Dell unveils heavier, more expensive MacBook Air rival



  • Reply 21 of 82
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    That plastic case they put it in is really too much. It's almost like an over-the-top display case, but then they put that inside a box anyway. WTF? Do they expect people to carry it around in that?

    It's reminiscent of the cases for iPod nanos, but they are meant to evoke jewellery cases whereas this thing is no wrist watch or necklace. It's a gigantic four pound "jewel" with weighty accessories. You can see the strain in the models arms as she tries to make it seem effortless when she removes this brick from it's box.

    Also, some of the language used in the video is just ridiculous.

    "... with this ultra-thin portable aphrodisiac at your side, lack of attention won't be the problem.(?)"

    I know Apple gets ribbed for some of it's flowery prose, but at least they stick (loosely) to known facts and features. "Portable aphrodisiac?" Really? It's so good the ladies will whip off their panties when you pull out your computer? Or get you so horny you'll just want to have sex all the time, possibly with the computer itself?


    HAH! I missed that. Seriously, I've been suckered in by some interesting stuff, but I can say with all honesty I've never been seduced by someone's computer.

    Well, there was this one girl, she had a tricked out MacPro, but that is a story for an entirely different thread.
  • Reply 22 of 82
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by chadisawesome View Post

    show me the SSD option of the air that's cheaper than the adamo.

    while it is more expensive then the base model air, it has an ethernet port, esata port, more usb ports, and ssd.

    it also has the ability to add 3g via a user accesable sim car port.

    while I prefer the look of the air, and feel weight is the most important part of the puzzle, this questionably written article ignores important facts to keep it's apple bias.

    Why not look at this as Dells attempt to compete with the air, by adding options the air doesn't have, and wonder what apples response will be, instead of totally disregarding it because it's Dell. Will apple now make SSD standard, will they add a sim card slot, squeeze another usb port in there?

    Also quoting a review that states that it's overpriced in this economy, but then ignoring those points in the apple desktop upgrade a few weeks ago is also questionable. This site is becoming more and more like fox news, or cnn with it's bias.

    Last time I checked 1799 is less than 1999, who cares about the SSD, why didn't you mention that the Air is also faster?
  • Reply 23 of 82
    saareksaarek Posts: 1,561member
    let's be fair, it's not a bad design, and the specs aren't terrible, but it's no MacBook Air killer, also most people don't buy Macbook Airs they buy Macbooks, except for a niche Market it's a statement.

    I'll stick to my 13" unibody MacBook.
  • Reply 24 of 82
    It's an executive computer. So is the Macbook Air, really, but this will appeal to many more businesses.
  • Reply 25 of 82
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    Originally Posted by chadisawesome View Post

    show me the SSD option of the air that's cheaper than the adamo.

    while it is more expensive then the base model air, it has an ethernet port, esata port, more usb ports, and ssd.

    it also has the ability to add 3g via a user accesable sim car port.

    while I prefer the look of the air, and feel weight is the most important part of the puzzle, this questionably written article ignores important facts to keep it's apple bias.

    Why not look at this as Dells attempt to compete with the air, by adding options the air doesn't have, and wonder what apples response will be, instead of totally disregarding it because it's Dell. Will apple now make SSD standard, will they add a sim card slot, squeeze another usb port in there?

    Also quoting a review that states that it's overpriced in this economy, but then ignoring those points in the apple desktop upgrade a few weeks ago is also questionable. This site is becoming more and more like fox news, or cnn with it's bias.

    I agree with you. But one thing IMHO that is not being taken into consideration is what you get for the money. In this case, a Windows machine or OSX. The OS is important to many people and something important to consider than just the sum of its parts. There is a cost associated with that. I like the Dell design but am not a Windows fan (I am a Win2k3 sysAdmin). I won't get into the never ending debate between the two. It is just an important thing to consider as well.
  • Reply 26 of 82
    cubertcubert Posts: 728member
    This is how Dell can claim it is the thinnest notebook ever (from the article):

    "While Dell is pushing its 0.65-inch thinnest point, the title of "thinnest notebook" is likely to be subjective to each buyer, as the Adamo does not share the tapered design of the MacBook Air that Apple says ranges from 0.16- to 0.76-inch."

    Seems very disingenuous to me.
  • Reply 27 of 82
    Wow... what a total freckin' let-down this thing is. Scratch that, it is a gimmick. The 'thinnest notebook ever' title doesn't mean anything when it is an ugly block, and its ass is way too big. And I don't find the thing attractive at all.

    What gets the biggest laugh out of me is the marketing effort. They're targeting self-absorbed style and appearance mongers in a world where Apple is perhaps the only company that knows how to do that properly. The catch? That's now how to sell this computer. Apple designed the Air to be portable and lightweight. Dell missed the mark somewhat here, and they certainly missed the idea, but they didn't miss the price.
  • Reply 28 of 82
    cubertcubert Posts: 728member
    Also, this thing is very underpowered and costs more than a MacBook Air.

    From the article:

    "For $1,999 customers get an ultra-low voltage 1.2GHz Core 2 Duo with integrated Intel graphics, 2GB of RAM, and a 128GB SSD."

    From Apple's website (MacBook Air specs):

    1.6GHz or 1.86GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor with 6MB on-chip shared L2 cache running 1:1 with processor speed

    1066MHz frontside bus

    2GB of 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM onboard
  • Reply 29 of 82
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by OCDinOC View Post

    I think Dell should shut down and give the money back to the shareholders.

