Apple exploring intelligent universal battery technology



  • Reply 21 of 43
    I see this tech as being sorely needed, and another "green" initiative from Apple.

    Imagine if batteries were "required" sometime into the future by law, to be reusable, or at the very least, be rechargeable to their maximum cycles. This definitely would cut down on unnecessary refill and toxic waste. Never underestimate the people that are truly "linked in" or "in the loop".

    Remember, Prez-O loves Macs and more than likely Steve-O too!
  • Reply 22 of 43
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    I may appear to be stupid, but: what can you do with only "cut and copy", if ya can't paste it somewhere. Why don't you just backspace or delete? Or was remark meant to be sarcasm? Sorry then that it flew over my lil' head(!)

    Silly me... thinking about it all I really want is the ability to Copy. Who needs Cut & Paste?

    No really, I just love copying stuff.
  • Reply 23 of 43
    mknoppmknopp Posts: 257member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    So many people comment in this pattern now.
    1. Apple comes up with interesting new idea

    2. First reaction is to bitch about unrelated problem

    3. Second reaction is to assume Apple has evil intentions

    4. Final assessment? "Apple is evil!" (FTW)

    Couldn't it be that someone at Apple just came up with a good idea and had it patented because Apple encourages it's employees to, you know ... come up with good ideas that they can patent?

    So many people comment in this pattern now.
    1. Poster comments on topic

    2. First reaction is to jump to conclusions

    3. Second reaction is to assume the poster has nefarious or prejudiced intent

    4. Final assessment? "Poster is evil!" (FTW)

    I never said that it wasn't a good idea.

    I never said that I was bitching about the non-removable batteries. I personally never exchange my battery on my laptop so I am all for making a larger non-removable one. I also see no need for a removable battery on the iPods, if you are listening to music they will last more than a day. The iPhone is debatable at this point as my wife's Instinct has terrible battery life, like the iPhone, and regularly carries an extra battery that she switches out in the middle of the day.

    I never said that Apple was evil.

    Here is what I said in very simple terms.
    1. Apple has a long history of moving their products to non-removable batteries. (Note that this is a fact not a judgment.)

    2. With this history in mind, I questioned what would be the purpose of Apple spending the resources to obtain this patent? (Note that it is not free to file and obtain a patent.)

    3. Keeping in mind that Apple is moving away from interchangeable batteries and still found it beneficial to spend the time and money required to file and try to obtain this patent, I concluded that the only obvious reason was to deny others the usage of the technology.

    4. Analyzing this hypothesis I concluded that this could be something that their competition might use against Apple's products in the future since interchangeable batteries are a difference in their feature set.

    5. Final assessment? "Apple made a sound business decision!" (FTW)

    Please try to think about what a person is saying before posting. I like Apple very much, sure I think that they make some boneheaded moves, but I happily use several of their products.
  • Reply 24 of 43
    allblueallblue Posts: 393member
    Originally Posted by macFanDave View Post

    That's not what the "Myriad Lobby" would have you believe!

    You wouldn't believe how serious the Obscure-Word-for-an-Indefinitely-Large-Amount Wars are, but while "myriad" and "plethora" are duking it out, "buttload" is leading by a large margin!

    It's 'shedload' this side of the pond (perhaps butts are bigger over there !)
  • Reply 25 of 43
    Originally Posted by macFanDave View Post

    I'm glad Apple is getting into this.

    I am hoping that this is the starting point of getting into home power management. I know there are things like X10 out there, but they are massive underachievers as far as I am concerned. It would be just perfect for Apple to take a technology that is essentially a failure in its current state and popularize it for the masses.

    Personal computing was going nowhere fast until the Macintosh came along. And to show that it wasn't a fluke, Apple replicated that success with iPods and iPhones (and maybe in the future, Apple TV will be recognized as a game-changing product.)

    Good luck to Apple on this one!

