Then why bother with Skype in the first place? Why not just tell people to call your mobile? After all forwarding calls to your mobile will cost you. It is just another work around for an Apple product that you do not need on other products because the other products work right in the first place.
I am not talking BS here, Skype is supposed to be a live messaging service, there is no point having it on a device that does not support its main advantages. The can only be a useful app on iPhone if the new iPhones will support background apps. Otherwise, seriously, it has little value to anybody. You might as well stick to SMS and Mobile calls.
On the BB I can see it might be much more usable.
I see your points. I use Skype mainly for International calling, and my Skype In number I only use it because it is convenient to have the calls land on my computer. Then when I need to go, they automatically get forwarded to my cell. Rarely do IM or chatting.
And even then I could use Skype to go (<- Really good Skype feature) in a pinch.
But I do see how 'the powers that be' desire more battery life by foregoing background apps.
Somehow, after using both BB and iPhone, giving up background apps is not that inconvenient for my particular uses. The iphone just works so seemlessly when I need it to.
I know YouTube isn't and requires an additional data bundle on top of the blackberry plan.
The same goes for the Bold when it doesn't have a WiFi connection.
The company I work for has plans where a Blackberry bold's use VOIP over wireless in the office and the cellular network when outside the LAN and requires specialized hardware from Cisco.
Sure does. Took only a year to do something that is pretty basic. Is complaining about only being allowed to use wifi to make VoIP calls still allowed though?
Awe, Sapporobaby.
Where have you been? Not that anybody would care or miss you.
rogers is tryiing thier best to stop skype here in canada
I guess you won't be seeing the N97 on Rogers then given Nokia's big song and dance about it's partnership with Skype and the N97 being so tightly integrated with it.
Where have you been? Not that anybody would care or miss you.
Got banned, eh?
Still working for the State Department and Nokia?
Considering that you are that only person to make mention of the fact that I am posting here again, I would say that you missed me. I guess you missed me owning you in post after post after post. I am happy to see that you are still taking up residence in Steve Jobs pants, mouth open and receptive. Typical of you. Unlike you, I could not care less if I was missed or not. I do not need the acceptance of others in this forum or any other to validate my existence. Since my self imposed departure you have come a long way, you actually got one thing correct, I do still work for the State Department, and do you think I give a rats kester if I got banned from the cheerleading squad? You need this more than I do. So far in your 3 lined post, you are 1 for 3. Those are about your odds.... Some things never change. Notice I said things, not quite sure if you qualify as a person.
There is two views for contacts, one that gives a list that yes while I agree with you it is not the same as the Mac version it does have an 'online' tab for showing you your online contacts who are currently online.
I am not into the headset idea though, not really what I want. There is a little microphone attachment for the iPod touch 2G that looks okay, I will wait and see if you can use skype with that and have the other callers voice come out of the speaker.
SwitchEasy makes a tiny microphone, the ThumbTack, that's cheap, cute and gets a good rating from iLounge. I ordered it and an Etymotic hf2 headset. The headset I can use with my Macbook Pro, too.
It is certainly a move in the right direction but the huge problem is still there that Apple will still not let you run Skype in the background. So unless you leave your iPod/Phone sitting with Skype running on top then nobody is going to be calling you on it.
True, there. I can see using it selectively, when I really need it. Although, the way my iPod touch rips through the battery with WiFi on, I'd want to carry a USB charger in my MacToolKit.
Originally Posted by Murphster
Come on Apple, why is it that 3rd parties are the ones making your baby look good? Hurry up with the background apps will you or otherwise this is nothing more but a great feature crippled by Apple.
Apple has ALWAYS relied on the third-party to expand and truly realize some of the potential that Apple leaves out. Think of how many now "standard" Mac OS features started their lives as third-party INITs, Extensions and utilities.
The third-party is in a real sense Apple's stealth R&D department... as Apple is Redmond's not-so-secret R&D. ;-) Apple watches as 3-P developers churn out interesting UI tweaks and utilities, sees which are successful, which fail and which become indispensable. Then they judiciously choose which to fold into the OS.
I'd guess that Apple's handling of third parties with the iPhone/iPod touch platform will have follow those familiar lines.
SwitchEasy makes a tiny microphone, the ThumbTack, that's cheap, cute and gets a good rating from iLounge. I ordered it and an Etymotic hf2 headset. The headset I can use with my Macbook Pro, too.
True, there. I can see using it selectively, when I really need it. Although, the way my iPod touch rips through the battery with WiFi on, I'd want to carry a USB charger in my MacToolKit.
