Apple criticized for iPod shuffle's new 'authentication chip'



  • Reply 201 of 238
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    We are talking about this Hana right?


    My comment was just an observation of Apple throwing some sex into their product demo's. Wonder if she really works at an Apple store?

    Jeez dude, she's not that cute and she's not dressed provocatively at all. She's wearing some grey sweater thing.

    This is using sex in a product demo/ad:

    Rock Band Who?
  • Reply 202 of 238
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member

    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    The passthrough you are think of has already been announced, saw it on engadget the same day the shuffle came out.

    Apple will not remove media control on their other ipods or on the iphone, that doesn't even make any sense. What this will do though is get the headphone industry moving forward, there will be lots of headphones with remotes on them, and guess what? They will be usable on all ipods. So in the end if you are not getting a shuffle, you can have an ipod (with media controls on it) plus headphones of your choice with a built in remote. That sounds like a good thing to me (remote > no remote).

    PS - The update states that Apple has said that there is no DRM on the headphones, I love how this is 5 pages of flames because of someone's speculation of what a chip they found in the remote was for, maybe it was for translating all the complicated key presses?

    Thanks for posting that. I was going to guess the over-under for such a device being on the

    market at 2 weeks. I am guessing the over-under for how much Apple charges to license

    the technology at $1 per unit. I hope these pass through devices are cheap, so that the

    hysteria can be relieved.
  • Reply 203 of 238
    ttupperttupper Posts: 39member
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  • Reply 204 of 238
    aaarrrggghaaarrrgggh Posts: 1,609member
    Gave up on reading comments; be thankful Apple went this route rather than having an extra connector or a bulky dongle remote. With the multiplexer chip, you can choose to have bulkier remotes with dedicated buttons for every function if you want, or add functions later with the benefit of backward compatibility.

    While overly minimalistic, I look forward to posting on my next iPhone using mores code and having drivel read to me...
  • Reply 205 of 238
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    Thanks for posting that. I was going to guess the over-under for such a device being on the

    market at 2 weeks. I am guessing the over-under for how much Apple charges to license

    the technology at $1 per unit. I hope these pass through devices are cheap, so that the

    hysteria can be relieved.

    Just to clarify, the adaptor announced was not an Apple one. It is this:

    They also announced these:

    I'm sure others are on the way.
  • Reply 206 of 238
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by aaarrrgggh View Post

    While overly minimalistic, I look forward to posting on my next iPhone using mores code and having drivel read to me...

    If text-to-voice is part of the new SDK, it might only require firmware upgrade and new

    apps to get your drivel.
  • Reply 207 of 238
    ttupperttupper Posts: 39member
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  • Reply 208 of 238
    ttupperttupper Posts: 39member
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  • Reply 209 of 238
    ttupperttupper Posts: 39member
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  • Reply 210 of 238
    jpellinojpellino Posts: 706member
    Originally Posted by aaarrrgggh View Post

    Gave up on reading comments; be thankful Apple went this route rather than having an extra connector or a bulky dongle remote. With the multiplexer chip, you can choose to have bulkier remotes with dedicated buttons for every function if you want, or add functions later with the benefit of backward compatibility.

    While overly minimalistic, I look forward to posting on my next iPhone using mores code and having drivel read to me...

    Loved the original - for two reasons: (1) USB was integral, no additional cable needed and (2) the unit was "directional" - because you never had to look at a screen, controller placement is key - the controller was at one distinct end of the unit, you could work the controls blind.

    2G Shuffle was a step back in those departments - it was not nearly as easy to figure out which of the outer buttons you had if you weren't looking, I wondered why Apple didn't place a nubbin on one of them like the F and J keys on keyboards.

    This blows right past all those issues, we'll see how it works in the long run.
  • Reply 211 of 238
    jpellinojpellino Posts: 706member
    Because while the Mac community was debating this wrong conclusion by iLounge and EFF, an MS developer has been able to eek out a Windows version of Data Detectors, an Outlook add-in called "GWABBIT" complete with a cartoon rabbit mascot.

    BOB, Clippy... *sigh* some platforms never learn.
  • Reply 212 of 238
    ArcoshKobosh: "Your Apple fanboy bias really shines through with this article. I understand that you probably own a bunch of AAPL shares so you want to hype it up and do as much damage control as you can, but please - this is total bullshit by Apple and you look like a bunch of assholes for trying to defend this DRM bullshit practice."

    Gotta suck when you make outlandish statements like this only to find out you're completely wrong! How's that crow pie tasting, Arcosh?!
  • Reply 213 of 238
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by ttupper View Post

    Honestly I can't even understand myself why I am bothering to debate this with you. It is an utter and complete waste of my time.

    And yet you keep coming back.


    Once again, I do not fault Microsoft for charging for developer tools and knowledge. Do you get that? Unwind your shorts.

    Seems like the only one really worked up is you. You could have ended this several posts ago.


