Internet browsers are in cyrillic - help!
Hi..I recently encountered a really strange problem on my PowerBook G4.
After downloading the new firefox update, all my web browsers (Safari & Firefox), display nearly all my sites in cyrillic (strangely and luckily enough, this isnt one of them)
Of course i checked my system settings and all is set in german (I'm german, so thats ok )
Anyone come across that problem? I dont want to format if theres another solution, obviiously....
PS: heres n example of a part of a page:
OOOkkkaayyy...gets stranger: I just wanted to paste copy part of a page, and after pasting the text was displayed correctly in this window.....?????
PPS: Upon further research: problem only seems to happen with german language sites...
After downloading the new firefox update, all my web browsers (Safari & Firefox), display nearly all my sites in cyrillic (strangely and luckily enough, this isnt one of them)
Of course i checked my system settings and all is set in german (I'm german, so thats ok )
Anyone come across that problem? I dont want to format if theres another solution, obviiously....
PS: heres n example of a part of a page:
OOOkkkaayyy...gets stranger: I just wanted to paste copy part of a page, and after pasting the text was displayed correctly in this window.....?????
PPS: Upon further research: problem only seems to happen with german language sites...
Thx for the help!