Apple delaying web standard with patent royalty claim



  • Reply 121 of 123
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    So show me where they grant royalty free use of their patents.

    The explain it quite clearly here:

    "As a highly innovative company, Opera Software comes up with many ideas and concepts that are patentable. In some situations, we will apply for software patents as a way to protect ourselves from attacks by other aggressive patent holders."


    Being a licensee seems straightforward. All Opera has to do is to agree not to assert their own patents against Linux or Linux-related applications (like Firefox).

    Why would they need to do all sorts of silly shit when they stance is crystal clear already?


    The point is that defensive patent portfolio is still worthless IF the entity suing you isn't infringing on any of them.

    Yes, and your point is? IF they are infringing on your patents, you can defend yourself. Since Opera only does browsers, the most likely companies to sue them are other companies that make browsers, and Opera holds patents related to browsers for that very reason.


    Show that the Opera patents hold defensive value or if they are in fact revenue centers and used in cross-license agreements.


    Repeating a bald assertion doesn't make it any more compelling an argument. Thus far you haven't shown any concrete reason why all software patents are bad.

    I have. Read the thread.
  • Reply 122 of 123
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by slosh001 View Post

    The explain it quite clearly here:

    "As a highly innovative company, Opera Software comes up with many ideas and concepts that are patentable. In some situations, we will apply for software patents as a way to protect ourselves from attacks by other aggressive patent holders."

    Empty words. And not proof at all. No listing of what patents they hold or what they do with them. It's BS.


    Why would they need to do all sorts of silly shit when they stance is crystal clear already?

    Because talk is cheap and they wont even bother to promise not to sue Mozilla over Firefox. Therefore they SAY they are against software patents but reserve the right to own some themselves and the right to sue Mozilla for patent infringement if they feel like it.

    I'm sure we can find MS claiming some virtue on their site as well.
  • Reply 123 of 123
    slosh001slosh001 Posts: 28member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Empty words. And not proof at all. No listing of what patents they hold or what they do with them. It's BS.

    You are talking BS. The page clearly explains what they are doing with their patents.

    Nothing they say would be good enough for you anyway.


    Because talk is cheap and they wont even bother to promise not to sue Mozilla over Firefox. Therefore they SAY they are against software patents but reserve the right to own some themselves and the right to sue Mozilla for patent infringement if they feel like it.

    Actually, they have clearly promised only to use their patents for defensive purposes.


    I'm sure we can find MS claiming some virtue on their site as well.

    Opera isn't just "claiming some virtue", it's doing what it has consistently been doing for years.
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