    HAHA nice.

    I think the computer looks pretty good (design-wise) and I like the standard SSD. That said, it's still a Windows laptop and it's overpriced.

    What I want to know is - where is all the OUTRAGE over integrated battery and external disc drive??? You mean Apple was ahead of the curve AGAIN?
  • Reply 30 of 82
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    It's a step forward for Dell, but they have a long way to go. It reminds me of the Lexus/Infiniti brands right when they came out in the late 80's.
  • Reply 31 of 82
    wheelhotwheelhot Posts: 465member

    What I want to know is - where is all the OUTRAGE over integrated battery and external disc drive??? You mean Apple was ahead of the curve AGAIN?

    Hmm....good point, when the MBA feature external disc drive, everyone flames Apple and Windows Trolls take advantage to flame Apple too, but so far I dont hear the same whining w/ Adamo.
  • Reply 32 of 82
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by Splinemodel View Post

    It's a step forward for Dell, but they have a long way to go. It reminds me of the Lexus/Infiniti brands right when they came out in the late 80's.

  • Reply 33 of 82
    Originally Posted by FuturePastNow View Post

    It's an executive computer. So is the Macbook Air, really, but this will appeal to many more businesses.

    I wonder what the business discount is on this thing. They may be banking on the idea that for many companies that have special Dell deals, the execs will be asikng the IT department for one. It is probably easier to get a hold of than an Air, and from an IT standpoint of having all your computers using the same OS, is easier too. (Unless of course, the company is all Apple.) And yes, I am aware of Bootcamp / Virtualization. IT will still have to trouble shoot OS X on the Air for the execs.

    Too much focus on thin, style, and appearance. Dell, Apple, HP, Microsoft... come on guys, stop the looks thing and work on your stability and substance! That's where the innovation is! (And I REALLY hope SL is all its cracked up to be.)
  • Reply 34 of 82
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Last time I checked 1799 is less than 1999, who cares about the SSD, why didn't you mention that the Air is also faster?

    who cares about SSD? apparently a lot of people, read any review of the macbook air and it's unanimous that the SSD makes for a speedier system... and who cares about this and that is irrelevant. when putting a comparison together you have to make the machines as comparable as possible before making that comparison, the only way to do that is to add SSD to the air.

    I'm not saying that it's a better value, I would pay the extra amount to have OSX, and I have paid extra in every machine I have just for OSX, but to say that it's more expensive is just flat out wrong.
  • Reply 35 of 82
    Originally Posted by Splinemodel;1391424...

    ...It reminds me of the Lexus/Infiniti brands right when they came out in the late 80's.

    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    ...I purchased a 10/100 USB-Ethernet for my MBA and have used it only a handful of times. Wireless works perfectly for me as I'm sure it will be for others that buy this particular machine. I don't miss it at all. It's one less thing to break and I do not like having cables connected to my laptop...

    i'll second that gladly. however, i still wish they could squeeze in another USB at least. it's a PIB to work with an external HD and the superdrive (which does not take hubs gladly)...
  • Reply 36 of 82
    bugsnwbugsnw Posts: 717member
    At first I thought I wandered onto a PC discussion thread where Windows users criticize any and all Mac products.

    Let's give credit where it's due. This thing isn't going to drive Mac users to Dell, but it is a huge step in the right direction.

    It has a lot going for it. Aluminum and black and thin. The price competition will be helpful to keep Apple on the true and level. Competition for design is always a great thing. We should applaud any and all efforts to beautify the world.

    And we should stop sounding like PC users who crap on everything Apple.
  • Reply 37 of 82
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    Originally Posted by sausage&Onion View Post

    Regardless of how it looks, it is now the thinnest notebook alive, or some such nonesense. .65" thick.

    Thinnest by maximum thickness... not by average thickness. Average thickness (which Apple doesn't tout) makes the Air really thin--it matters in your hand and in your bag too. If my Air didn't taper it would have the same size "on paper" (maximum thickness) but would be far bulkier. Especially since the Air doesn't just taper to the front, but to the sides and back too. Remove any one of those tapers and you add bulk.
  • Reply 38 of 82
    aimbddaimbdd Posts: 49member
    ok wow... this is definitely a wtf dell...

    so.... its alot slower.... only has horrible integrated graphics.... design looks dated... charging even more then apple does for the mba...

    what happened to your cheap laptops? you should stick with them... and leave this part of the market to apple and do what you do best.
  • Reply 39 of 82
    Originally Posted by chadisawesome View Post

    ....when putting a comparison together you have to make the machines as comparable as possible before making that comparison....

    Follow thine own advice.

    1) There's a big difference -- your claim to a 'speedier' computer with SSD notwithstanding -- between 1.2GHz and 1.6/1.8 GHz.

    2) A more apt comparison is between MBA w/SSD and their 'DESIRE' model, which costs $2700.
  • Reply 40 of 82
    On another note - the Dell video (shown on the AppleInsider main article) totally rips off the Apple videos that described the new MacBooks months ago. Even down to the European accented designer sitting in front of a clean white screen while explaining the intricate designs of the latest laptop. It?s like they did a remake of the same movie.

    And since Apple moved forward with the cleaner gesture enabled trackpads on the MacBooks, it makes the Adamo?s trackpad looks archaic right out of the gate.
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