Apple has ALWAYS relied on the third-party to expand and truly realize some of the potential that Apple leaves out. Think of how many now "standard" Mac OS features started their lives as third-party INITs, Extensions and utilities.
The third-party is in a real sense Apple's stealth R&D department... as Apple is Redmond's not-so-secret R&D. ;-) Apple watches as 3-P developers churn out interesting UI tweaks and utilities, sees which are successful, which fail and which become indispensable. Then they judiciously choose which to fold into the OS.
I'd guess that Apple's handling of third parties with the iPhone/iPod touch platform will have follow those familiar lines.
You would have to go through all 30,000 to know this for sure. Also what may be useful for one may not be useful for another.
If Apple implemented a comprehensive search engine in the App Store it would be easier to find what you're looking for more easily and not have to plow through dross.
Why Apple doesn't have a separate Religion/Spirituality department is beyond me. I really don't want to flip through a zillion BibleThumper Pro apps to find a thesaurus. You can bet Apple doesn't want to further offend the already and easily offended Xtian Kabal, by placing their precious mythology next to Wicca, Islamic or Buddhist "Reference" apps.
I'd love to see an App Store only search field on the FIRST page. I've tried using the iTunes Store search field and end up with song lists. That's NOT why I'm there, Apple!
AND give "Power Search" (in your dreams, Apple) a VersionTracker or MacUpdate level advanced search capabilities.
A2DP allows you to use a BT Stereo headset instead of a wired connection to listen to music. I am using a pair of Shure SE 530's with my Nokia E71. The sound quality is exceptional and the phone can stay in my pocket. You can look up BT Stereo Headset from: SonyEricsson, Nokia, Jabra, and a few others.
This just never seemed like a must have to me. In any event, they announced it for OS 3.0, so I guess you will be a happier camper.
I can understand your reasoning but after you (plural) use it a time or two, you will realize that it is pretty handy. The ability to change tunes, answer the phone, start or stop the music while your phone is cordless is pretty handy. At least to me. Time will tell how Apple implements A2DP. SE has a weird implementation where their headsets connect via BT to non-SE devices and very little more.
Then why bother with Skype in the first place? Why not just tell people to call your mobile? After all forwarding calls to your mobile will cost you. It is just another work around for an Apple product that you do not need on other products because the other products work right in the first place.
I am not talking BS here, Skype is supposed to be a live messaging service, there is no point having it on a device that does not support its main advantages. The can only be a useful app on iPhone if the new iPhones will support background apps. Otherwise, seriously, it has little value to anybody. You might as well stick to SMS and Mobile calls.
On the BB I can see it might be much more usable.
I see your points. I use Skype mainly for International calling, and my Skype In number I only use it because it is convenient to have the calls land on my computer. Then when I need to go, they automatically get forwarded to my cell. Rarely do IM or chatting.
And even then I could use Skype to go (<- Really good Skype feature) in a pinch.
But I do see how 'the powers that be' desire more battery life by foregoing background apps.
Somehow, after using both BB and iPhone, giving up background apps is not that inconvenient for my particular uses. The iphone just works so seemlessly when I need it to.
I know YouTube isn't and requires an additional data bundle on top of the blackberry plan.
The same goes for the Bold when it doesn't have a WiFi connection.
The company I work for has plans where a Blackberry bold's use VOIP over wireless in the office and the cellular network when outside the LAN and requires specialized hardware from Cisco.
Sure does. Took only a year to do something that is pretty basic. Is complaining about only being allowed to use wifi to make VoIP calls still allowed though?
Awe, Sapporobaby.
Where have you been? Not that anybody would care or miss you.
Got banned, eh?
Still working for the State Department and Nokia?
rogers is tryiing thier best to stop skype here in canada
I guess you won't be seeing the N97 on Rogers then given Nokia's big song and dance about it's partnership with Skype and the N97 being so tightly integrated with it.
Awe, Sapporobaby.
Where have you been? Not that anybody would care or miss you.
Got banned, eh?
Still working for the State Department and Nokia?
Considering that you are that only person to make mention of the fact that I am posting here again, I would say that you missed me. I guess you missed me owning you in post after post after post. I am happy to see that you are still taking up residence in Steve Jobs pants, mouth open and receptive. Typical of you. Unlike you, I could not care less if I was missed or not. I do not need the acceptance of others in this forum or any other to validate my existence. Since my self imposed departure you have come a long way, you actually got one thing correct, I do still work for the State Department, and do you think I give a rats kester if I got banned from the cheerleading squad? You need this more than I do. So far in your 3 lined post, you are 1 for 3. Those are about your odds.... Some things never change. Notice I said things, not quite sure if you qualify as a person.