    As I mentioned before, I agree Apple can now branch out into very sophisticated power and battery management applications and position themselves as a next gen company who can create systems for electronics, autos, homes.... and perhaps even bigger systems.
  • Reply 26 of 43
    Originally Posted by allblue View Post

    It's 'shedload' this side of the pond (perhaps butts are bigger over there !)

    The butts are getting huge over here! There's a bill in Congress to make Sir Mix-a-lot's "Baby's Got Back" our national anthem, you know, to boost our collective self-esteem in these trying times!"
  • Reply 27 of 43
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    As I mentioned before, I agree Apple can now branch out into very sophisticated power and battery management applications and position themselves as a next gen company who can create systems for electronics, autos, homes.... and perhaps even bigger systems.

    Who better to make the "Smart Grid" than the smartest company I know?
  • Reply 28 of 43
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The patent applications go on to propose a system for battery management where the Mac takes a central role. Desktops and portables would have battery charging slots built in and serve as the host for the entire system.

    Instead of putting slots in laptops just to charge a battery, how about making a battery slot which can also power the laptop? The obvious place would be the optical drive bay. Make it easy for users to slide out the DVD drive and slide in a second laptop battery, hard drive, or other accessory. This would also make it easy to add battery capacity to laptops with a fixed internal battery, such as the 17 inch MacBook Pro. The extra removable battery could fit in the space of the optical drive bay instead of some external battery pack dangling off the laptop. Since there are Mac users arguing that they don't need optical drives in laptops, I would expect them to fully support the idea of a modular drive bay in Mac laptops.
  • Reply 29 of 43
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by mknopp View Post

    This seems an odd patent for a company that has moved more and more of its products to non-removable batteries. Honestly, what good does this do for anyone owning an iPod, iPhone, or 17" Macbook Pro? None of them have removable batteries which would work with this system.

    Actually, now that I think about it. This is more likely a patent which was filed simply to make sure the idea never sees the light of day. Because, if this were to be built it would be a benefit to Apple's competition, which has removable batteries.

    So, I hope people were not too enamored with this idea. I doubt it will ever be built until the patent expires.

    That's some pretty generalized negativity.

    We don't know what Apple has in mind for future products. The problems this highlights may be the very reason why Apple has gone to built-in batteries in some cases.

    It's possible that this might be part of a plan to reverse that strategy.

    We don't know.
  • Reply 30 of 43
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Do you have a plethora of piñatas?

    That would result in a very messy floor!
  • Reply 31 of 43
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by NOFEER View Post

    i bet your phone has voice dialing....that's my major issue with the iphone though cut and paste would be nice, c/p doesn't help me avoid an auto accident

    Voice dialing doesn't help you avoid an accident either, as using a phone in the car, hands-free or not, has been shown to result in as many accidents as being drunk.
  • Reply 32 of 43
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    I may appear to be stupid, but: what can you do with only "cut and copy", if ya can't paste it somewhere. Why don't you just backspace or delete? Or was remark meant to be sarcasm? Sorry then that it flew over my lil' head(!)

    Sarcasm as done here is only understood by those with over a hundred posts, so get to it!
  • Reply 33 of 43
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    I'm not sure Apple has a leg to stand on here as power tools have been doing battery management for years. especially with the new tech batteries. There is nothing surprising about what has been suggested here. Even the warning systems mean little as state of charge monitoring has been done for years, the only difference here is that notification goes to other devices.

    What I do see here, along with some of the other rumored features in OS/X is that Apple is getting ready for new product introductions. Likely these will be tablets but I'm honestly think that maybe Apple is about to realize some of the other things it has patented lately. Here I'm thinking of the iMac with the slide in tablet computer. I'm actually to the point where I'm thinking the iMac isn't being delayed because of chip selection issues or other rumored issues but rather because of this transition to a different class of machine.

