all the MAC BOOKS could run PRO APPS, so Apple, knowing that, released a newer INTEL GMA which affected only the PRO user as this dropped the OPEN_GL benchmark from 171% with Leopard on a MACBOOK to 70%, and made PRO apps useless while effecting no other applications as you could never play a game on it anyway.

This was further continued with the newer Macbook when FIREWIRE was no longer on the machine only this time, having no firewire affected PROS, as well as thousands upon thousands of musicians, I.T. people who used "Target Disk" mode to many new SWITCHERS who have FIREWIRE camcorders. It was a larger slap in the face (latest macbook) then the switch to the newer GMA was as one affected only the pro apps, the newest affected a much larger audience.

I also want to point out the Apple marketing and the TV commercials, while this may really being going off on a tangent, I read an article not to long ago about working with BAD bosses and the signs to look out for. For example, some were "BEWARE OF A BOSS WHO MAKES FUN OF THEIR COMPETITORS BY MOCKING THEM and MAKING THEIR COMPANY OR PRODUCTS SUPERIOR" = mac TV spots anyone? The list went on to name 10 items and after reading it, I couldn't help but realize that ever single one could be pointed at Jobs. Why is this? Is he a bad boss? Is he paranoid like this article pointed out about "BAD BOSSES", then have a look at the last keynote with the UNIBODY and look at how nervous Steve was as he actually thought that someone would steal them. More paranoia?

Anyway, with Macworld being less than three weeks away, becoming the LAST Macworld ever where all the fans showed up and have been showing up for years and years to come, plus Steve pulling out and deciding NOT to show up leaves me very speculative. Why? Even if there were no MAJOR announcements (net-books), Steve should have shown up to say goodbye and thank you and make the keynote about all the success that Apple has had in recent years. But he did not, he pulled out and is sending someone else. A slap in the face as many reports are calling it.

You also have to ask yourself, where are all the essays? Steve was known for posting ESSAYS like he did about DRM, he could have posted one about the APP STORE, or the APPROVAL process, Mobile Me, Macbook Air and yet we didn't see one this year. Not one. Why?

One can also look at MAC WORLD becoming yet another item that removes MAC from its name as far as Apple goes and becoming yet closer to a computer, non MAC type of consumer company. No more MAC specialist, no more APPLE COMPUTERS, PRO CARE becoming separate from ONE TO ONE, and many of the trainers being trained only in iLife and not any of the PRO applications, more signs that Apple could care less about the CREATIVE user, the Apple lifers, the PRO's and all Apples emphasis has now been on CONSUMER products, the iPhone, iLife and further away from MAC MAC MAC and to a neutral company (with commercials being the exception), into a company that focuses on the consumer and its products.

Again, with all the in-roads that Apple has made the past two years, from 3% to almost 10% since the INTEL transition and iPhone, to being the last KEYNOTE EVER for Life Long Fans, and Steve saying, sorry, I won't be there and oh, by the way, this is the last one, this writer doesn't believe that the reason is in order to have more control on delivery times, announcements.

With one swoosh, Apple has killed MacWORLD, vendors will not survive, people will not go to the show without APPLE, another slap in the face.

Had Apple at the very least had Steve deliver the keynote this would be a different discussion, however, this is not the case and this leads me to believe, unfortunately, that there is something wrong with Steve. Apple Macworld was about meeting friends, free publicity, community, training, and now there is none.

Another point is, with all the talk about Steve's health, where is the PR release stating that this is NOT true. It's been more than two days and yet we hear nothing when in comparison Apple squashed any rumors about new releases BEFORE Christmas in less than a day after the rumors started. You would think that Steve's health would trump a "new product" rumor, yet we hear nothing.

Whatever it is, I do hope that Steve can GET WELL soon and that there is some announcement that he is okay. Every day that passes with silence makes my suspicions grow and I am surprised that no one is talking (Media, Press), about this right now. Very surprising.


  • Reply 1 of 33
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    He didn't want to get her pregnant. (... "last minute pullout" )
  • Reply 2 of 33
    ba dum tsssssh!

  • Reply 3 of 33
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,441moderator
    I think the real problem is that people continue to place so much importance on Jobs being the only person in Apple who matters.

    The sooner he plays a less important role the better. Apple need to survive without him because contrary to popular belief, he is not immortal.

    The Macworld deal is meaningless. the keynotes have been pointless over the past few years. The internet brings Mac vendors into view so these shows aren't needed.

    For training you have WWDC and online training material as well as very good documentation bundled with the pro apps.

    To be perfectly honest, I'd far rather hear Scott Forstall explain the benefits in Snow Leopard in details than hear Jobs waffle on about how much foot traffic is passing through the Apple stores i.e shareholders brown-nosing.

    As far as product direction, they certainly are becoming more consumer-oriented. This is both good and bad. The iphone is clearly a consumer gadget now but it's still a powerful smartphone that is a serious rival to Blackberry. This is obvious from the similar direction that competing devices have taken since the iphone came to market. This consumer focus drives down prices and gives us very powerful hardware/software at an affordable price.

    In future, we will see events planned by Apple when they are ready to show something interesting so less disappointment and hopefully more meaningful content in the presentations.
  • Reply 4 of 33
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    He didn't want to come on the stage.
  • Reply 5 of 33
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    I think the real problem is that people continue to place so much importance on Jobs being the only person in Apple who matters.

    Seeing how one man single-handily approves everything that Apple releases, its kinda of hard not to make him the company's MVP...
  • Reply 6 of 33
    it wasn't a last minute pull-out. this was being planned months ago. People usually don't buy Apple products during the holiday hoping a new product lineup will be introduced in Jan. so apple said F it!
  • Reply 7 of 33
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by sared View Post

    it wasn't a last minute pull-out.