There is two views for contacts, one that gives a list that yes while I agree with you it is not the same as the Mac version it does have an 'online' tab for showing you your online contacts who are currently online.
I am not into the headset idea though, not really what I want. There is a little microphone attachment for the iPod touch 2G that looks okay, I will wait and see if you can use skype with that and have the other callers voice come out of the speaker.
SwitchEasy makes a tiny microphone, the ThumbTack, that's cheap, cute and gets a good rating from iLounge. I ordered it and an Etymotic hf2 headset. The headset I can use with my Macbook Pro, too.
It is certainly a move in the right direction but the huge problem is still there that Apple will still not let you run Skype in the background. So unless you leave your iPod/Phone sitting with Skype running on top then nobody is going to be calling you on it.
True, there. I can see using it selectively, when I really need it. Although, the way my iPod touch rips through the battery with WiFi on, I'd want to carry a USB charger in my MacToolKit.
Come on Apple, why is it that 3rd parties are the ones making your baby look good? Hurry up with the background apps will you or otherwise this is nothing more but a great feature crippled by Apple.
Apple has ALWAYS relied on the third-party to expand and truly realize some of the potential that Apple leaves out. Think of how many now "standard" Mac OS features started their lives as third-party INITs, Extensions and utilities.
The third-party is in a real sense Apple's stealth R&D department... as Apple is Redmond's not-so-secret R&D. ;-) Apple watches as 3-P developers churn out interesting UI tweaks and utilities, sees which are successful, which fail and which become indispensable. Then they judiciously choose which to fold into the OS.
I'd guess that Apple's handling of third parties with the iPhone/iPod touch platform will have follow those familiar lines.
SwitchEasy makes a tiny microphone, the ThumbTack, that's cheap, cute and gets a good rating from iLounge. I ordered it and an Etymotic hf2 headset. The headset I can use with my Macbook Pro, too.
True, there. I can see using it selectively, when I really need it. Although, the way my iPod touch rips through the battery with WiFi on, I'd want to carry a USB charger in my MacToolKit.
Apple has ALWAYS relied on the third-party to expand and truly realize some of the potential that Apple leaves out. Think of how many now "standard" Mac OS features started their lives as third-party INITs, Extensions and utilities.
The third-party is in a real sense Apple's stealth R&D department... as Apple is Redmond's not-so-secret R&D. ;-) Apple watches as 3-P developers churn out interesting UI tweaks and utilities, sees which are successful, which fail and which become indispensable. Then they judiciously choose which to fold into the OS.
I'd guess that Apple's handling of third parties with the iPhone/iPod touch platform will have follow those familiar lines.
A2DP and I am a happy camper.
You would have to go through all 30,000 to know this for sure. Also what may be useful for one may not be useful for another.
If Apple implemented a comprehensive search engine in the App Store it would be easier to find what you're looking for more easily and not have to plow through dross.
Why Apple doesn't have a separate Religion/Spirituality department is beyond me. I really don't want to flip through a zillion BibleThumper Pro apps to find a thesaurus. You can bet Apple doesn't want to further offend the already and easily offended Xtian Kabal, by placing their precious mythology next to Wicca, Islamic or Buddhist "Reference" apps.
I'd love to see an App Store only search field on the FIRST page. I've tried using the iTunes Store search field and end up with song lists. That's NOT why I'm there, Apple!
AND give "Power Search" (in your dreams, Apple) a VersionTracker or MacUpdate level advanced search capabilities.
A2DP and I am a happy camper.
Please translate...
Please translate...
Sorry dude.
A2DP allows you to use a BT Stereo headset instead of a wired connection to listen to music. I am using a pair of Shure SE 530's with my Nokia E71. The sound quality is exceptional and the phone can stay in my pocket. You can look up BT Stereo Headset from: SonyEricsson, Nokia, Jabra, and a few others.
A2DP and I am a happy camper.
This just never seemed like a must have to me. In any event, they announced it for OS 3.0, so I guess you will be a happier camper.
This just never seemed like a must have to me. In any event, they announced it for OS 3.0, so I guess you will be a happier camper.
I can understand your reasoning but after you (plural) use it a time or two, you will realize that it is pretty handy. The ability to change tunes, answer the phone, start or stop the music while your phone is cordless is pretty handy. At least to me. Time will tell how Apple implements A2DP. SE has a weird implementation where their headsets connect via BT to non-SE devices and very little more.
I just asked a question.
The "bitching" comment did not refer to you, TB.