    That said, I just don't get your logic when you say things like "except that neither Apple nor MS does for stategic reasons" when speaking about whether or not they charge for developer tools, etc. Are you nuts? Are you smoking something? Do you honestly think that the fact that they offer ONE free tool means they don't charge for developer tools? Hey, Microsoft gave me a copy of Blend Designer for free too - maybe I should conclude that the entire suite is also free.

    You don't understand the objection and you don't understand why folks may not agree with you.

    Neither Apple nor MS charges for the base dev tools for the same reason that Apple is not locking up their headphones behind some bizzaro DRM. Because it is not in their interests to do so because it annoys folks they want to keep around. Namely new developers and recurring customers.

    Can they? Sure. But it is sub-optimal and generates unnecessary ill will. Defending the practice is silly. Fortunately Apple isn't that stupid.



    Good, I'm glad you got that out of your system. You've been pissed off ever since you got to this forum.

    Enjoy overspending on MSDN.
  • Reply 214 of 238
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Only a Koolaid guzzlin Fanboy would buy this piece of garage anyway so the point is moot. They would buy a new pair of headphones every other week if told to do so.

    But I need a piece of garage, and Apple makes the best. Funny you should quote the iLounge story, when it's TOTALLY BOGUS. Doesn't do much for your credibility, either.
  • Reply 215 of 238
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  • Reply 216 of 238
    Originally Posted by iReality85 View Post

    I think most of the uproad is coming from the fact that yet again, Apple has gone out of its way to make things overly difficult for the consumer. This situation is very much akin to the new unibody macbooks sporting mini-DVI ports.

    Yeah, damn you Apple. Put those floppy drives and ADC connector back into all the Mac.
  • Reply 217 of 238
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    This is fucking ridiculous. Fuck you, Apple. I've given this company tens of thousands of my dollars over the years, and this shit is what makes me regret it. I seriously can't believe there's people defending this. Get your heads out of your asses. There's NOTHING good about this, its simply a cynical money grab by Apple.

    First there has not been any indication at all that this is an Apple money grab. Every indication is that this hardware realizes a control solution for the Mac.

    Second if you funnel that much money towards Apple the cost of a bigger iPod, with controls, should be nothing to you. It is not like this is the only iPod in Apples line up. Further there is a real question as to the units ability to even work with an iPod with a mic input.


    Its also pathetic and humorous how some here are trying to put a positive spin on this by suggesting that controls on headphones is somehow a new thing, and that Apple is being a technological trailblazer with this.

    If you don't understand the technology nobody is going to bother explaining it to you considering your attitude. Calm down as this could very well be a significant move forward by Apple. Especially if they can get the whole industry to adopt the standard they are setting.


    At first I realized it may have been sarcasm/satire, then I realized it wasnt. You people arent doing Apple any favors by consistently defending and apologizing for their every move.

    I defend when they do good or innovate. I raise hell when they bring out something like the recent iMac upgrade. In either case I'm only one data point out of the millions Apple has to deal with.


    This is a bad, bad thing for consumers, and you should all hold Apple's feet to the fire, if you have the objectivity to do so.

    There is nothing but good here. It would move beyond good if Apple could set an industry standard here.

  • Reply 218 of 238
    bill_fbill_f Posts: 6member
    Amazing the amount of misinformation here. I am not impressed with with ilounge's tone but, in my experience, if they are proved wrong they will not correct or update their review. They also react badly to criticism of themselves.


    Good sound from supplied headphones (I am not an audiophile but it does sound better than with standard headphones on 2G shuffle).

    Voice over works suprisingly well although a few words are a bit strange!

    Playlists work well and make a large amount of music, podcasts, audiobooks a feasible proposition on shuffle for first time.

    Works the same way as old shuffles for battery indication etc both when plugged into computer and when switch on & off.

    Its very small so a pity they couldn't just put a usb plug on end making that end slightly wider and fatter.

    The "chip" nonsense: My apple in-ear buds that I bought for use with my iPhone several months ago, when they were first available, work in EXACTLY the same way with the shuffle as the shuffle-supplied earphones. For instance double-click and hold gives you fast-forward, click and hold tells you the track name and artist. Did no-one looked inside the apple ear-bud controller and new earphones with other ipods? Have manufacturers not taken them apart so that they can emulate them?
  • Reply 219 of 238
    maedocmaedoc Posts: 11member
    As Terrance McKenna said, the universe and everything in it are in a dynamic struggle between novelty and habit; this includes humans and corporations. Apple Inc. has chosen to side with novelty and chance-taking whereas other software and hardware manufacturers may tend towards conservation and repetition of established patterns.

    Those who are instinctively resistant to innovation will always cry foul and project evil intent on an originator. If some people honestly think that Apple was motivated to remove on-board controls of an ipod (while enhancing remote functionality) because it wanted to make some extra cash from licensing & smothering 3rd parties then I can now partly understand why it's so hard for change to happen in this world. It also tells me some have little understanding of the preeminent place that Industrial Design has within Apple's corporate philosophy.

    A year from now there will be tens, if not hundreds, of inexpensive 4 conductor / triple button remote dongles and headphones of all shapes and sizes from many different makers.
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