Photo offers rare glimpse into Apple's design studio



  • Reply 41 of 47
    I missed it until I'd looked at the picture half a dozen times....awesome little inside pic...awesome thread. Regarding Ive's and his arms...I'm not interested in Ive's and his arms, but everyone who is, please enjoy.
  • Reply 42 of 47
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    Originally Posted by jowie74 View Post

    Am I the only one who is more interested in looking at Jony and his lovely arms than all that techy stuff behind him?

    No you're not!

    Check out the pic in the Apple seen resisting recession, adding new iPhone models thread.
  • Reply 43 of 47
    jowie74jowie74 Posts: 540member
    I definitely think he'd be good on the eyes as a successor... Though when I've heard him interviewed he does tend to sound like a proper typical arty farty. Best thing we've ever exported, lil Jony
  • Reply 44 of 47
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    I wonder if those hardware designers ever think about how Apple technicians are going to support Apple customers. Or maybe they just think that customer support is beneath them, so they don't give it a second thought. The current aluminum iMac is a service nightmare. Furthermore, Apple does not accept 24 inch iMacs for mail-in repair, even though they will accept a 30 inch Cinema Display. And this is the computer that Apple wants everyone to buy. Does Apple not have confidence in their own technicians?

    Whenever an Apple hardware designer comes up with a new design, he should be ordered to take it completely apart in front of the CEO, COO and any other person responsible for customer support. And not just take it apart in a sloppy way, but following all the same procedures and precautions as if he was working on an actual customer's unit. And then put it all back together again, following all the same precautions. If the hardware designer is unable to lead by example and do a disassembly+reassembly by himself, then he has no business expecting lower paid technicians to do his dirty work.

    After recently replacing the hard drive in my '06 MacBook Pro, I would like to punch the designer in the mouth. Good thing I didn't drink and coffee before I started that job. Putting a hard drive in one of these new unibody chassis looks like a piece of cake.
  • Reply 45 of 47
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    No you're not!

    Check out the pic in the Apple seen resisting recession, adding new iPhone models thread.

    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    After recently replacing the hard drive in my '06 MacBook Pro, I would like to punch the designer in the mouth. Good thing I didn't drink and coffee before I started that job. Putting a hard drive in one of these new unibody chassis looks like a piece of cake.

    With those big arms clearly Ive doesn't open any computers himself. One wrong move and he would crush an entire logic board. Let alone how he's going to manipulate all those tiny, tiny screws.
  • Reply 46 of 47
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    I've finally gotten around to watching the documentary featured in this story. This story ran in January 2009, It wasn't released until October 2009. I haven't heard anything about it until I heard it recommended on a MacBreak about three months ago.

    Ive gets about 10-12 minutes of screen time if you include the extras. There are a lot of interesting insights in the whole video, as well as Ive's segment about the design, manufacturing and use considerations. I thought it was interesting that they make keyboards using the cutouts from iMac bezels.

    And yes, most of the machinery in the room of question are CNC vertical mills. The closest ones are Fadal. The large branding and model number usually found on them appear to have been removed, the only markings are on the control panel. The machines may have been completely repainted too, I don't think the blue colors is stock, it seems like they shipped with blue that isn't as deep of a color.
  • Reply 47 of 47

    They are definitely Fadal CNC vertical machining centres :)

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