    I'm beginning to doubt that now. As observed on several Mac podcasts now, they very likely realized at the last minute that something big wasn't going to be ready in time, so they choose to bring both pieces of bad news all at once. I don't think it was planned for a while either, it feels very sloppy the way they handled it.
  • Reply 8 of 33
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I'm beginning to doubt that now. As observed on several Mac podcasts now, they very likely realized at the last minute that something big wasn't going to be ready in time, so they choose to bring both pieces of bad news all at once. I don't think it was planned for a while either, it feels very sloppy the way they handled it.

    I completely understand Apple wanting to release products on their own schedule, but it still doesn't make sense to me that Jobs is not going to do the last Macworld for Apple. I think that fact clearly shows that his health is not good and the transition of power is gradually underway. Perhaps Jobs realizes that the debate about his health is becoming a distraction. One thing is for sure. If Apple does release something major, the stated reasoning for Jobs absence will be even more suspicious.
  • Reply 9 of 33
    kaiwaikaiwai Posts: 246member
    All I can say is bullcrap, bullcrap, bullcrap.

    This truly is pathetic; Steve is as fit as a fiddle, and these expo's are nothing more than wastes of money where it is a preach to the converted. You think they're important but for the vast majority out there - these expo's don't benefit Apple in anyway what so ever.
  • Reply 10 of 33
    Originally Posted by kaiwai View Post

    All I can say is bullcrap, bullcrap, bullcrap.

    This truly is pathetic; Steve is as fit as a fiddle, and these expo's are nothing more than wastes of money where it is a preach to the converted. You think they're important but for the vast majority out there - these expo's don't benefit Apple in anyway what so ever.

    How exactly would you like to quantify that? And until you do, please stop pressing the reply button as it is neither an intelligent argument or one based on any fact.
  • Reply 11 of 33
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    apple has shown great presence and insight by using special events through the year, rather than one venu, they needed to do this some time ago, apple has its own audience now, see what happened at the CES when the iphone came out.....geeee if it wasn't at macworld but a special event it would still be BIG news. trade shows dilute the message for apple. there are other ways to support developers

    trade shows push your product development to THEIR timetable, so in essence we as consumers would like more frequent rollouts of products and not just tradeshow schedule.
  • Reply 12 of 33
    kaiwaikaiwai Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by El Capitan View Post

    How exactly would you like to quantify that? And until you do, please stop pressing the reply button as it is neither an intelligent argument or one based on any fact.

    Of what value was that contribution? the guy who made the original post (which started the thread) was a hyperventilating drongo high on his own self generated hype.
  • Reply 13 of 33
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by kaiwai View Post

    All I can say is bullcrap, bullcrap, bullcrap.

    This truly is pathetic; Steve is as fit as a fiddle...

    You don't know that for sure. There's no way you could know. Though yeah, his health wasn't the reason. They explained the reason. Basically they didn't need Macworld anymore. They are changing as a company and people have to except that. It's really that simple I think.
  • Reply 14 of 33
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    You don't know that for sure. There's no way you could know. Though yeah, his health wasn't the reason. They explained the reason. Basically they didn't need Macworld anymore. They are changing as a company and people have to except that. It's really that simple I think.

    Remember, At WWDC earlier this year the reason they give for Job's gaunt appearance was that he had a common cold. Steve may be cancer free but he is not "fit as a fiddle." The fact that this is the last Macworld for Apple does not truly explain his absence IMO.
  • Reply 15 of 33
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by cygnusrk727 View Post

    Remember, At WWDC earlier this year the reason they give for Job's gaunt appearance was that he had a common cold. Steve may be cancer free but he is not "fit as a fiddle." The fact that this is the last Macworld for Apple does not truly explain his absence IMO.

    You are not really making a point. "Does not truly explain his absense."

    Who said it explained anything. Who cares why he's not there, we'll never know the damned reason anyway. Moving on.

    If Steve Jobs ate poop people would be saying: "but why did he eat poop?".
  • Reply 16 of 33
    The real reason is, nobody really has a clue. I doubt it was a single factor though.
  • Reply 17 of 33
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    You are not really making a point. "Does not truly explain his absense."

    My point was that in the past Apple described a man who had cancer and looked all of 100 lbs to be merely suffering a cold. They have already invested in putting up booths and agreeing to a Keynote this year. The mere fact that they don't want to do Macworld's after this one, doesn't really explain why Steve is not going to do the Keynote. (And yes, that is my opinion.)

    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Who cares why he's not there, we'll never know the damned reason anyway.

    We will know the reasons after the show. It could truly be a lackluster show with very few "WOWies." Or a transition in leadership is taking place, and yes, that is due to his health.
  • Reply 18 of 33
    it's vintage Steve jobs. he just do what he wants to do. He walks out of interviews, remove features, etc. many without any explanation at all. so i'm not surprised by his decision to leave Macworld.
  • Reply 19 of 33
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by sared View Post

    it's vintage Steve jobs. he just do what he wants to do. He walks out of interviews, remove features, etc. many without any explanation at all. so i'm not surprised by his decision to leave Macworld.

    I couldn't give a **** in all honesty, I just want good products and good updates. Mobile me sync is still awful for example. One week it's like the best thing ever, and the next day it's not working right at all, even still.
  • Reply 20 of 33
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I couldn't give a **** in all honesty, I just want good products and good updates. Mobile me sync is still awful for example. One week it's like the best thing ever, and the next day it's not working right at all, even still.

    well, Steve Jobs didn't give a shit about your (everybody's) opinion as well, that's why he pulled out of Macworld without giving any real explanation.
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