Apple: We Have A Robust Product Release For The Year



  • Reply 41 of 42
    [quote]Originally posted by Master:

    <strong>To me Apple should keep improving there processors. If they want to keep up with intel they better start moving. As a owner of a computer company. Intel is coming out with a 3.5Ghz processor shortly. Apple needs to introduce their g-5 with 400MHZ bus and the works to out show Intel computers. We want to put those bad computers were they belong. In our dust. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

    You sound as if Apple can just wave a magic wand, and suddenly PowerMacs are clocking in at 2 GHz with 400 MHz FSB and 4 megs of L3 cache.

    Sorry, it doesn't quite work that way. While Apple may "make the whole thing", they still rely on components from third parties just like every other box maker. Bitching at Apple about the speed of the processors in their box is like bitching at Dell for making boxes with such a crappy OS. In both cases, the problem isn't their's, and there is no easy way out of it.
  • Reply 42 of 42
    [quote]Missed opertunity in selling lower cost Towers with slower processors to the consumer. I think categorized the tower to rigidly as a pro only model, and this is keeping potential converts from Windose from switching to Macs. Apple needs a "corssover" product for the consumer that does not have a monitor, and $1699 is too much for this purpose. <hr></blockquote>


    The cube was IT! Apple had it and the fu[ked up in the most horrible way, by overpricing the perfect low-end stand-alone computer.

    But, as far as the current towers, they're going to get an update before the end of April, I'm sure of it. Probably G5s, lot's of people are saying the Apollo but I'm convinced that the Apollo is destined for laptops and iMacs. Time will tell.

    Apple's willingness to hold out until March suggests to me that they have something more than a speed-bump. If all the update consists of is a lame speed bump to 800, 933, and 1 GHz, then why wait? Surely Motorola could deliver G4s up to 1 GHz now, since when the 7450 was introduced people were overclocking 867 G4s up to 1 GHz with success. Moto has had over 6 months to scale the 7450 to 1 GHz.

    Thus the long wait appears to be due to a new CPU. I believe it will be a G5.

    With G5 powermacs, Apple has another opportunity to fill in the entry-level void in their product lineup. Use the 7450 G4s for the entry level a smaller tower case and mobo, without things like gigabit ethernet. Leave room for one extra HD instead of 5, offer fewer PCI slots, and it will be perfect for those who want to buy a monitor separately, and want expandability but only need 1-2 PCI slots, one extra HD bay, etc.
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