    Personally I'd like to have a MBP that provides for a slide in slot for the iPhone, actually an upgraded larger iPhone, that would provide for battery charging, automatic syncing and networking for the MBP. The idea with Syncing is to expand upon what is currently being synced to cover a wider arrangement of Apple apps. The problem right now with the iPhone is that syncing is just to limited. The slide in port for networking would obviously allow for access to some sort of 3G networking. The big advantage hear is the elimination of the Damn USB cord, which is very useful when a portable is actually being used as a portable.

  • Reply 34 of 43
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    I see this tech as being sorely needed, and another "green" initiative from Apple.

    Imagine if batteries were "required" sometime into the future by law, to be reusable, or at the very least, be rechargeable to their maximum cycles. This definitely would cut down on unnecessary refill and toxic waste. Never underestimate the people that are truly "linked in" or "in the loop".

    Remember, Prez-O loves Macs and more than likely Steve-O too!

    Just a thought but maybe Apple should quit trying to re-invent the iPhone (that still doesn't have stable software) and get another big hit and start by;

    1. Making their own deadlines

    2. Putting out quality hardware and software in Rev 1 and not Rev 3 products.

    3. Working with vendors that have better QC or beta test their software and hardware longer to avoid yet another embarrassing launch.

    QC has been long forgotten at Apple, not just since Jobs left, but for at least the last 3 years.
  • Reply 35 of 43
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Voice dialing doesn't help you avoid an accident either, as using a phone in the car, hands-free or not, has been shown to result in as many accidents as being drunk.

    He was trying to make a point that it would be "safer" and every other phone since 2001 has had the "basic" feature.

    Now please be the good Moderator and tell us that you don't use your phone in the car?
  • Reply 36 of 43
    ivladivlad Posts: 742member
    i love apple
  • Reply 37 of 43
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by MacOldTimer View Post

    He was trying to make a point that it would be "safer" and every other phone since 2001 has had the "basic" feature.

    Now please be the good Moderator and tell us that you don't use your phone in the car?

    I'm the good moderator, and I don't drive.
  • Reply 38 of 43
    Awww! And here I was hoping for a patent on wireless inductive charging!
  • Reply 39 of 43
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    ...the enormous practical use. we'd just be destined to live in the world of beeps coming from every little pouch

    reconditioning recharge calculation is interesting, though...

    put solar chargers on cases or on the phone itself instead. not to ensure real life function, just to charge some tiny backup permitting one single emergency phone call... could solar chargers being efficient enough remain transparent at the same time
  • Reply 40 of 43
    Originally Posted by talkshowonmute View Post

    you know im getting pretty annoyed of hearing about this copy and paste BULL SH*T I have a smartphone. not an iPhone. that DOESNT do copy and paste and its still a good smartphone and even though I use it to write professional emails for work and also to friends I use chat and do everything you expect to do with it and I never really complain or think dam if ONLY i had that cut and paste when im just as easily able to CUT (BACKSPACE) and paste (REWRITE) you lazy f**k.

    Apple even without the CUT And paste makes awesome products so stop being negative pansy and just appriciate all the crazy cool stuff you already have that we so easily take for granted

    You know what, I'm getting annoyed with comments like this. COPY AND PASTE is SO FREAKING BASIC, it should have been in the iPhone since the beginning. Perhaps, C&P doesn't fit in YOUR lifestyle in a phone (or smartphone). Fine, then don't use it. However, for MANY of us it is absolutely indispensable.

    I'll give you something related to C&P: editing documents. Many of the same people who complain (like you) about people like me (and other peeps asking for C&P) are the same people who are wondering: why aren't there enough apps for document editing like keynote/powerpoint, pages/word, etc.? Why? BECAUSE THERE'S NO C&P.

    How about something basic? How about e-mailing your friend and sending them contact info? Guess what, w/o C&P (or some sort of contact transfer system), you have to manually do this by hand. If you depend on giving away your contact info for business purposes, this can be a big pain in the butt that can be EASILY solves with either C&P or contact transfer system.

    These are just some BASIC things. The fact that there isn't C&P in the iPhone imho simply inexcusable.

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